15 research outputs found

    Industrial Feasibility of Private Information Retrieval

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    A popular security problem in database management is how to guarantee to a querying party that the database owner will not learn anything about the data that is retrieved --- a problem known as Private Information Retrieval (PIR). While a variety of PIR schemes are known, they are rarely considered for practical use cases yet. We investigate the feasibility of PIR in the telecommunications world to open up data of carriers to external parties. To this end, we first provide a comparative survey of the current PIR state of the art (including ORAM schemes as a generalized concept) as well as implementation and analysis of two PIR schemes for the considered use case. While an overall conclusion is that PIR techniques are not too far away from practical use in specific cases, we see ORAM as a more suitable candidate for further R\&D investment

    Accelerating SWHE based PIRs using GPUs

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    In this work we focus on tailoring and optimizing the computational Private Information Retrieval (cPIR) scheme proposed in WAHC 2014 for efficient execution on graphics processing units (GPUs). Exploiting the mass parallelism in GPUs is a commonly used approach in speeding up cPIRs. Our goal is to eliminate the efficiency bottleneck of the Doröz et al construction which would allow us to take advantage of its excellent bandwidth performance. To this end, we develop custom code to support polynomial ring operations and extend them to realize the evaluation functions in an optimized manner on high end GPUs. Specifically, we develop optimized CUDA code to support large degree/large coefficient polynomial arithmetic operations such as modular multiplication/reduction, and modulus switching. Moreover, we choose same prime numbers for both the CRT domain representation of the polynomials and for the modulus switching implementation of the somewhat homomorphic encryption scheme. This allows us to combine two arithmetic domains, which reduces the number of domain conversions and permits us to perform faster arithmetic. Our implementation achieves 14-34 times speedup for index comparison and 4-18 times speedup for data aggregation compared to a pure CPU software implementation. tion compared to a pure CPU software implementation

    SHIELD: Scalable Homomorphic Implementation of Encrypted Data-Classifiers

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    Homomorphic encryption (HE) systems enable computations on encrypted data, without decrypting and without knowledge of the secret key. In this work, we describe an optimized Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) based implementation of a variant of the HE system recently proposed by Gentry, Sahai and Waters (GSW). Although this system was widely believed to be less efficient than its contemporaries, we demonstrate quite the opposite behavior for a large class of applications. We first highlight and carefully exploit the algebraic features of the system to achieve significant speedup over the state-of-the-art HE implementation, namely the IBM homomorphic encryption library (HElib). We introduce several optimizations on top of our HE implementation, and use the resulting scheme to construct a homomorphic Bayesian spam filter, secure multiple keyword search, and a homomorphic evaluator for binary decision trees. Our results show a factor of 10× improvement in performance (under the same security settings and CPU platforms) compared to IBM HElib for these applications. Our system is built to be easily portable to GPUs (unlike IBM HElib) which results in an additional speedup of up to a factor of 103.5× to offer an overall speedup of 1,035×

    Depth optimized efficient homomorphic sorting

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    We introduce a sorting scheme which is capable of efficiently sorting encrypted data without the secret key. The technique is obtained by focusing on the multiplicative depth of the sorting circuit alongside the more traditional metrics such as number of comparisons and number of iterations. The reduced depth allows much reduced noise growth and thereby makes it possible to select smaller parameter sizes in somewhat homomorphic encryption instantiations resulting in greater efficiency savings. We first consider a number of well known comparison based sorting algorithms as well as some sorting networks, and analyze their circuit implementations with respect to multiplicative depth. In what follows, we introduce a new ranking based sorting scheme and rigorously analyze the multiplicative depth complexity as O(log(N) + log(l)), where N is the size of the array to be sorted and l is the bit size of the array elements. Finally, we simulate our sorting scheme using a leveled/batched instantiation of a SWHE library. Our sorting scheme performs favorably over the analyzed classical sorting algorithms

    cuHE: A Homomorphic Encryption Accelerator Library

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    We introduce a CUDA GPU library to accelerate evaluations with homomorphic schemes defined over polynomial rings enabled with a number of optimizations including algebraic techniques for efficient evaluation, memory minimization techniques, memory and thread scheduling and low level CUDA hand-tuned assembly optimizations to take full advantage of the mass parallelism and high memory bandwidth GPUs offer. The arithmetic functions constructed to handle very large polynomial operands using number-theoretic transform (NTT) and Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) based methods are then extended to implement the primitives of the leveled homomorphic encryption scheme proposed by Löpez-Alt, Tromer and Vaikuntanathan. To compare the performance of the proposed CUDA library we implemented two applications: the Prince block cipher and homomorphic sorting algorithms on two GPU platforms in single GPU and multiple GPU configurations. We observed a speedup of 25 times and 51 times over the best previous GPU implementation for Prince with single and triple GPUs, respectively. Similarly for homomorphic sorting we obtained 12-41 times speedup depending on the number and size of the sorted elements


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    With the rapid progress in fully homomorpic encryption (FHE) and somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) schemes, we are wit- nessing renewed efforts to revisit privacy preserving protocols. Several works have already appeared in the literature that provide solutions to these problems by employing FHE or SHE techniques. These applications range from cloud computing to computation over confidential patient data to several machine learning problems such as classifying privatized data. One application where privacy is a major concern is web search – a task carried out on a daily basis by billions of users around the world. In this work, we focus on a more surmountable yet essential version of the search problem, i.e. autocomplete. By utilizing a SHE scheme we propose concrete solutions to a homomorphic autocomplete problem. To investigate the real-life viability, we tackle a number of problems in the way towards a practical implementation such as communication and computational efficiency

    Comparison between Subfield and Straightforward Attacks on NTRU

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    Recently in two independent papers, Albrecht, Bai and Ducas and Cheon, Jeong and Lee presented two very similar attacks, that allow to break NTRU with larger parameters and GGH Multinear Map without zero encodings. They proposed an algorithm for recovering the NTRU secret key given the public key which apply for large NTRU modulus, in particular to Fully Homomorphic Encryption schemes based on NTRU. Hopefully, these attacks do not endanger the security of the NTRUE NCRYPT scheme, but shed new light on the hardness of this problem. The basic idea of both attacks relies on decreasing the dimension of the NTRU lattice using the multiplication matrix by the norm (resp. trace) of the public key in some subfield instead of the public key itself. Since the dimension of the subfield is smaller, the dimension of the lattice decreases, and lattice reduction algorithm will perform better. Here, we revisit the attacks on NTRU and propose another variant that is simpler and outperforms both of these attacks in practice. It allows to break several concrete instances of YASHE, a NTRU-based FHE scheme, but it is not as efficient as the hybrid method of Howgrave-Graham on concrete parameters of NTRU. Instead of using the norm and trace, we propose to use the multiplication by the public key in some subring and show that this choice leads to better attacks. We √ can then show that for power of two cyclotomic fields, the time complexity is polynomialFinally, we show that, under heuristics, straightforward lattice reduction is even more efficient, allowing to extend this result to fields without non-trivial subfields, such as NTRU Prime. We insist that the improvement on the analysis applies even for relatively small modulus ; though if the secret is sparse, it may not be the fastest attack. We also derive a tight estimation of security for (Ring-)LWE and NTRU assumptions. when q=2Ω(nloglogn)q=2^{\Omega(\sqrt{n \log \log n})}

    Low Depth Circuits for Efficient Homomorphic Sorting

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    We introduce a sorting scheme which is capable of efficiently sorting encrypted data without the secret key. The technique is obtained by focusing on the multiplicative depth of the sorting circuit alongside the more traditional metrics such as number of comparisons and number of iterations. The reduced depth allows much reduced noise growth and thereby makes it possible to select smaller parameter sizes in somewhat homomorphic encryption instantiations resulting in greater efficiency savings. We first consider a number of well known comparison based sorting algorithms as well as some sorting networks, and analyze their circuit implementations with respect to multiplicative depth. In what follows, we introduce a new ranking based sorting scheme and rigorously analyze the multiplicative depth complexity as O(log(N)+log())O(\log(N)+\log(\ell)), where NN is the size of the array to be sorted and \ell is the bit size of the array elements. Finally, we simulate our sorting scheme using a leveled/batched instantiation of a SWHE library. Our sorting scheme performs favorably over the analyzed classical sorting algorithms

    Flattening NTRU for Evaluation Key Free Homomorphic Encryption

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    We propose a new FHE scheme {\sf F-NTRU} that adopts the flattening technique proposed in GSW to derive an NTRU based scheme that (similar to GSW) does not require evaluation keys or key switching. Our scheme eliminates the decision small polynomial ratio (DSPR) assumption but relies only on the standard R-LWE assumption. It uses wide key distributions, and hence is immune to the Subfield Lattice Attack. In practice, our scheme achieves competitive timings compared to the existing schemes. We are able to compute a homomorphic multiplication in 24.424.4~msec and 34.334.3~msec for 55 and 3030 levels, respectively, without amortization. Furthermore, our scheme features small ciphertexts, e.g. 11521152~KB for 3030 levels, and eliminates the need for storing and managing costly evaluation keys. In addition, we present a slightly modified version of F-NTRU that is capable to support integer operations with a very large message space along with noise analysis for all cases. The assurance gained by using wide key distributions along with the message space flexibility of the scheme, i.e. bits, binary polynomials, and integers with a large message space, allows the use of the proposed scheme in a wide array of applications

    Sorting problem in fully homomorphic encrypted data

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) schemes allow users to perform computations over encrypted data without decrypting the ciphertext. This is possible via two operations which are bitwise addition and multiplication, namely logical XOR and logical AND operations, which can be applied over the bits individually encrypted under the fully homomorphic encryption scheme. Since any Boolean circuit can be realized using only AND and XOR gates, they can be used to build circuits for the computation of even more complicated operations over encrypted data. This property of FHE cryptosystems is especially useful in cloud computing applications, since data owners who use cloud computing for storage and computation, usually tend not to trust servers and for security reasons, they prefer storing their data in encrypted form. By using FHE cryptographic primitives, now servers are allowed to perform any desired task over the encrypted user data without the knowledge of secret key or plaintext. In this thesis, we focus on solving one such task that cloud server performs over encrypted data; sorting the elements of an integer array. We introduce two sorting schemes, both of which are capable of e ciently sorting data in fully homomorphic encrypted form. The technique is obtained by focusing on the minimization of the depth of the sorting circuit in addition to more traditional metrics such as the number of comparisons. The reduced depth of the sorting network allows a slower growth in the noise of encrypted bits and thereby makes it possible to select smaller parameter sizes for the underlying homomorphic encryption scheme resulting in much faster computation of homomorphic sorting. We present a leveled/batched implementation for the proposed sorting algorithms, using an NTRU based homomorphic encryption library, which yields significant improvements over classical sorting algorithms