4 research outputs found

    Ringed Seal Search for Global Optimization via a Sensitive Search Model.

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    The efficiency of a metaheuristic algorithm for global optimization is based on its ability to search and find the global optimum. However, a good search often requires to be balanced between exploration and exploitation of the search space. In this paper, a new metaheuristic algorithm called Ringed Seal Search (RSS) is introduced. It is inspired by the natural behav-ior of the seal pup. This algorithm mimics the seal pup movement behavior and its ability to search and choose the best lair to escape predators. The scenario starts once the seal mother gives birth to a new pup in a birthing lair that is constructed for this purpose. The seal pup strategy consists of searching and selecting the best lair by performing a random walk to find a new lair. Affected by the sensitive nature of seals against external noise emit-ted by predators, the random walk of the seal pup takes two different search states, normal state and urgent state. In the normal state, the pup performs an intensive search between closely adjacent lairs; this movement is modeled via a Brownian walk. In an urgent state, the pup leaves the proximity area and performs an extensive search to find a new lair from sparse targets; this movement is modeled via a Levy walk. The switch between these two states is realized by the random noise emitted by predators. The algorithm keeps switching between normal and urgent states until the global optimum is reached. Tests and valida-tions were performed using fifteen benchmark test functions to compare the performance of RSS with other baseline algorithms. The results show that RSS is more efficient than Genetic Algorithm, Particles Swarm Optimization and Cuckoo Search in terms of conver-gence rate to the global optimum. The RSS shows an improvement in terms of balance between exploration (extensive) and exploitation (intensive) of the search space. The RSS can efficiently mimic seal pups behavior to find best lair and provide a new algorithm to be used in global optimization problems

    Metareasoning for Heuristic Search Using Uncertainty

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    Heuristic search methods are widely used in many real-world autonomous systems. Yet, people always want to solve search problems that are larger than time allows. To address these challenging problems, even suboptimally, a planning agent should be smart enough to intelligently allocate its computational resources, to think carefully about where in the state space it should spend time searching. For finding optimal solutions, we must examine every node that is not provably too expensive. In contrast, to find suboptimal solutions when under time pressure, we need to be very selective about which nodes to examine. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate that estimates of uncertainty, represented as belief distributions, can be used to drive search effectively. This type of algorithmic approach is known as metareasoning, which refers to reasoning about which reasoning to do. We will provide examples of improved algorithms for real-time search, bounded-cost search, and situated planning

    Metareasoning for Heuristic Search Using Uncertainty

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    Heuristic search methods are widely used in many real-world autonomous systems. Yet, people always want to solve search problems that are larger than time allows. To address these challenging problems, even suboptimally, a planning agent should be smart enough to intelligently allocate its computational resources, to think carefully about where in the state space it should spend time searching. For finding optimal solutions, we must examine every node that is not provably too expensive. In contrast, to find suboptimal solutions when under time pressure, we need to be very selective about which nodes to examine. In this dissertation, we will demonstrate that estimates of uncertainty, represented as belief distributions, can be used to drive search effectively. This type of algorithmic approach is known as metareasoning, which refers to reasoning about which reasoning to do. We will provide examples of improved algorithms for real-time search, bounded-cost search, and situated planning

    Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in Classical Planning

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    Successful heuristic search planners for satisficing planning like FF or LAMA are usually based on one or more best first search techniques. Recent research has led to planners like Arvand, Roamer or Probe, where novel techniques like Monte-Carlo Random Walks extend the traditional exploitation-focused best first search by an exploration component. The UCT algorithm balances these contradictory incentives and has shown tremendous success in related areas of sequential decision making but has never been applied to classical planning yet. We make up for this shortcoming by applying the Trial-based Heuristic Tree Search framework to classical planning. We show how to model the best first search techniques Weighted A* and Greedy Best First Search with only three ingredients: action selection, initialization and backup function. Then we use THTS to derive four versions of the UCT algorithm that differ in the used backup functions. The experimental evaluation shows that our main algorithm, GreedyUCT*, outperforms all other algorithms presented in this paper, both in terms of coverage and quality