52,205 research outputs found

    Diagonal and Low-Rank Matrix Decompositions, Correlation Matrices, and Ellipsoid Fitting

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    In this paper we establish links between, and new results for, three problems that are not usually considered together. The first is a matrix decomposition problem that arises in areas such as statistical modeling and signal processing: given a matrix XX formed as the sum of an unknown diagonal matrix and an unknown low rank positive semidefinite matrix, decompose XX into these constituents. The second problem we consider is to determine the facial structure of the set of correlation matrices, a convex set also known as the elliptope. This convex body, and particularly its facial structure, plays a role in applications from combinatorial optimization to mathematical finance. The third problem is a basic geometric question: given points v1,v2,...,vnRkv_1,v_2,...,v_n\in \R^k (where n>kn > k) determine whether there is a centered ellipsoid passing \emph{exactly} through all of the points. We show that in a precise sense these three problems are equivalent. Furthermore we establish a simple sufficient condition on a subspace UU that ensures any positive semidefinite matrix LL with column space UU can be recovered from D+LD+L for any diagonal matrix DD using a convex optimization-based heuristic known as minimum trace factor analysis. This result leads to a new understanding of the structure of rank-deficient correlation matrices and a simple condition on a set of points that ensures there is a centered ellipsoid passing through them.Comment: 20 page

    A condition number for the tensor rank decomposition

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    The tensor rank decomposition problem consists of recovering the unique set of parameters representing a robustly identifiable low-rank tensor when the coordinate representation of the tensor is presented as input. A condition number for this problem measuring the sensitivity of the parameters to an infinitesimal change to the tensor is introduced and analyzed. It is demonstrated that the absolute condition number coincides with the inverse of the least singular value of Terracini's matrix. Several basic properties of this condition number are investigated.Comment: 45 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic mode decomposition with control

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    We develop a new method which extends Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) to incorporate the effect of control to extract low-order models from high-dimensional, complex systems. DMD finds spatial-temporal coherent modes, connects local-linear analysis to nonlinear operator theory, and provides an equation-free architecture which is compatible with compressive sensing. In actuated systems, DMD is incapable of producing an input-output model; moreover, the dynamics and the modes will be corrupted by external forcing. Our new method, Dynamic Mode Decomposition with control (DMDc), capitalizes on all of the advantages of DMD and provides the additional innovation of being able to disambiguate between the underlying dynamics and the effects of actuation, resulting in accurate input-output models. The method is data-driven in that it does not require knowledge of the underlying governing equations, only snapshots of state and actuation data from historical, experimental, or black-box simulations. We demonstrate the method on high-dimensional dynamical systems, including a model with relevance to the analysis of infectious disease data with mass vaccination (actuation).Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Decomposition tables for experiments I. A chain of randomizations

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    One aspect of evaluating the design for an experiment is the discovery of the relationships between subspaces of the data space. Initially we establish the notation and methods for evaluating an experiment with a single randomization. Starting with two structures, or orthogonal decompositions of the data space, we describe how to combine them to form the overall decomposition for a single-randomization experiment that is ``structure balanced.'' The relationships between the two structures are characterized using efficiency factors. The decomposition is encapsulated in a decomposition table. Then, for experiments that involve multiple randomizations forming a chain, we take several structures that pairwise are structure balanced and combine them to establish the form of the orthogonal decomposition for the experiment. In particular, it is proven that the properties of the design for such an experiment are derived in a straightforward manner from those of the individual designs. We show how to formulate an extended decomposition table giving the sources of variation, their relationships and their degrees of freedom, so that competing designs can be evaluated.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS717 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org