41 research outputs found

    Inventory models with lateral transshipments : a review

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    Lateral transshipments within an inventory system are stock movements between locations of the same echelon. These transshipments can be conducted periodically at predetermined points in time to proactively redistribute stock, or they can be used reactively as a method of meeting demand which cannot be satised from stock on hand. The elements of an inventory system considered, e.g. size, cost structures and service level denition, all in uence the best method of transshipping. Models of many dierent systems have been considered. This paper provides a literature review which categorizes the research to date on lateral transshipments, so that these dierences can be understood and gaps within the literature can be identied

    Hybrid Lateral Transshipments in a Multi-Location Inventory System

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    In managing networks of stock holding locations, two approaches to the pooling of inventory have been proposed. Reactive transshipm nts respond to stockouts at a location by moving inventory from elsewhere within the network, while proactive redistribution of stock seeks to minimise the chance of future shocks. This paper is the first to propose a hybrid approach in which transshipments are viewed as an opportunity for stock redistribution. We adopt a quasi-myopic approach to the development of a strongly performing hybrid transshipment policy. Numerical studies which utilise dynamic programming and simulation testify to the benefits of using transshipments proactively. In comparison to a purely reactive approach to transshipment, service levels are improved while a reduction in safety stock levels is achieved. The aggregate costs incurred in managing the system are significantly reduced, especially so for large networks facing high levels of demand.

    Transshipment Problems in Supply ChainSystems: Review and Extensions

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    Hybrid Lateral Transshipments in a Multi-Location Inventory System

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    In managing networks of stock holding locations, two approaches to the pooling of inventory have been proposed. Reactive transshipm nts respond to stockouts at a location by moving inventory from elsewhere within the network, while proactive redistribution of stock seeks to minimise the chance of future shocks. This paper is the first to propose a hybrid approach in which transshipments are viewed as an opportunity for stock redistribution. We adopt a quasi-myopic approach to the development of a strongly performing hybrid transshipment policy. Numerical studies which utilise dynamic programming and simulation testify to the benefits of using transshipments proactively. In comparison to a purely reactive approach to transshipment, service levels are improved while a reduction in safety stock levels is achieved. The aggregate costs incurred in managing the system are significantly reduced, especially so for large networks facing high levels of demand.

    Dynamic shipments of inventories in shared warehouse and transportation networks

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    In shared warehouse and transportation networks, dynamic shipments of inventories are carried out based on up-to-date inventory information. This paper studies the effect of network structures on optimal decision-making. We propose a discrete time modeling framework with stochastic demand, capturing a wide variety of network structures. Using Markov decision processes, we obtain optimal order and dynamic shipment decisions for small networks. We compare optimal solutions of different four-node network structures. Results indicate product characteristics significantly influence the effectiveness of network structures. Surprisingly, two-echelon networks are occasionally costlier than any other network. Moreover, dynamic shipments yield considerable gains over static shipments

    Stock Optimization in Emergency Resupply Networks under Stuttering Poisson Demand

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    We consider a network in which field stocking locations (FSLs) manage multiple parts according to an (S-1,S) policy. Demand processes for the parts are assumed to be independent stuttering Poisson processes. Regular replenishments to an FSL occur from a regional stocking location (RSL) that has an unlimited supply of each part type. Demand in excess of supply at an FSL is routed to an emergency stocking location (ESL), which also employs an (S-1,S) policy to manage its inventory. Demand in excess of supply at the ESL is backordered. Lead time from the ESL to each FSL is assumed to be negligible compared to the RSL-ESL resupply time. In companion papers we have shown how to approximate the joint probability distributions of units on hand, units in regular resupply, and units in emergency resupply. In this paper, we focus on the problem of determining the stock levels at the FSLs and ESL across all part numbers that minimize backorder, and emergency resupply costs subject to an inventory investment budget constraint. The problem is shown to be a nonconvex integer programming problem, and we explore a collection of heuristics for solving the optimization problem

    Multilocation Inventory Systems With Centralized Information.

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    The management of multi-echelon inventory systems has been both an important and challenging research area for many years. The rapid advance in information technology and the emphasis on integrated supply chain management have new implications for the successful operation of distribution systems. This research focuses on the study of some fundamental issues related to the operation of a multilocation inventory system with centralized information. First, we do a comparative analysis to evaluate the overall performance of individual versus centralized ordering policies for a multi-store distribution system where centralized information is available. This study integrates the existing research and clarifies one of the fundamental questions facing inventory managers today: whether or not ordering decisions should be centralized. Next, we consider a multi-store distribution system where emergency transshipments are permitted among these stores. Based on some simplifying assumptions, we develop an integrated model with a joint consideration of inventory and transshipment components. An approximately optimal (s, S) policy is obtained through a dynamic programming technique. This ordering policy is then compared with a simplified policy that assumes free and instantaneous transshipments. We also examine the relative performance of base stock policies for a centralized-ordering distribution system. Numerical studies are provided to give general guidelines for use of the policies