36,544 research outputs found

    A Genetic Algorithm Tool (splicer) for Complex Scheduling Problems and the Space Station Freedom Resupply Problem

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    The Space Station Freedom will require the supply of items in a regular fashion. A schedule for the delivery of these items is not easy to design due to the large span of time involved and the possibility of cancellations and changes in shuttle flights. This paper presents the basic concepts of a genetic algorithm model, and also presents the results of an effort to apply genetic algorithms to the design of propellant resupply schedules. As part of this effort, a simple simulator and an encoding by which a genetic algorithm can find near optimal schedules have been developed. Additionally, this paper proposes ways in which robust schedules, i.e., schedules that can tolerate small changes, can be found using genetic algorithms

    STR: a student developed star tracker for the ESA-LED ESMO moon mission

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    In the frame of their engineering degree, ISAE’s students are developing a Star Tracker, with the aim of being the core attitude estimation equipment of the European Moon Student Orbiter. This development goes on since several years and is currently in phase B. We intend to start building an integrated breadboard for the end of the academic year. The STR is composed of several sub-systems: the optical and detection sub-system, the electronics, the mechanics and the software. The optical detection part is based on an in-house developed new generation of APS detectors. The optical train is made of several lenses enclosed in a titanium tube. The electronics includes a FPGA for the pre-processing of the image and a microcontroller in order to manage the high level functions of the instrument. The mechanical part includes the electronics box, as well as the sensor baffle. The design is optimized to minimize the thermo-elastic noise of the assembly. Embedded on ESMO platform, this Star Tracker will be able to compute the satellite‘s attitude, taking into account the specific requirements linked to a Moon mission (illumination, radiation requirements and baffle adaptation to lunar orbit). In order to validate the design, software end-to-end simulation will include a complete simulation of the STR in its lunar dynamic environment. Therefore, we are developing a simple orbital model for the mission (including potential dazzling by celestial bodies)

    Lunar landing flight research vehicle Patent

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    Lunar landing flight research vehicl

    Apollo experience report: Simulation of manned space flight for crew training

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    Through space-flight experience and the development of simulators to meet the associated training requirements, several factors have been established as fundamental for providing adequate flight simulators for crew training. The development of flight simulators from Project Mercury through the Apollo 15 mission is described. The functional uses, characteristics, and development problems of the various simulators are discussed for the benefit of future programs

    Geodynamo and mantle convection simulations on the Earth Simulator using the Yin-Yang grid

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    We have developed finite difference codes based on the Yin-Yang grid for the geodynamo simulation and the mantle convection simulation. The Yin-Yang grid is a kind of spherical overset grid that is composed of two identical component grids. The intrinsic simplicity of the mesh configuration of the Yin-Yang grid enables us to develop highly optimized simulation codes on massively parallel supercomputers. The Yin-Yang geodynamo code has achieved 15.2 Tflops with 4096 processors on the Earth Simulator. This represents 46% of the theoretical peak performance. The Yin-Yang mantle code has enabled us to carry out mantle convection simulations in realistic regimes with a Rayleigh number of 10710^7 including strongly temperature-dependent viscosity with spatial contrast up to 10610^6.Comment: Plenary talk at SciDAC 200

    A summary of rotorcraft handling qualities research at NASA Ames Research Center

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    The objectives of the rotorcraft handling qualities research program at Ames Research Center are twofold: (1) to develop basic handling qualities design criteria to permit cost effective design decisions to be made for helicopters, and (2) to obtain basic handling qualities data for certification of new rotorcraft configurations. The research on the helicopter handling qualities criteria has focused primarily on military nap-of-the-earth (NOE) terrain flying missions, which are flown in day visual meteorological conditions (VMC) and instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), or at night. The Army has recently placed a great deal of emphasis on terrain flying tactics in order to survive and effectively complete the missions in modern and future combat environments. Unfortunately, the existing Military Specification MIL-H 8501A which is a 1961 update of a 1951 document, does not address the handling qualities requirements for terrain flying. The research effort is therefore aimed at filling the void and is being conducted jointly with the Army Aeromechanics Laboratory at Ames. The research on rotorcraft airworthiness standards with respect to flying qualities requirements was conducted to collaboration with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

    Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment Data Simulator

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    The Colorado Ultraviolet Transit Experiment (CUTE) is a 6U NASA CubeSat carrying on-board a low-resolution (R~2000--3000), near-ultraviolet (2500--3300 {\AA}) spectrograph. It has a rectangular primary Cassegrain telescope to maximize the collecting area. CUTE, which is planned for launch in Spring 2020, is designed to monitor transiting extra-solar planets orbiting bright, nearby stars aiming at improving our understanding of planet atmospheric escape and star-planet interaction processes. We present here the CUTE data simulator, which we complemented with a basic data reduction pipeline. This pipeline will be then updated once the final CUTE data reduction pipeline is developed. We show here the application of the simulator to the HD209458 system and a first estimate of the precision on the measurement of the transit depth as a function of temperature and magnitude of the host star. We also present estimates of the effect of spacecraft jitter on the final spectral resolution. The simulator has been developed considering also scalability and adaptability to other missions carrying on-board a long-slit spectrograph. The data simulator will be used to inform the CUTE target selection, choose the spacecraft and instrument settings for each observation, and construct synthetic CUTE wavelength-dependent transit light curves on which to develop the CUTE data reduction pipeline.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and System