7 research outputs found

    Accurate and energy-efficient classification with spiking random neural network: corrected and expanded version

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    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based techniques have dominated state-of-the-art results in most problems related to computer vision, audio recognition, and natural language processing in the past few years, resulting in strong industrial adoption from all leading technology companies worldwide. One of the major obstacles that have historically delayed large scale adoption of ANNs is the huge computational and power costs associated with training and testing (deploying) them. In the mean-time, Neuromorphic Computing platforms have recently achieved remarkable performance running more bio-realistic Spiking Neural Networks at high throughput and very low power consumption making them a natural alternative to ANNs. Here, we propose using the Random Neural Network (RNN), a spiking neural network with both theoretical and practical appealing properties, as a general purpose classifier that can match the classification power of ANNs on a number of tasks while enjoying all the features of a spiking neural network. This is demonstrated on a number of real-world classification datasets

    Making a Better Query: Find Good Feedback Documents and Terms via Semantic Associations

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    When people search, they always input several keywords as an input query. While current information retrieval (IR) systems are based on term matching, documents will not be considered as relevant if they do not have the exact terms as in the query. However, it is common that these documents are relevant if they contain terms semantically similar to the query. To retrieve these documents, a classic way is to expand the original query with more related terms. Pseudo relevance feedback (PRF) has proven to be effective to expand origin queries and improve the performance of IR. It assumes the top k ranked documents obtained through the first round retrieval are relevant as feedback documents, and expand the original queries with feedback terms selected from these feedback documents. However, applying PRF for query expansion must be very carefully. Wrongly added terms can bring noisy information and hurt the overall search experiences extensively. The assumption of feedback documents is too strong to be completely true. To avoid noise import and make significant improvements simultaneously, we solve the significant problem through four ways in this dissertation. Firstly, we assume the proximity information among terms as term semantic associations and utilize them to seek new relevant terms. Next, to obtain good and robust performance for PRF via adapting topic information, we propose a new concept named topic space and present three models based on it. Topics obtained through topic modeling do help identify how relevant a feedback document is. Weights of candidate terms in these more relevant feedback documents will be boosted and have higher probabilities to be chosen. Furthermore, we apply machine learning methods to classify which feedback documents are effective for PRF. To solve the problem of lack-of-training-data for the application of machine learning methods in PRF, we improve a traditional co-training method and take the quality of classifiers into account. Finally, we present a new probabilistic framework to integrate existing effective methods like semantic associations as components for further research. All the work has been tested on public datasets and proven to be effective and efficient

    A Personal Research Agent for Semantic Knowledge Management of Scientific Literature

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    The unprecedented rate of scientific publications is a major threat to the productivity of knowledge workers, who rely on scrutinizing the latest scientific discoveries for their daily tasks. Online digital libraries, academic publishing databases and open access repositories grant access to a plethora of information that can overwhelm a researcher, who is looking to obtain fine-grained knowledge relevant for her task at hand. This overload of information has encouraged researchers from various disciplines to look for new approaches in extracting, organizing, and managing knowledge from the immense amount of available literature in ever-growing repositories. In this dissertation, we introduce a Personal Research Agent that can help scientists in discovering, reading and learning from scientific documents, primarily in the computer science domain. We demonstrate how a confluence of techniques from the Natural Language Processing and Semantic Web domains can construct a semantically-rich knowledge base, based on an inter-connected graph of scholarly artifacts – effectively transforming scientific literature from written content in isolation, into a queryable web of knowledge, suitable for machine interpretation. The challenges of creating an intelligent research agent are manifold: The agent's knowledge base, analogous to his 'brain', must contain accurate information about the knowledge `stored' in documents. It also needs to know about its end-users' tasks and background knowledge. In our work, we present a methodology to extract the rhetorical structure (e.g., claims and contributions) of scholarly documents. We enhance our approach with entity linking techniques that allow us to connect the documents with the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud, in order to enrich them with additional information from the web of open data. Furthermore, we devise a novel approach for automatic profiling of scholarly users, thereby, enabling the agent to personalize its services, based on a user's background knowledge and interests. We demonstrate how we can automatically create a semantic vector-based representation of the documents and user profiles and utilize them to efficiently detect similar entities in the knowledge base. Finally, as part of our contributions, we present a complete architecture providing an end-to-end workflow for the agent to exploit the opportunities of linking a formal model of scholarly users and scientific publications