32 research outputs found

    A New Information Hiding Method Based on Improved BPCS Steganography

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    Bit-plane complexity segmentation (BPCS) steganography is advantageous in its capacity and imperceptibility. The important step of BPCS steganography is how to locate noisy regions in a cover image exactly. The regular method, black-and-white border complexity, is a simple and easy way, but it is not always useful, especially for periodical patterns. Run-length irregularity and border noisiness are introduced in this paper to work out this problem. Canonical Cray coding (CGC) is also used to replace pure binary coding (PBC), because CGC makes use of characteristic of human vision system. Conjugation operation is applied to convert simple blocks into complex ones. In order to contradict BPCS steganalysis, improved BPCS steganography algorithm adopted different bit-planes with different complexity. The higher the bit-plane is, the smaller the complexity is. It is proven that the improved BPCS steganography is superior to BPCS steganography by experiment

    Data Security Using Cryptosteganography in Web Application

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    Data security using Cryptosteganography in web application is a web based application used to conceal important information through hybrid cryptography and Steganography and provide means of its secure transmission through any medium or channel .Using a web browser the user uploads the important information and an envelope image. The same is received by the Data Shielder facade web application .The web application sends the data and envelope image to the real Data Shielder .It generates a unique key and encrypts the crucial data .The key is associated with a "unique id" and preserved in a store .Then the encrypted information is embedded into the envelope image using modified BPCS technique .Finally a stego image is generated .Data Shielder returns the "unique id" and stego image to the facade web application .Web application further archives the stego image and unique key and allows the user to download it. The user can simply unzip the archive and transmit the stego image through unsecured channels like email, sockets, pen drives, cds, dvds, etc. And can keep the unique id safe. When the user wants its data back then user needs to upload the stego image and the "unique id" to the Data Shielder facade web application. The web application sends the unique id and stego image to the real Data Shielder. First it finds the encryption key from the store through the unique id. Next, reversing the BPCS Steganography, the stego image is processed and encrypted data is fetched. Finally using the encryption key decryption is done and the crucial data is fetched back. The same is returned to the facade web application, which is rendered to the user. Keywords: Cryptography, Steganography, Stego- image, Threshold Valu

    Kombinasi Steganografi Bit Plane Complexity Segmentation (Bpcs) dan Kriptografi Data Encryption Standard (Des) untuk Penyisipan Pesan Teks pada Citra Bitmap Grayscale 8 Bit

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    Bit Plane Complexity Segmentation (BPCS) is steganography method that using uncapability of human\u27s vision in interpreting difficult biner form. Data Encryption Standard (DES) is cryptography algorhytm that is chiper block and changing data become blocks 64 bit and then using encryption key amount 56 bit. By combining steganography algorhytm and cryptography will increase quality of data security. In this research combination of BPCS and DES done by inserting text message into bitmap image, the increating text message restricted maximum 248 characteristic with the long of the key must 16 characteristic in hexsadecimal format. The result obtained by this system testing with image test about 30 images is the inserting text can be read again with the provision of using the same key for inserting process and reading text. This image of insertion result can\u27t stand to adding contrast operation (25%) and rotation (90 to the right, 90 to the left, 180) and cutting operation on the upper side dan left image, but if cutting on the lower side and right (image resolution > 100 piksel) the inserting text can be read again correctly. In image inserting result, will be found noise of the upper left side from image because these region is the initial region is inserted

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Lossy pada Kompresi Citra Steganografi

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    The internet has become a very important part of communication development in the world. Exchange of information over the internet has many advantages compared to other communication media, especially in terms of speed. But information sent via the internet, security cannot be accounted for. Tapping on confidential information, very often occurs in this communication media. Channels used by the internet are generally not safe channels. By using the lossy compression method, compression can only be applied to images that have similarities to themselves (self similiarity) so that the size of the image gets smaller and saves storage space and accelerates the sending of the image using internet media

    Klasifikasi Bit-Plane Noise untuk Penyisipan Pesan pada Teknik Steganography BPCS Menggunakan Fuzzy Inference Sistem Mamdani

