1,416 research outputs found

    Surface and Sub-Surface Analyses for Bridge Inspection

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    The development of bridge inspection solutions has been discussed in the recent past. In this dissertation, significant development and improvement on the state-of-the-art in the field of bridge inspection using multiple sensors (e.g. ground penetrating radar (GPR) and visual sensor) has been proposed. In the first part of this research (discussed in chapter 3), the focus is towards developing effective and novel methods for rebar detection and localization for sub-surface bridge inspection of steel rebars. The data has been collected using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) sensor on real bridge decks. In this regard, a number of different approaches have been successively developed that continue to improve the state-of-the-art in this particular research area. The second part (discussed in chapter 4) of this research deals with the development of an automated system for steel bridge defect detection system using a Multi-Directional Bicycle Robot. The training data has been acquired from actual bridges in Vietnam and validation is performed on data collected using Bicycle Robot from actual bridge located in Highway-80, Lovelock, Nevada, USA. A number of different proposed methods have been discussed in chapter 4. The final chapter of the dissertation will conclude the findings from the different parts and discuss ways of improving on the existing works in the near future

    A Robust Localization System for Inspection Robots in Sewer Networks †

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    Sewers represent a very important infrastructure of cities whose state should be monitored periodically. However, the length of such infrastructure prevents sensor networks from being applicable. In this paper, we present a mobile platform (SIAR) designed to inspect the sewer network. It is capable of sensing gas concentrations and detecting failures in the network such as cracks and holes in the floor and walls or zones were the water is not flowing. These alarms should be precisely geo-localized to allow the operators performing the required correcting measures. To this end, this paper presents a robust localization system for global pose estimation on sewers. It makes use of prior information of the sewer network, including its topology, the different cross sections traversed and the position of some elements such as manholes. The system is based on a Monte Carlo Localization system that fuses wheel and RGB-D odometry for the prediction stage. The update step takes into account the sewer network topology for discarding wrong hypotheses. Additionally, the localization is further refined with novel updating steps proposed in this paper which are activated whenever a discrete element in the sewer network is detected or the relative orientation of the robot over the sewer gallery could be estimated. Each part of the system has been validated with real data obtained from the sewers of Barcelona. The whole system is able to obtain median localization errors in the order of one meter in all cases. Finally, the paper also includes comparisons with state-of-the-art Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems that demonstrate the convenience of the approach.Unión Europea ECHORD ++ 601116Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España RTI2018-100847-B-C2

    INSPIRE Newsletter Spring 2018

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    A multi-robot platform for the autonomous operation and maintenance of offshore wind farms

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    With the increasing scale of offshore wind farm development, maintaining farms efficiently and safely becomes a necessity. The length of turbine downtime and the logistics for human technician transfer make up a significant proportion of the operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. To reduce such costs, future O&M infrastructures will increasingly rely on offshore autonomous robotic solutions that are capable of co-managing wind farms with human operators located onshore. In particular, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous surface vessels and crawling robots are expected to play important roles not only to bring down costs but also to significantly reduce the health and safety risks by assisting (or replacing) human operators in performing the most hazardous tasks. This paper portrays a visionary view in which heterogeneous robotic assets, underpinned by AI agent technology, coordinate their behavior to autonomously inspect, maintain and repair offshore wind farms over long periods of time and unstable weather conditions. They cooperate with onshore human operators, who supervise the mission at a distance, via the use of shared deliberation techniques. We highlight several challenging research directions in this context and offer ambitious ideas to tackle them as well as initial solutions

    Aerial Robotic Solution for Detailed Inspection of Viaducts

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    The inspection of public infrastructure, such as viaducts and bridges, is crucial for their proper maintenance given the heavy use of many of them. Current inspection techniques are very costly and manual, requiring highly qualified personnel and involving many risks. This article presents a novel solution for the detailed inspection of viaducts using aerial robotic platforms. The system provides a highly automated visual inspection platform that does not rely on GPS and could even fly underneath the infrastructure. Unlike commercially available solutions, our system automatically references the inspection to a global coordinate system usable throughout the lifespan of the infrastructure. In addition, the system includes another aerial platform with a robotic arm to make contact inspections of detected defects, thus providing information that cannot be obtained only with images. Both aerial robotic platforms feature flexibility in the choice of camera or contact measurement sensors as the situation requires. The system was validated by performing inspection flights on real viaducts.Unión Europea H2020-2019-769066Unión Europea H2020-2020- 87154

    A Novel Remote Visual Inspection System for Bridge Predictive Maintenance

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    Predictive maintenance on infrastructures is currently a hot topic. Its importance is proportional to the damages resulting from the collapse of the infrastructure. Bridges, dams and tunnels are placed on top on the scale of severity of potential damages due to the fact that they can cause loss of lives. Traditional inspection methods are not objective, tied to the inspector’s experience and require human presence on site. To overpass the limits of the current technologies and methods, the authors of this paper developed a unique new concept: a remote visual inspection system to perform predictive maintenance on infrastructures such as bridges. This is based on the fusion between advanced robotic technologies and the Automated Visual Inspection that guarantees objective results, high-level of safety and low processing time of the results