32,221 research outputs found

    A practical Bayesian framework for backpropagation networks

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    A quantitative and practical Bayesian framework is described for learning of mappings in feedforward networks. The framework makes possible (1) objective comparisons between solutions using alternative network architectures, (2) objective stopping rules for network pruning or growing procedures, (3) objective choice of magnitude and type of weight decay terms or additive regularizers (for penalizing large weights, etc.), (4) a measure of the effective number of well-determined parameters in a model, (5) quantified estimates of the error bars on network parameters and on network output, and (6) objective comparisons with alternative learning and interpolation models such as splines and radial basis functions. The Bayesian "evidence" automatically embodies "Occam's razor," penalizing overflexible and overcomplex models. The Bayesian approach helps detect poor underlying assumptions in learning models. For learning models well matched to a problem, a good correlation between generalization ability and the Bayesian evidence is obtained

    Contrastive Hebbian Learning with Random Feedback Weights

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    Neural networks are commonly trained to make predictions through learning algorithms. Contrastive Hebbian learning, which is a powerful rule inspired by gradient backpropagation, is based on Hebb's rule and the contrastive divergence algorithm. It operates in two phases, the forward (or free) phase, where the data are fed to the network, and a backward (or clamped) phase, where the target signals are clamped to the output layer of the network and the feedback signals are transformed through the transpose synaptic weight matrices. This implies symmetries at the synaptic level, for which there is no evidence in the brain. In this work, we propose a new variant of the algorithm, called random contrastive Hebbian learning, which does not rely on any synaptic weights symmetries. Instead, it uses random matrices to transform the feedback signals during the clamped phase, and the neural dynamics are described by first order non-linear differential equations. The algorithm is experimentally verified by solving a Boolean logic task, classification tasks (handwritten digits and letters), and an autoencoding task. This article also shows how the parameters affect learning, especially the random matrices. We use the pseudospectra analysis to investigate further how random matrices impact the learning process. Finally, we discuss the biological plausibility of the proposed algorithm, and how it can give rise to better computational models for learning

    NVIDIA Tensor Core Programmability, Performance & Precision

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    The NVIDIA Volta GPU microarchitecture introduces a specialized unit, called "Tensor Core" that performs one matrix-multiply-and-accumulate on 4x4 matrices per clock cycle. The NVIDIA Tesla V100 accelerator, featuring the Volta microarchitecture, provides 640 Tensor Cores with a theoretical peak performance of 125 Tflops/s in mixed precision. In this paper, we investigate current approaches to program NVIDIA Tensor Cores, their performances and the precision loss due to computation in mixed precision. Currently, NVIDIA provides three different ways of programming matrix-multiply-and-accumulate on Tensor Cores: the CUDA Warp Matrix Multiply Accumulate (WMMA) API, CUTLASS, a templated library based on WMMA, and cuBLAS GEMM. After experimenting with different approaches, we found that NVIDIA Tensor Cores can deliver up to 83 Tflops/s in mixed precision on a Tesla V100 GPU, seven and three times the performance in single and half precision respectively. A WMMA implementation of batched GEMM reaches a performance of 4 Tflops/s. While precision loss due to matrix multiplication with half precision input might be critical in many HPC applications, it can be considerably reduced at the cost of increased computation. Our results indicate that HPC applications using matrix multiplications can strongly benefit from using of NVIDIA Tensor Cores.Comment: This paper has been accepted by the Eighth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) 201

    The Cognitive Virtues of Dynamic Networks

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    For the most part, studies in the network science literature tend to focus on networks whose functional connectivity is largely invariant with respect to some episode of collective information processing. In the real world, however, networks with highly dynamic functional topologies tend to be the norm. In order to improve our understanding of the effect of dynamic networks on collective cognitive processing, we explored the problem-solving abilities of synthetic agents in dynamic networks, where the links between agents were progressively added throughout the problem-solving process. The results support the conclusion that (at least in some task contexts) dynamic networks contribute to a better profile of problem-solving performance compared to static networks (whose topologies are fixed throughout the course of information processing). Furthermore, the results suggest that constructive networks (like those used in the present study) strike a productive balance between autonomy and social influence. When agents are allowed to operate independently at the beginning of a problem-solving process, and then later allowed to communicate, the result is often a better profile of collective performance than if extensive communication had been permitted from the very outset of the problem-solving process. These results are relevant, we suggest, to a range of phenomena, such as groupthink, the common knowledge effect and production blocking, all of which have been observed in group problem-solving contexts

    Learning viewpoint invariant perceptual representations from cluttered images

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    In order to perform object recognition, it is necessary to form perceptual representations that are sufficiently specific to distinguish between objects, but that are also sufficiently flexible to generalize across changes in location, rotation, and scale. A standard method for learning perceptual representations that are invariant to viewpoint is to form temporal associations across image sequences showing object transformations. However, this method requires that individual stimuli be presented in isolation and is therefore unlikely to succeed in real-world applications where multiple objects can co-occur in the visual input. This paper proposes a simple modification to the learning method that can overcome this limitation and results in more robust learning of invariant representations
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