17,757 research outputs found

    DQN: Deep Q-Learning for Autonomous Navigation

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    This project deals with autonomous mobile robots trained using reinforcement learning, a branch of machine learning (the science of improving problem-solving performance based on experience) based on choosing actions to maximize rewards from various environments. This is a form of behavioral learning that is observed in nature and thus more biologically plausible than cognitive models based on labeled data provided by a teacher (supervised learning). We developed an experimental test bed by implementing Deep Q-Networks (DQN), a form of reinforcement learning, for goal-oriented navigation and obstacle avoidance tasks using a TurtleBot3 Burger robot and in the gazebo simulation environment for behavior learning in autonomous agents. To achieve the goal of avoiding obstacles, the DQN Agent provides a positive reward to the robot whenever it gets closer to its goal and a negative reward when it is farther from its goal. The TurtleBot3 Burger requires a large number of training iterations before it achieves the goal and successfully avoids obstacles. Future work involves extending the reward functions so that DQN can be used to learn to solve fully autonomous exploration and mapping tasks, where the robot does not know the exact location of the goal


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    Fuzzy Q-learning is extending of Q-learning algorithm that uses fuzzy inference system to enable Q-learning holding continuous action and state. This learning has been implemented in various robot learning application like obstacle avoidance and target searching. However, most of them have not been realized in embedded robot. This paper presents implementation of fuzzy Q-learning for obstacle avoidance navigation in embedded mobile robot. The experimental result demonstrates that fuzzy Q-learning enables robot to be able to learn the right policy i.e. to avoid obstacle


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    This paper presents collaboration of behavior based control and fuzzy Q-learning for five legs robot navigation systems. There are many fuzzy Q-learning algorithms that have been proposed to yield individual behavior like obstacle avoidance, find target and so on. However, for complicated tasks, it is needed to combine all behaviors in one control schema using behavior based control. Based this fact, this paper proposes a control schema that incorporate fuzzy q-learning in behavior based schema to overcome complicated tasks in navigation systems of autonomous five legs robot. In the proposed schema, there are two behaviors which is learned by fuzzy q-learning. Other behaviors is constructed in design step. All behaviors are coordinated by hierarchical hybrid coordination node. Simulation results demonstrate that the robot with proposed schema is able to learn the right policy, to avoid obstacle and to find the target. However, Fuzzy q-learning failed to give right policy for the robot to avoid collision in the corner location. Keywords : behavior based control, fuzzy q-learnin

    Vision-based reinforcement learning using approximate policy iteration

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    A major issue for reinforcement learning (RL) applied to robotics is the time required to learn a new skill. While RL has been used to learn mobile robot control in many simulated domains, applications involving learning on real robots are still relatively rare. In this paper, the Least-Squares Policy Iteration (LSPI) reinforcement learning algorithm and a new model-based algorithm Least-Squares Policy Iteration with Prioritized Sweeping (LSPI+), are implemented on a mobile robot to acquire new skills quickly and efficiently. LSPI+ combines the benefits of LSPI and prioritized sweeping, which uses all previous experience to focus the computational effort on the most “interesting” or dynamic parts of the state space. The proposed algorithms are tested on a household vacuum cleaner robot for learning a docking task using vision as the only sensor modality. In experiments these algorithms are compared to other model-based and model-free RL algorithms. The results show that the number of trials required to learn the docking task is significantly reduced using LSPI compared to the other RL algorithms investigated, and that LSPI+ further improves on the performance of LSPI

    Learning with Training Wheels: Speeding up Training with a Simple Controller for Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has been applied successfully to many robotic applications. However, the large number of trials needed for training is a key issue. Most of existing techniques developed to improve training efficiency (e.g. imitation) target on general tasks rather than being tailored for robot applications, which have their specific context to benefit from. We propose a novel framework, Assisted Reinforcement Learning, where a classical controller (e.g. a PID controller) is used as an alternative, switchable policy to speed up training of DRL for local planning and navigation problems. The core idea is that the simple control law allows the robot to rapidly learn sensible primitives, like driving in a straight line, instead of random exploration. As the actor network becomes more advanced, it can then take over to perform more complex actions, like obstacle avoidance. Eventually, the simple controller can be discarded entirely. We show that not only does this technique train faster, it also is less sensitive to the structure of the DRL network and consistently outperforms a standard Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient network. We demonstrate the results in both simulation and real-world experiments.Comment: Published in ICRA2018. The code is now available at https://github.com/xie9187/AsDDP

    Metric State Space Reinforcement Learning for a Vision-Capable Mobile Robot

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    We address the problem of autonomously learning controllers for vision-capable mobile robots. We extend McCallum's (1995) Nearest-Sequence Memory algorithm to allow for general metrics over state-action trajectories. We demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by successfully running our algorithm on a real mobile robot. The algorithm is novel and unique in that it (a) explores the environment and learns directly on a mobile robot without using a hand-made computer model as an intermediate step, (b) does not require manual discretization of the sensor input space, (c) works in piecewise continuous perceptual spaces, and (d) copes with partial observability. Together this allows learning from much less experience compared to previous methods.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure
