14 research outputs found

    Framework Considerations for Rural Resilience Toward Land Degradation

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    Landdegradationisaglobalproblemwhichinvolvesclimate,soil,vegetation,economic, andpopulationconditions.Landdegradationoccursinruralagriculturallandasaresult of agricultural activities. Land degradation can ultimately eliminate the sustainability of environmental, social and economic in rural areas. Land degradation problems decline environmental, social and economic conditions that decrease rural resilience. Basically the components of community resilience according to Kusumastuti [14] can be used to assesstheresilienceofruralcommunitiesbecausetheyinvolvenotonlyenvironmental, social and economic aspects but also community cappacity, institutions, infrastructure and hazards. Varoius studies were still involve environmental, social and economic.     Keywords: rural resilience; vulnerability; preparedness; land degradation

    Studentā€™s disaster literation in ā€˜SETSā€™ (Science Environment Technology and Society) disaster learning

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze student disaster literacy based on mitigation, adaptation and responsibility profiles in SETS-based disaster learning. The subjects of this study were students at Piyungan State Elementary School, Tulung Pundong State Elementary School and Karanggayam Pleret State Elementary School Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia. Three schools were randomly selected from the entire school population in earthquake prone areas. In this study the subject was chosen because it is located in an earthquake-prone area in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Data collection techniques using observations, instruments in the form of observation sheets mitigation, adaptation and responsibility of elementary school students. The data analysis technique used descriptive percentage technique. The results showed that after participating in the overall SETS-based disaster learning, student disaster literacy was based on an average mastery of 92.01 mitigation skills, which were included in the very high category, adaptation skills 85.20 were in the high category, and responsibility 84 , 04 which is included in the high category

    Effect of information sharing and capacity adjustment on the healthcare supply chain: a case of flood disaster

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    In recent years, flood has become a tragic disaster in Malaysia causing loss of lives and properties. The damages brought by the flood are partly due to lack of preparedness and responses. Researchers have reported studies on the flood preparedness and response. Nevertheless, limited studies have provided a holistic perspective on the flood response operations. This paper attempts to analyze the flood preparedness holistically through system dynamics modelling approach. A system dynamic model consisting of a flood evacuation sub-model and a healthcare supply chain sub-model is developed. The hydrological data for the Kelantan River basin in Malaysia is used to populate the model. Decisions on the evacuation are based on the river level and flood risk information. Bullwhip Effect is formulated as a performance indicator to evaluate the efficiency of the healthcare supply chain model. The effects of information sharing and the capacity adjustment delay on the bullwhip effect were investigated. The findings suggest that reducing the capacity adjustment time and sharing demand information to the upstream healthcare supply chain yields a better overall performance for the health care supply chain

    A Review of Resourcing Approaches in Post Disaster Housing Reconstruction

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    In recent years, the occurrence of disasters is on increase and causes heavy human losses and massive destruction especially on housing sector. Post disaster housing reconstruction (PDHR) is a part of the cycle of four disaster management stages: mitigation, preparedness, response; and recovery and reconstruction. Availability of resources is a key factor to a successful PDHR project. This study systematically reviews 94 articles during the period of 2003 and 2019 on different experiences of PDHR. The study reports the various resourcing approaches of PDHR, their strategies, and their advantages and disadvantages. It identifies the critical success factors that led to a successful resourcing approach. The most cited factors reported in this study can be used as a guide to reconstruction practitioner to choose the most appropriate resourcing approach to reconstruct houses after disasters

    Students' evacuation behavior during an emergency at schools:A systematic literature review

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    Disasters and emergencies frequently happen, and some of them require population evacuation. Children can be severely affected during evacuations due to their lower capability to analyze, perceive, and answer disaster risks. Although several studies attempted to address the safety of children during the evacuation, the existing literature lacks a systematic review of students' evacuation behavior during school time. Therefore, this study aims to conduct a systematic literature review to explore how students' evacuation behavior during school time has been addressed by previous scholars and identify gaps in knowledge. The review process included three steps: formulating the research question, establishing strategic search strategies, and data extraction and analysis. The studies have been identified by searching academic search engines and refined the recognized publications unbiasedly. The researchers have then thematically analyzed the objectives and findings of the selected studies resulting in the identification of seven themes in the field of students' evacuation behavior during school time. Finally, the study put forward suggestions for future research directions to efficiently address the recognized knowledge gaps.</p

    Improving Access to Housing and Supportive Services for Runaway and Homeless Youth: Reducing Vulnerability to Human Trafficking in New York City

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    Recent estimates indicate that there are over 1 million runaway and homeless youth and young adults (RHY) in the United States (US). Exposure to trauma, violence, and substance abuse, coupled with a lack of community support services, puts homeless youth at high risk of being exploited and trafficked. Although access to safe housing and supportive services such as physical and mental healthcare is an effective response to youths vulnerability towards being trafficked, the number of youth experiencing homelessness exceeds the capacity of available housing resources in most US communities. We undertake a RHY-informed, systematic, and data driven approach to project the collective capacity required by service providers to adequately meet the needs of homeless youth in New York City, including those most at risk of being trafficked. Our approach involves an integer linear programming model that extends the multiple multidimensional knapsack problem and is informed by partnerships with key stakeholders. The mathematical model allows for time-dependent allocation and capacity expansion, while incorporating stochastic youth arrivals and length of stays, services provided in a periodic fashion, and service delivery time windows. Our RHY and service provider-centered approach is an important step toward meeting the actual, rather than presumed, survival needs of vulnerable youth, particularly those at-risk of being trafficked

    A Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS Approach to Supply Partner Selection in Continuous Aid Humanitarian Supply Chains

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    The selection of suitable supply partners is a strategic issue for managers working in humanitarian operations and has received little attention in the literature. In humanitarian operations, complexity characterizes the continuous-aid procurement operations, and the selection criteria can differ from those used in commercial supply chain settings. This paper advances knowledge by introducing a supply partner selection framework for continuous-aid procurement. A proposed multi-criteria decision-making model uses selection criteria attributes verified by the extant literature and by field experts. A fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process is then used to compute criterion weights, and a fuzzy Technique for Order Performance by Similarity to Ideal Solution is used to rank supply partner alternatives. Even with elevated levels of subjectivity, these techniques enable humanitarian operation stakeholders to select the best supply partner effectively. An actual case illustrates how the proposed framework efficiently identifies the most suitable continuous-aid supply partner for the prevailing situation