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    Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation (BPCS) is a fairly new steganography technique. The most important process in BPCS is the calculation of complexity value of a bit-plane. The bit-plane complexity is calculated by looking at the amount of bit changes contained in a bit-plane. If a bit-plane has a high complexity, the bi-plane is categorized as a noise bit-plane that does not contain valuable information on the image. Classification of the bit-plane using the set cripst set (noise/not) is not fair, where a little difference of the value will significantly change the status of the bit-plane. The purpose of this study is to apply the principles of fuzzy sets to classify the bit-plane into three sets that are informative, partly informative, and the noise region. Classification of the bit-plane into a fuzzy set is expected to classify the bit-plane in a more objective approach and ultimately message capacity of the images can be improved by using the Mamdani fuzzy inference to take decisions which bit-plane will be replaced with a message based on the classification of bit-plane and the size of the message that will be inserted. This research is able to increase the capability of BPCS steganography techniques to insert a message in bit-pane with more precise so that the container image quality would be better. It can be seen that the PSNR value of original image and stego-image is only slightly different

    A Review on Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image

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    This work proposes a new system for separable reversible data hiding in color images encrypted with the approach of adding the matrix. In the proposed scheme, Take color image input and provide the encryption key to encrypt the picture image and then compressed encrypted with various algorithms. Due to the compression of the image to create a sparse space to accommodate the additional data, integrated data using the key data hiding. If the receiver has the encryption key, you can decrypt the received data to obtain the image only. If the receiver has the data hiding key, it can extract data only. If the receiver is both the key to hidden data and the encryption key, it can extract the additional data and recover the original content without any errors using the spatial correlation in the natural image if the amount of data extra is great


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    Teknik steganografi BPCS (Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation) merupakan salah satu teknik steganografi yang cukup baru. Salah satu proses penting dalam Teknik Steganografi BPCS adalah proses penghitungan nilai kompleksitas suatu bit-plane. Nilai kompleksitas dihitung dengan melihat seberapa banyak pergantian bit yang terdapat dalam sebuah bit-plane. Jika bit-plane tersebut memiliki nilai kompleksitas yang tinggi, maka bi-plane tersebut dikategorikan sebagai bit-plane noise yang tidak mengandung informasi yang berharga pada gambar. Klasifikasi bit-plane yang menggunakan himpunan cripst (noise dan tidak) tersebut tidak adil, dimana sebuah perbedaaan nilai yang sedikit saja akan mengubah secara signifikan status dari bit-plane tersebut. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk menerapkan prinsip himpunan  fuzzy untuk  mengklasifikasikan bit-plane menjadi kedalam tiga buah himpunan yaitu informatif, informatif sebagian, dan noise region. Klasifikasi bit-plane kedalam himpunan fuzzy terebut diharapkan dapat menggolongkan bit-plane secara lebih objektif dan pada akhirnya daya tampung gambar terhadap pesan dapat ditingkatkan dengan dengan menggunakan inferensi fuzzy mamdani untuk mengambil keputusan bit-plane mana yang akan digantikan dengan pesan berdasarkan klasfikasi bit-plane yang tersedia dan ukuran pesan yang akan disisipkan.BPCS (Bit-Plane Complexity Segmentation) is a fairly new steganography technique The most important process in BPCS is the calculation of complexity value of a bit-plane. The bit-plane complexity is calculated by looking at how much of the change bits contained in a bit-plane. If the bit-plane, has a high complexity, the bi-plane is categorized as a bit-plane noise that does not contain valuable information on the image. Classification bit-plane using the set cripst set (noise/not) is not fair, where a little  difference of the value will significantly change the status of the bit-plane. This study attempts to apply the principles of fuzzy sets to classify the bit-plane into into three sets are informative, informative part, and the noise region. Classification bit-plane into a fuzzy set stretcher expected to classify the bit-plane is more objective and ultimately the capacity of images to the message can be improved by using the fuzzy inference mamdani to take decisions which bit-plane will be replaced with a message based on the classification of bit-plane and the size of the message that will be inserted