964 research outputs found

    Bridging the Testing Speed Gap: Design for Delay Testability

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    The economic testing of high-speed digital ICs is becoming increasingly problematic. Even advanced, expensive testers are not always capable of testing these ICs because of their high-speed limitations. This paper focuses on a design for delay testability technique such that high-speed ICs can be tested using inexpensive, low-speed ATE. Also extensions for possible full BIST of delay faults are addresse

    A low-speed BIST framework for high-performance circuit testing

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    Testing of high performance integrated circuits is becoming increasingly a challenging task owing to high clock frequencies. Often testers are not able to test such devices due to their limited high frequency capabilities. In this article we outline a design-for-test methodology such that high performance devices can be tested on relatively low performance testers. In addition, a BIST framework is discussed based on this methodology. Various implementation aspects of this technique are also addresse

    DFT and BIST of a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments

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    Engineers at Politecnico di Torino designed a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments conducted on the Large Hadron Collider. An array of these MCMs handles multichannel data acquisition and signal processing. Testing the MCM from board to die level required a combination of DFT strategie

    Online self-repair of FIR filters

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    Chip-level failure detection has been a target of research for some time, but today's very deep-submicron technology is forcing such research to move beyond detection. Repair, especially self-repair, has become very important for containing the susceptibility of today's chips. This article introduces a self-repair-solution for the digital FIR filter, one of the key blocks used in DSPs

    A design for testability study on a high performance automatic gain control circuit.

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    A comprehensive testability study on a commercial automatic gain control circuit is presented which aims to identify design for testability (DfT) modifications to both reduce production test cost and improve test quality. A fault simulation strategy based on layout extracted faults has been used to support the study. The paper proposes a number of DfT modifications at the layout, schematic and system levels together with testability. Guidelines that may well have generic applicability. Proposals for using the modifications to achieve partial self test are made and estimates of achieved fault coverage and quality levels presente

    LOT: Logic Optimization with Testability - new transformations for logic synthesis

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    A new approach to optimize multilevel logic circuits is introduced. Given a multilevel circuit, the synthesis method optimizes its area while simultaneously enhancing its random pattern testability. The method is based on structural transformations at the gate level. New transformations involving EX-OR gates as well as Reed–Muller expansions have been introduced in the synthesis of multilevel circuits. This method is augmented with transformations that specifically enhance random-pattern testability while reducing the area. Testability enhancement is an integral part of our synthesis methodology. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology not only can achieve lower area than other similar tools, but that it achieves better testability compared to available testability enhancement tools such as tstfx. Specifically for ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits, it was observed that EX-OR gate-based transformations successfully contributed toward generating smaller circuits compared to other state-of-the-art logic optimization tools

    A testability metric for path delay faults and its application

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    Abstract — In this paper, we propose a new testability metric for path delay faults. The metric is computed efficiently using a non-enumerative algorithm. It has been validated through extensive experiments and the results indicate a strong correlation between the proposed metric and the path delay fault testability of the circuit. We further apply this metric to derive a path delay fault test application scheme for scan-based BIST. The selection of the test scheme is guided by the proposed metric. The experimental results illustrate that the derived test application scheme can achieve a higher path delay fault coverage in scan-based BIST. Because of the effectiveness and efficient computation of this metric, it can be used to derive other design-for-testability techniques for path delay faults. I

    Acceleration of Seed Ordering and Selection for High Quality Delay Test

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    Seed ordering and selection is a key technique to provide high-test quality with limited resources in Built-In Self Test (BIST) environment. We present a hard-to-detect delay fault selection method to accelerate the computation time in seed ordering and selection processes. This selection method can be used to restrict faults for test generation executed in an early stage in seed ordering and selection processes, and reduce a test pattern count and therefore a computation time. We evaluate the impact of the selection method both in deterministic BIST, where one test pattern is decoded from one seed, and mixed-mode BIST, where one seed is expanded to two or more patterns. The statistical delay quality level (SDQL) is adopted as test quality measure, to represent ability to detect small delay defects (SDDs). Experimental results show that our proposed method can significantly reduce computation time from 28% to 63% and base set seed counts from 21% to 67% while slightly sacrificing test quality