85 research outputs found

    Avoiding small subgraphs in Achlioptas processes

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    For a fixed integer r, consider the following random process. At each round, one is presented with r random edges from the edge set of the complete graph on n vertices, and is asked to choose one of them. The selected edges are collected into a graph, which thus grows at the rate of one edge per round. This is a natural generalization of what is known in the literature as an Achlioptas process (the original version has r=2), which has been studied by many researchers, mainly in the context of delaying or accelerating the appearance of the giant component. In this paper, we investigate the small subgraph problem for Achlioptas processes. That is, given a fixed graph H, we study whether there is an online algorithm that substantially delays or accelerates a typical appearance of H, compared to its threshold of appearance in the random graph G(n, M). It is easy to see that one cannot accelerate the appearance of any fixed graph by more than the constant factor r, so we concentrate on the task of avoiding H. We determine thresholds for the avoidance of all cycles C_t, cliques K_t, and complete bipartite graphs K_{t,t}, in every Achlioptas process with parameter r >= 2.Comment: 43 pages; reorganized and shortene

    Random k-SAT and the Power of Two Choices

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    We study an Achlioptas-process version of the random k-SAT process: a bounded number of k-clauses are drawn uniformly at random at each step, and exactly one added to the growing formula according to a particular rule. We prove the existence of a rule that shifts the satisfiability threshold. This extends a well-studied area of probabilistic combinatorics (Achlioptas processes) to random CSP's. In particular, while a rule to delay the 2-SAT threshold was known previously, this is the first proof of a rule to shift the threshold of k-SAT for k >= 3. We then propose a gap decision problem based upon this semi-random model. The aim of the problem is to investigate the hardness of the random k-SAT decision problem, as opposed to the problem of finding an assignment or certificate of unsatisfiability. Finally, we discuss connections to the study of Achlioptas random graph processes.Comment: 13 page

    Fast construction on a restricted budget

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    We introduce a model of a controlled random graph process. In this model, the edges of the complete graph KnK_n are ordered randomly and then revealed, one by one, to a player called Builder. He must decide, immediately and irrevocably, whether to purchase each observed edge. The observation time is bounded by parameter tt, and the total budget of purchased edges is bounded by parameter bb. Builder's goal is to devise a strategy that, with high probability, allows him to construct a graph of purchased edges possessing a target graph property P\mathcal{P}, all within the limitations of observation time and total budget. We show the following: (a) Builder has a strategy to achieve minimum degree kk at the hitting time for this property by purchasing at most cknc_kn edges for an explicit ck<kc_k<k; and a strategy to achieve it (slightly) after the threshold for minimum degree kk by purchasing at most (1+ε)kn/2(1+\varepsilon)kn/2 edges (which is optimal); (b) Builder has a strategy to create a Hamilton cycle if either t(1+ε)nlogn/2t\ge(1+\varepsilon)n\log{n}/2 and bCnb\ge Cn, or tCnlognt\ge Cn\log{n} and b(1+ε)nb\ge(1+\varepsilon)n, for some C=C(ε)C=C(\varepsilon); similar results hold for perfect matching; (c) Builder has a strategy to create a copy of a given kk-vertex tree if tb{(n/t)k2,1}t\ge b\gg\{(n/t)^{k-2},1\}, and this is optimal; and (d) For =2k+1\ell=2k+1 or =2k+2\ell=2k+2, Builder has a strategy to create a copy of a cycle of length \ell if bmax{nk+2/tk+1,n/t}b\gg\max\{n^{k+2}/t^{k+1},n/\sqrt{t}\}, and this is optimal.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Ramsey games with giants

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    The classical result in the theory of random graphs, proved by Erdos and Renyi in 1960, concerns the threshold for the appearance of the giant component in the random graph process. We consider a variant of this problem, with a Ramsey flavor. Now, each random edge that arrives in the sequence of rounds must be colored with one of R colors. The goal can be either to create a giant component in every color class, or alternatively, to avoid it in every color. One can analyze the offline or online setting for this problem. In this paper, we consider all these variants and provide nontrivial upper and lower bounds; in certain cases (like online avoidance) the obtained bounds are asymptotically tight.Comment: 29 pages; minor revision

    Connectivity Thresholds for Bounded Size Rules

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    In an Achlioptas process, starting with a graph that has n vertices and no edge, in each round d1d \geq 1 edges are drawn uniformly at random, and using some rule exactly one of them is chosen and added to the evolving graph. For the class of Achlioptas processes we investigate how much impact the rule has on one of the most basic properties of a graph: connectivity. Our main results are twofold. First, we study the prominent class of bounded size rules, which select the edge to add according to the component sizes of its vertices, treating all sizes larger than some constant equally. For such rules we provide a fine analysis that exposes the limiting distribution of the number of rounds until the graph gets connected, and we give a detailed picture of the dynamics of the formation of the single component from smaller components. Second, our results allow us to study the connectivity transition of all Achlioptas processes, in the sense that we identify a process that accelerates it as much as possible

    On the Power of Choice for k-Colorability of Random Graphs

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    In an r-choice Achlioptas process, random edges are generated r at a time, and an online strategy is used to select one of them for inclusion in a graph. We investigate the problem of whether such a selection strategy can shift the k-colorability transition; that is, the number of edges at which the graph goes from being k-colorable to non-k-colorable. We show that, for k ? 9, two choices suffice to delay the k-colorability threshold, and that for every k ? 2, six choices suffice

    Hamiltonicity thresholds in Achlioptas processes

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    In this paper we analyze the appearance of a Hamilton cycle in the following random process. The process starts with an empty graph on n labeled vertices. At each round we are presented with K=K(n) edges, chosen uniformly at random from the missing ones, and are asked to add one of them to the current graph. The goal is to create a Hamilton cycle as soon as possible. We show that this problem has three regimes, depending on the value of K. For K=o(\log n), the threshold for Hamiltonicity is (1+o(1))n\log n /(2K), i.e., typically we can construct a Hamilton cycle K times faster that in the usual random graph process. When K=\omega(\log n) we can essentially waste almost no edges, and create a Hamilton cycle in n+o(n) rounds with high probability. Finally, in the intermediate regime where K=\Theta(\log n), the threshold has order n and we obtain upper and lower bounds that differ by a multiplicative factor of 3.Comment: 23 page