26 research outputs found

    Bandwidth, expansion, treewidth, separators, and universality for bounded degree graphs

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    We establish relations between the bandwidth and the treewidth of bounded degree graphs G, and relate these parameters to the size of a separator of G as well as the size of an expanding subgraph of G. Our results imply that if one of these parameters is sublinear in the number of vertices of G then so are all the others. This implies for example that graphs of fixed genus have sublinear bandwidth or, more generally, a corresponding result for graphs with any fixed forbidden minor. As a consequence we establish a simple criterion for universality for such classes of graphs and show for example that for each gamma>0 every n-vertex graph with minimum degree ((3/4)+gamma)n contains a copy of every bounded-degree planar graph on n vertices if n is sufficiently large

    Forcing spanning subgraphs via Ore type conditions

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    Abstract We determine an Ore type condition that allows the embedding of 3-colourable bounded degree graphs of sublinear bandwidth: For all ∆, Îł > 0 there are ÎČ, n 0 > 0 such that for all n ≄ n 0 the following holds. Let G = (V, E) and H be n-vertex graphs such that H is 3-colourable, has maximum degree ∆(H) ≀ ∆ and bandwidth bw(H) ≀ ÎČn, and G satisfies deg(u) + deg(v) ≄

    Local resilience of spanning subgraphs in sparse random graphs

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    For each real Îł>0Îł>0 and integers Δ≄2Δ≄2 and k≄1k≄1, we prove that there exist constants ÎČ>0ÎČ>0 and C>0C>0 such that for all p≄C(log⁥n/n)1/Δp≄C(log⁥n/n)1/Δ the random graph G(n,p)G(n,p) asymptotically almost surely contains – even after an adversary deletes an arbitrary (1/k−γ1/k−γ)-fraction of the edges at every vertex – a copy of every n-vertex graph with maximum degree at most Δ, bandwidth at most ÎČn and at least Cmax⁥{p−2,p−1log⁥n}Cmax⁥{p−2,p−1log⁥n} vertices not in triangles

    Spanning embeddings of arrangeable graphs with sublinear bandwidth

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    The Bandwidth Theorem of B\"ottcher, Schacht and Taraz [Mathematische Annalen 343 (1), 175-205] gives minimum degree conditions for the containment of spanning graphs H with small bandwidth and bounded maximum degree. We generalise this result to a-arrangeable graphs H with \Delta(H)<sqrt(n)/log(n), where n is the number of vertices of H. Our result implies that sufficiently large n-vertex graphs G with minimum degree at least (3/4+\gamma)n contain almost all planar graphs on n vertices as subgraphs. Using techniques developed by Allen, Brightwell and Skokan [Combinatorica, to appear] we can also apply our methods to show that almost all planar graphs H have Ramsey number at most 12|H|. We obtain corresponding results for graphs embeddable on different orientable surfaces.Comment: 20 page

    Separating a Voronoi Diagram via Local Search

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    Given a set P of n points in R^dwe show how to insert a set Z of O(n^(1-1/d)) additional points, such that P can be broken into two sets P1 and P2of roughly equal size, such that in the Voronoi diagram V(P u Z), the cells of P1 do not touch the cells of P2; that is, Z separates P1 from P2 in the Voronoi diagram (and also in the dual Delaunay triangulation). In addition, given such a partition (P1,P2) of Pwe present an approximation algorithm to compute a minimum size separator realizing this partition. We also present a simple local search algorithm that is a PTAS for approximating the optimal Voronoi partition

    Treewidth of ErdƑs–RĂ©nyi random graphs, random intersection graphs, and scale-free random graphs

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    AbstractWe study conditions under which the treewidth of three different classes of random graphs is linear in the number of vertices. For the ErdƑs–RĂ©nyi random graph G(n,m), our result improves a previous lower bound obtained by Kloks (1994) [22]. For random intersection graphs, our result strengthens a previous observation on the treewidth by KaroƄski et al. (1999) [19]. For scale-free random graphs based on the BarabĂĄsi-Albert preferential-attachment model, it is shown that if more than 11 vertices are attached to a new vertex, then the treewidth of the obtained network is linear in the size of the network with high probability