9 research outputs found

    Hovering data clouds: A decentralized and self-organizing information system

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    Abstract. With ever-increasing numbers of cars, traffic congestion on the roads is a very serious economic and environmental problem for our modern society. Existing technologies for traffic monitoring and management require stationary infrastructure. These approaches lack flexibility with respect to system deployment and unpredictable events (e.g., accidents). Moreover, the delivery of traffic reports from radio stations is imprecise and often outdated. In the project AutoNomos we aim at developing a decentralized system for traffic monitoring and managing, based on vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). Our objective is to design a system for traffic forecasting that can deliver faster and more appropriate reactions to unpredictable events. In our design, cars collect traffic information, extract the relevant data, and generate traffic reports. A key concept are so-called Hovering Data Clouds (HDCs), which are based on the insight that many crucial structures in traffic (e.g., traffic jams) lead an existence that is independent of the individual cars they are composed of. The result is an elegant, robust and self-organizing distributed information system. In this paper we demonstrate first experimental results

    Self-Stabilizing Message Routing in Mobile ad hoc Networks

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    We present a self-stabilizing algorithm for routing messages between arbitrary pairs of nodes in a mobile ad hoc network. Our algorithm assumes the availability of a reliable GPS service, which supplies mobile nodes with accurate information about real time and about their own geographical locations. The GPS service provides an external, shared source of consistency for mobile nodes, allowing them to label and timestamp messages, and thereby aiding in recovery from failures. Our algorithm utilizes a Virtual Infrastructure programming abstraction layer, consisting of mobile client nodes, virtual stationary timed machines called Virtual Stationary Automata (VSAs), and a local broadcast service connecting VSAs and mobile clients. VSAs are associated with predetermined regions in the plane, and are emulated in a self-stabilizing manner by the mobile nodes. VSAs are relatively stable in the face of node mobility and failure, and can be used to simplify algorithm development for mobile networks. Our routing algorithm consists of three subalgorithms: [(1)] a VSA-to-VSA geographical routing algorithm, [2] a mobile client location management algorithm, and [3] the main algorithm, which utilizes both location management and geographical routing. All three subalgorithms are self-stabilizing, and consequently, the entire algorithm is also self-stabilizing

    Simulation and evaluation of the reactive virtual node layer

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-67).Developing software in a wireless, ad hoc environment is an intrinsically difficult problem. One way to mitigate it is to add an abstraction layer between the software and the individual mobile devices. This thesis describes one such abstraction, the Reactive Virtual Node (RVN) Layer [1, 2, 3, 4], as well as a new simulation framework written in Python. Additionally, this thesis uses the simulator to characterize an RVN-based routing service for multihop mobile ad hoc networks. The performance of the routing service is compared to the Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing protocol, as well as a greedy geographic routing protocol.by Mike Spindel.M.Eng

    A Self-Organising Distributed Location Server for Ad Hoc Networks

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    Wireless networks allow communication between multiple devices (nodes) without the use of wires. Range in such networks is often limited restricting the use of networks to small offices and homes; however, it is possible to use nodes to forward packets for others thereby extending the communication range of individual nodes. Networks employing such forwarding are called Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks (MANETS) Discovering routes in MANETS is a challenging task given that the topology is flat and node addresses reveal nothing about their place in the network. In addition, nodes may move or leave changing the network topology quickly. Existing approaches to discovering locations involve either broadcast dissemination or broadcast route discovery throughout the entire network. The reliance on the use of techniques that use broadcast schemes restricts the size of network that the techniques are applicable to. Routing in large scale ad hoc networks is therefore achieved by the use of geographical forwarding. Each node is required to know its location and that of its neighbours so that it may use this information for forward packets. The next hop chosen is the neighbour that is closest to the destination and a number of techniques are used to handle scenarios here the network has areas void of nodes. Use of such geographical routing techniques requires knowledge of the destination's location. This is provided by location servers and the literature proposes a number of methods of providing them. Unfortunately many of the schemes are limited by using a proportion of the network that increases with size, thereby immediately limiting the scalability. Only one technique is surveyed that provides high scalability but it has a number of limitations in terms of handling node mobility and failure. Ad hoc networks have limited capacity and so the inspiration for a technique to address these shortcomings comes from observations of nature. Birds and ants are able to organise themselves without direct communication through the observation of their environment and their peers. They provide an emergent intelligence based on individual actions rather than group collaboration. This thesis attempts to discover whether software agents can mimic this by creating a group of agents to store location information in a specific location. Instead of requiring central co-ordination, the agents observe one another and make individual decisions to create an emergent intelligence that causes them to resist mobility and node failures. The new technique is called a Self Organising Location Server (SOLS) and is compared against existing approaches to location servers. Most existing techniques do not scale well whereas SOLS uses a new idea of a home location. The use of this idea and the self organising behaviour of the agents that store the information results in significant benefits in performance. SOLS significantly out performs Terminode home region, the only other scalable approach surveyed. SOLS is able to tolerate much higher node failure rates than expected in likely implementations of large scale ad hoc networks. In addition, SOLS successfully mitigates node mobility which is likely to be encountered in an ad hoc network

    Consensus and collision detectors in wireless ad hoc networks

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 76-80).In this study, we consider the fault-tolerant consensus problem in wireless ad hoc networks with crashprone nodes. Specifically, we develop lower bounds and matching upper bounds for this problem in single-hop wireless networks, where all nodes are located within broadcast range of each other. In a novel break from existing work, we introduce a highly unpredictable communication model in which each node may lose an arbitrary subset of the messages sent by its neighbors during each round. We argue that this model better matches behavior observed in empirical studies of these networks. To cope with this communication unreliability we augment nodes with receiver-side collision detectors and present a new classification of these detectors in terms of accuracy and completeness. This classification is motivated by practical realities and allows us to determine, roughly speaking, how much collision detection capability is enough to solve the consensus problem efficiently in this setting. We consider ten different combinations of completeness and accuracy properties in total, determining for each whether consensus is solvable, and, if it is, a lower bound on the number of rounds required.(cont.) Furthermore, we distinguish anonymous and non-anonymous protocols-where "anonymous" implies that devices do not have unique identifiers-determining what effect (if any) this extra information has on the complexity of the problem. In all relevant cases, we provide matching upper bounds. Our contention is that the introduction of (possibly weak) receiver-side collision detection is an important approach to reliably solving problems in unreliable networks. Our results, derived in a realistic network model, provide important feedback to ad hoc network practitioners regarding what hardware (and low-layer software) collision detection capability is sufficient to facilitate the construction of reliable and fault-tolerant agreement protocols for use in real-world deployments.by Calvin Newport.S.M

    Virtual infrastructure for wireless ad hoc networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (v. 2, p. 585-591) and index.One of the most significant challenges introduced by ad hoc networks is coping with the unpredictable deployment, uncertain reliability, and erratic communication exhibited by emerging wireless networks and devices. The goal of this thesis is to develop a set of algorithms that address these challenges and simplify the design of algorithms for ad hoc networks. In the first part of this thesis, I introduce the idea of virtual infrastructure, an abstraction that provides reliable and predictable components in an unreliable and unpredictable environment. This part assumes reliable communication, focusing primarily on the problems created by unpredictable motion and fault-prone devices. I introduce several types of virtual infrastructure, and present new algorithms based on the replicated-state-machine paradigm to implement these infrastructural components. In the second part of this thesis, I focus on the problem of developing virtual infrastructure for more realistic networks, in particular coping with the problem of unreliable communication. I introduce a new framework for modeling wireless networks based on the ability to detect collisions. I then present a new algorithm for implementing replicated state machines in wireless networks, and show how to use replicated state machines to implement virtual infrastructure even in an environment with unreliable communication.by Seth Gilbert.Ph.D

    Autonomous Virtual Mobile Nodes

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    Autonomous Virtual Mobile Nodes (Extended Abstract)

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a new abstraction for virtual infrastructure in mobile ad hoc networks. An Autonomous Virtual Mobile Node (AVMN) is a robust and reliable entity that is designed to cope with the inherent difficulties caused by processors arriving, leaving, and moving according to their own agendas, as well as with failures and energy limitations. There are many types of applications that may make use of the AVMN infrastructure: tracking, supporting mobile users, or searching for energy sources. The AVMN extends the focal point abstraction in [9] and the virtual mobile node abstraction in [10]. The new abstraction is that of a virtual general-purpose computing entity, an automaton that can make autonomous on-line decisions concerning its own movement. We describe a selfstabilizing implementation of this new abstraction that is resilient to the chaotic behavior of the physical processors and provides automatic recovery from any corrupted state of the system

    ABSTRACT Autonomous Virtual Mobile Nodes (Extended Abstract)

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    This paper presents a new abstraction for virtual infrastructure in mobile ad hoc networks. An Autonomous Virtual Mobile Node (AVMN) is a robust and reliable entity that is designed to cope with the inherent difficulties caused by processors arriving, leaving, and moving according to their own agendas, as well as with failures and energy limitations. There are many types of applications that may make use of the AVMN infrastructure: tracking, supporting mobile users, or searching for energy sources. The AVMN extends the focal point abstraction in [9] and the virtual mobile node abstraction in [10]. The new abstraction is that of a virtual general-purpose computing entity, an automaton that can make autonomous on-line decisions concerning its own movement. We describe a selfstabilizing implementation of this new abstraction that is resilient to the chaotic behavior of the physical processors and provides automatic recovery from any corrupted state of the system