49 research outputs found

    Piggybacking on an Autonomous Hauler: Business Models Enabling a System-of-Systems Approach to Mapping an Underground Mine

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    With ever-increasing productivity targets in mining operations, there is a growing interest in mining automation. In future mines, remote-controlled and autonomous haulers will operate underground guided by LiDAR sensors. We envision reusing LiDAR measurements to maintain accurate mine maps that would contribute to both safety and productivity. Extrapolating from a pilot project on reliable wireless communication in Boliden's Kankberg mine, we propose establishing a system-of-systems (SoS) with LIDAR-equipped haulers and existing mapping solutions as constituent systems. SoS requirements engineering inevitably adds a political layer, as independent actors are stakeholders both on the system and SoS levels. We present four SoS scenarios representing different business models, discussing how development and operations could be distributed among Boliden and external stakeholders, e.g., the vehicle suppliers, the hauling company, and the developers of the mapping software. Based on eight key variation points, we compare the four scenarios from both technical and business perspectives. Finally, we validate our findings in a seminar with participants from the relevant stakeholders. We conclude that to determine which scenario is the most promising for Boliden, trade-offs regarding control, costs, risks, and innovation must be carefully evaluated.Comment: Preprint of industry track paper accepted for the 25th IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering (RE'17


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    In recent years, a great deal of work has been conducted in automating mining equipment with the goals of increasing worker health and safety and increasing mine productivity. Automating vehicles such as load-haul-dumps been successful even in underground environments where the use of global positioning systems are unavailable. This thesis addresses automating the operation of a shuttle car, specifically focusing on positioning the shuttle car under the continuous miner coal-discharge conveyor during cutting and loading operations. This task requires recognition of the target and precise control of the tramming operation because a specific orientation and distance from the coal discharge conveyor is needed to avoid coal spillage. The proposed approach uses a stereo depth camera mounted on a small-scale mockup of a shuttle car. Machine learning algorithms are applied to the camera output to identify the continuous miner coal-discharge conveyor and segment the scene into various regions such as roof, ribs, and personnel. This information is used to plan the shuttle car path to the continuous miner coal-discharge conveyor. These methods are currently applied on 1/6th scale continuous miner and shuttle car in an appropriately scaled mock mine

    Streaming Scene Maps for Co-Robotic Exploration in Bandwidth Limited Environments

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    This paper proposes a bandwidth tunable technique for real-time probabilistic scene modeling and mapping to enable co-robotic exploration in communication constrained environments such as the deep sea. The parameters of the system enable the user to characterize the scene complexity represented by the map, which in turn determines the bandwidth requirements. The approach is demonstrated using an underwater robot that learns an unsupervised scene model of the environment and then uses this scene model to communicate the spatial distribution of various high-level semantic scene constructs to a human operator. Preliminary experiments in an artificially constructed tank environment as well as simulated missions over a 10m×\times10m coral reef using real data show the tunability of the maps to different bandwidth constraints and science interests. To our knowledge this is the first paper to quantify how the free parameters of the unsupervised scene model impact both the scientific utility of and bandwidth required to communicate the resulting scene model.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for presentation in IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA '19, Montreal, Canada, May 201

    MOMDP-based target search mission taking into account the human operator's cognitive state

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    This study discusses the application of sequential decision making under uncertainty and mixed observability in a mixed-initiative robotic target search application. In such a robotic mission, two agents, a ground robot and a human operator, must collaborate to reach a common goal using, each in turn, their recognized skills. The originality of the work relies in considering that the human operator is not a providential agent when the robot fails. Using the data from previous experiments, a Mixed Observability Markov Decision Process (MOMDP) model was designed, which allows to consider aleatory failure events and the partial observable human operator's state while planning for a long-term horizon. Results show that the collaborative system was in general able to successfully complete or terminate the mission, even when many simultaneous sensors, devices and operators failures happened. So, the mixed-initiative framework highlighted in this study shows the relevancy of taking into account the cognitive state of the operator, which permits to compute a policy for the sequential decision problem which prevents to re-planning when unexpected (but known) events occurs