3 research outputs found

    BPGA-EDA for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem.

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    The Multi-mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (MRCPSP) has been of research interest for over two decades. The problem is composed of two interacting sub problems: mode assignment and activity scheduling. These problems cannot be solved in isolation because of the interaction that exists between them. Many evolutionary algorithms have been applied to this problem most commonly the Genetic Algorithm (GA). It has been common practice to improve the performance of the GA with some local search techniques. The Bi-population Genetic Algorithm (BPGA) is one of the most competitive GAs for solving the MRCPSP. In this paper, we improve the BPGA by hybridising it with an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm that focuses on improving how modes are generated. We also suggest improvement to the existing experimental methodology

    Effective and efficient estimation of distribution algorithms for permutation and scheduling problems.

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    Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA) is a branch of evolutionary computation that learn a probabilistic model of good solutions. Probabilistic models are used to represent relationships between solution variables which may give useful, human-understandable insights into real-world problems. Also, developing an effective PM has been shown to significantly reduce function evaluations needed to reach good solutions. This is also useful for real-world problems because their representations are often complex needing more computation to arrive at good solutions. In particular, many real-world problems are naturally represented as permutations and have expensive evaluation functions. EDAs can, however, be computationally expensive when models are too complex. There has therefore been much recent work on developing suitable EDAs for permutation representation. EDAs can now produce state-of-the-art performance on some permutation benchmark problems. However, models are still complex and computationally expensive making them hard to apply to real-world problems. This study investigates some limitations of EDAs in solving permutation and scheduling problems. The focus of this thesis is on addressing redundancies in the Random Key representation, preserving diversity in EDA, simplifying the complexity attributed to the use of multiple local improvement procedures and transferring knowledge from solving a benchmark project scheduling problem to a similar real-world problem. In this thesis, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem benchmarks as well as significantly reducing both the computational effort required to build the probabilistic model and the number of function evaluations. We also achieve competitive results on project scheduling benchmarks. Methods adapted for solving a real-world project scheduling problem presents significant improvements

    Estimation of distribution algorithms for the multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem.

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    Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Problem (MRCPSP) is a multi-component problem which combines two interacting sub-problems; activity scheduling and mode assignment. Multi-component problems have been of research interest to the evolutionary computation community as they are more complex to solve. Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDAs) generate solutions by sampling a probabilistic model that captures key features of good solutions. Often they can significantly improve search efficiency and solution quality. Previous research has shown that the mode assignment sub-problem can be more effectively solved with an EDA. Also, a competitive Random Key based EDA (RK-EDA) for permutation problems has recently been proposed. In this paper, activity and mode solutions are respectively generated using the RK-EDA and an integer based EDA. This approach is competitive with leading approaches of solving the MRCPSP