12 research outputs found

    Phytoplankton Hotspot Prediction With an Unsupervised Spatial Community Model

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    Many interesting natural phenomena are sparsely distributed and discrete. Locating the hotspots of such sparsely distributed phenomena is often difficult because their density gradient is likely to be very noisy. We present a novel approach to this search problem, where we model the co-occurrence relations between a robot's observations with a Bayesian nonparametric topic model. This approach makes it possible to produce a robust estimate of the spatial distribution of the target, even in the absence of direct target observations. We apply the proposed approach to the problem of finding the spatial locations of the hotspots of a specific phytoplankton taxon in the ocean. We use classified image data from Imaging FlowCytobot (IFCB), which automatically measures individual microscopic cells and colonies of cells. Given these individual taxon-specific observations, we learn a phytoplankton community model that characterizes the co-occurrence relations between taxa. We present experiments with simulated robot missions drawn from real observation data collected during a research cruise traversing the US Atlantic coast. Our results show that the proposed approach outperforms nearest neighbor and k-means based methods for predicting the spatial distribution of hotspots from in-situ observations.Comment: To appear in ICRA 2017, Singapor

    Active Reward Learning for Co-Robotic Vision Based Exploration in Bandwidth Limited Environments

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    We present a novel POMDP problem formulation for a robot that must autonomously decide where to go to collect new and scientifically relevant images given a limited ability to communicate with its human operator. From this formulation we derive constraints and design principles for the observation model, reward model, and communication strategy of such a robot, exploring techniques to deal with the very high-dimensional observation space and scarcity of relevant training data. We introduce a novel active reward learning strategy based on making queries to help the robot minimize path "regret" online, and evaluate it for suitability in autonomous visual exploration through simulations. We demonstrate that, in some bandwidth-limited environments, this novel regret-based criterion enables the robotic explorer to collect up to 17% more reward per mission than the next-best criterion.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; accepted for presentation in IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA '20, Paris, France, June 202

    Detection of unanticipated faults for autonomous underwater vehicles using online topic models

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    © The Author(s), 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Journal of Field Robotics 35 (2018): 705-716, doi:10.1002/rob.21771.For robots to succeed in complex missions, they must be reliable in the face of subsystem failures and environmental challenges. In this paper, we focus on autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) autonomy as it pertains to self‐perception and health monitoring, and we argue that automatic classification of state‐sensor data represents an important enabling capability. We apply an online Bayesian nonparametric topic modeling technique to AUV sensor data in order to automatically characterize its performance patterns, then demonstrate how in combination with operator‐supplied semantic labels these patterns can be used for fault detection and diagnosis by means of a nearest‐neighbor classifier. The method is evaluated using data collected by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute's Tethys long‐range AUV in three separate field deployments. Our results show that the proposed method is able to accurately identify and characterize patterns that correspond to various states of the AUV, and classify faults at a high rate of correct detection with a very low false detection rate.Office of Naval Research Grant Number: N00014‐14‐1‐0199; David and Lucile Packard Foundatio

    Unsupervised learning for long-term autonomy

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    This thesis investigates methods to enable a robot to build and maintain an environment model in an automatic manner. Such capabilities are especially important in long-term autonomy, where robots operate for extended periods of time without human intervention. In such scenarios we can no longer assume that the environment and the models will remain static. Rather changes are expected and the robot needs to adapt to the new, unseen, circumstances automatically. The approach described in this thesis is based on clustering the robot’s sensing information. This provides a compact representation of the data which can be updated as more information becomes available. The work builds on affinity propagation (Frey and Dueck, 2007), a recent clustering method which obtains high quality clusters while only requiring similarities between pairs of points, and importantly, selecting the number of clusters automatically. This is essential for real autonomy as we typically do not know “a priori” how many clusters best represent the data. The contributions of this thesis a three fold. First a self-supervised method capable of learning a visual appearance model in long-term autonomy settings is presented. Secondly, affinity propagation is extended to handle multiple sensor modalities, often occurring in robotics, in a principle way. Third, a method for joint clustering and outlier selection is proposed which selects a user defined number of outlier while clustering the data. This is solved using an extension of affinity propagation as well as a Lagrangian duality approach which provides guarantees on the optimality of the solution

    Statistical models and decision making for robotic scientific information gathering

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution September 2018.Mobile robots and autonomous sensors have seen increasing use in scientific applications, from planetary rovers surveying for signs of life on Mars, to environmental buoys measuring and logging oceanographic conditions in coastal regions. This thesis makes contributions in both planning algorithms and model design for autonomous scientific information gathering, demonstrating how theory from machine learning, decision theory, theory of optimal experimental design, and statistical inference can be used to develop online algorithms for robotic information gathering that are robust to modeling errors, account for spatiotemporal structure in scientific data, and have probabilistic performance guarantees. This thesis first introduces a novel sample selection algorithm for online, irrevocable sampling in data streams that have spatiotemporal structure, such as those that commonly arise in robotics and environmental monitoring. Given a limited sampling capacity, the proposed periodic secretary algorithm uses an information-theoretic reward function to select samples in real-time that maximally reduce posterior uncertainty in a given scientific model. Additionally, we provide a lower bound on the quality of samples selected by the periodic secretary algorithm by leveraging the submodularity of the information-theoretic reward function. Finally, we demonstrate the robustness of the proposed approach by employing the periodic secretary algorithm to select samples irrevocably from a seven-year oceanographic data stream collected at the Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory off the coast of Cape Cod, USA. Secondly, we consider how scientific models can be specified in environments – such as the deep sea or deep space – where domain scientists may not have enough a priori knowledge to formulate a formal scientific model and hypothesis. These domains require scientific models that start with very little prior information and construct a model of the environment online as observations are gathered. We propose unsupervised machine learning as a technique for science model-learning in these environments. To this end, we introduce a hybrid Bayesian-deep learning model that learns a nonparametric topic model of a visual environment. We use this semantic visual model to identify observations that are poorly explained in the current model, and show experimentally that these highly perplexing observations often correspond to scientifically interesting phenomena. On a marine dataset collected by the SeaBED AUV on the Hannibal Sea Mount, images of high perplexity in the learned model corresponded, for example, to a scientifically novel crab congregation in the deep sea. The approaches presented in this thesis capture the depth and breadth of the problems facing the field of autonomous science. Developing robust autonomous systems that enhance our ability to perform exploratory science in environments such as the oceans, deep space, agricultural and disaster-relief zones will require insight and techniques from classical areas of robotics, such as motion and path planning, mapping, and localization, and from other domains, including machine learning, spatial statistics, optimization, and theory of experimental design. This thesis demonstrates how theory and practice from these diverse disciplines can be unified to address problems in autonomous scientific information gathering