563 research outputs found

    Auxiliary Learning as an Asymmetric Bargaining Game

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    Auxiliary learning is an effective method for enhancing the generalization capabilities of trained models, particularly when dealing with small datasets. However, this approach may present several difficulties: (i) optimizing multiple objectives can be more challenging, and (ii) how to balance the auxiliary tasks to best assist the main task is unclear. In this work, we propose a novel approach, named AuxiNash, for balancing tasks in auxiliary learning by formalizing the problem as generalized bargaining game with asymmetric task bargaining power. Furthermore, we describe an efficient procedure for learning the bargaining power of tasks based on their contribution to the performance of the main task and derive theoretical guarantees for its convergence. Finally, we evaluate AuxiNash on multiple multi-task benchmarks and find that it consistently outperforms competing methods.Comment: ICML 202

    Improving spiking neural network performance with auxiliary learning

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    The use of back propagation through the time learning rule enabled the supervised training of deep spiking neural networks to process temporal neuromorphic data. However, their performance is still below non-spiking neural networks. Previous work pointed out that one of the main causes is the limited number of neuromorphic data currently available, which are also difficult to generate. With the goal of overcoming this problem, we explore the usage of auxiliary learning as a means of helping spiking neural networks to identify more general features. Tests are performed on neuromorphic DVS-CIFAR10 and DVS128-Gesture datasets. The results indicate that training with auxiliary learning tasks improves their accuracy, albeit slightly. Different scenarios, including manual and automatic combination losses using implicit differentiation, are explored to analyze the usage of auxiliary tasks

    Meta-Auxiliary Learning for Adaptive Human Pose Prediction

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    Predicting high-fidelity future human poses, from a historically observed sequence, is decisive for intelligent robots to interact with humans. Deep end-to-end learning approaches, which typically train a generic pre-trained model on external datasets and then directly apply it to all test samples, emerge as the dominant solution to solve this issue. Despite encouraging progress, they remain non-optimal, as the unique properties (e.g., motion style, rhythm) of a specific sequence cannot be adapted. More generally, at test-time, once encountering unseen motion categories (out-of-distribution), the predicted poses tend to be unreliable. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel test-time adaptation framework that leverages two self-supervised auxiliary tasks to help the primary forecasting network adapt to the test sequence. In the testing phase, our model can adjust the model parameters by several gradient updates to improve the generation quality. However, due to catastrophic forgetting, both auxiliary tasks typically tend to the low ability to automatically present the desired positive incentives for the final prediction performance. For this reason, we also propose a meta-auxiliary learning scheme for better adaptation. In terms of general setup, our approach obtains higher accuracy, and under two new experimental designs for out-of-distribution data (unseen subjects and categories), achieves significant improvements.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, AAAI 2023 accepte

    Disentangled Latent Spaces Facilitate Data-Driven Auxiliary Learning

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    In deep learning, auxiliary objectives are often used to facilitate learning in situations where data is scarce, or the principal task is extremely complex. This idea is primarily inspired by the improved generalization capability induced by solving multiple tasks simultaneously, which leads to a more robust shared representation. Nevertheless, finding optimal auxiliary tasks that give rise to the desired improvement is a crucial problem that often requires hand-crafted solutions or expensive meta-learning approaches. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, dubbed Detaux, whereby a weakly supervised disentanglement procedure is used to discover new unrelated classification tasks and the associated labels that can be exploited with the principal task in any Multi-Task Learning (MTL) model. The disentanglement procedure works at a representation level, isolating a subspace related to the principal task, plus an arbitrary number of orthogonal subspaces. In the most disentangled subspaces, through a clustering procedure, we generate the additional classification tasks, and the associated labels become their representatives. Subsequently, the original data, the labels associated with the principal task, and the newly discovered ones can be fed into any MTL framework. Extensive validation on both synthetic and real data, along with various ablation studies, demonstrate promising results, revealing the potential in what has been, so far, an unexplored connection between learning disentangled representations and MTL. The code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.Comment: Under review in Pattern Recognition Letter