2 research outputs found

    Available bandwidth estimation in smart VPN bonding technique based on a NARX neural network

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    Today many applications require a high Quality of Service (QoS) to the network, especially for real time applications like VoIP services, video/audio conferences, video surveillance, high definition video transmission, etc. Besides, there are many application scenarios for which it is essential to guarantee high QoS in high speed mobility context using an Internet Mobile access. However, internet mobile networks are not designed to support the real-time data traffic due to many factors such as resource sharing, traffic congestion, radio link, coverage, etc., which affect the Quality of Experience (QoE). In order to improve the QoS in mobility scenarios, the authors propose a new technique named "Smart VPN Bonding" which is based on aggregation of two or more internet mobile accesses and is able to provide a higher end-to-end available bandwidth due to an adaptive load balancing algorithm. In this paper, in order to dynamically establish the correct load balancing weights of the smart VPN bonder, a neural network approach to predict the main Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) values in a determinate geographical point is proposed

    Diagn贸stico de procesos industriales basado en predicci贸n de estados funcionales con inteligencia artificial para el control y la programaci贸n de mantenimiento

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se presenta el dise帽o de una estrategia inteligente, para el diagn贸stico autom谩tico de procesos industriales mediante la predicci贸n con Redes Neuronales Artificiales (RNAs) y clasificaci贸n difusa. Para dise帽ar la estrategia de diagn贸stico se utiliz贸 informaci贸n hist贸rica del proceso. La clasificaci贸n fue implementada como herramienta para el agrupamiento difuso de patrones. Las clases fueron analizadas por el experto del proceso para generar estados funcionales. Las RNAs de configuraci贸n multicapa fueron entrenadas para predecir los estados funcionales del proceso. Las salidas en la etapa de predicci贸n son las entradas del clasificador. En el esquema de diagn贸stico propuesto los estados funcionales ser谩n utilizados para generar las acciones preventivas antes de la transici贸n hacia un estado de falla. La inteligencia artificial se presenta como una alternativa que al ser combinada con la ingenier铆a de mantenimiento permitir谩 el dise帽o de sistemas complejos y eficientes para programar acciones de tipo preventivas y predictivas sobre las m谩quinas en la industria. La estrategia propuesta fue implementada sobre un sistema de control convencional para la conmutaci贸n de los par谩metros de control y la predicci贸n de fallas; y sobre un sistema de producci贸n de aire medicinal para la programaci贸n de acciones de manteniendo a partir de la predicci贸n de estados funcionales.ABSTRACT: In this work the design of an intelligent strategy for the automatic diagnosis of processes by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) prediction and diffuse classification is presented. To design the diagnosis strategy, historical information of the process is used. The classification is implemented as a tool for the diffuse grouping of patterns. Classes are analyzed by the process expert to generate functional states. The ANNs of multilayer configuration was trained to predict the functional states of the process. The outputs in the prediction stage are the entries of the classifier. In the proposed diagnostic scheme, the functional states will be used to generate the preventive actions before the transition to a fault state. Artificial intelligence is presented as an alternative that, when combined with maintenance engineering, will allow the design of complex and efficient systems to program preventive and predictive actions on machines in organizations. The proposed strategy was implemented on a conventional control system for the commutation of the control parameters and the prediction of faults; and on a medicinal air production system for programming maintenance actions based on the prediction of functional states