6 research outputs found

    aMOSS: Automated Multi-objective Server Provisioning with Stress-Strain Curving

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    Abstract—A modern data center built upon virtualized server clusters for hosting Internet applications has multiple correlated and conflicting objectives. Utility-based approaches are often used for optimizing multiple objectives. However, it is difficult to define a local utility function to suitably represent one objective and to apply different weights on multiple local utility functions. Furthermore, choosing weights statically may not be effective in the face of highly dynamic workloads. In this paper, we propose an automated multi-objective server provisioning with stress-strain curving approach (aMOSS). First, we formulate a multi-objective optimization problem that is to minimize the number of physical machines used, the average response time and the total number of virtual servers allocated for multi-tier applications. Second, we propose a novel stress-strain curving method to automatically select the most efficient solution from a Pareto-optimal set that is obtained as the result of a non-dominated sorting based optimization technique. Third, we en-hance the method to reduce server switching cost and improve the utilization of physical machines. Simulation results demonstrate that compared to utility-based approaches, aMOSS automatically achieves the most efficient tradeoff between performance and resource allocation efficiency. We implement aMOSS in a testbed of virtualized blade servers and demonstrate that it outperforms a representative dynamic server provisioning approach in achieving the average response time guarantee and in resource allocation efficiency for a multi-tier Internet service. aMOSS provides a unique perspective to tackle the challenging autonomic server provisioning problem. I

    Construction d'un systÚme d'exploitation fondé sur Linux pour le support des organisations virtuelles dans les grilles de nouvelle génération

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    This document comprises the final report on the IST Integrated Project XtreemOS - "Building and promotinga Linux-based operating systems to support virtual organizations for next generation Grids".The project started in June 2006 and ended in September 2010.The XtreemOS operating system provides for Grids what a traditional operating system offers fora single computer: abstraction from the hardware and secure resource sharing between different users.It thus simplifies the work of users belonging to virtual organizations by giving them the illusion ofusing a traditional computer while removing the burden of complex resource management issues of atypical Grid environment.We have developed a comprehensive set of cooperating system services. XtreemOS softwarecomponents range from Linux kernel modules to application-support libraries. The XtreemOS operatingsystem provides three major distributed services to users: application execution management(providing scalable resource discovery and job scheduling for distributed interactive applications),data management (accessing and storing data in XtreemFS, a POSIX-like file system spanning theGrid) and virtual organization management (building and operating dynamic virtual organizations).Three flavours of the system have been implemented for individual PC, clusters and mobile devices(PDA, smartphone, notebook).The XtreemOS software has been experimented and validated with a wide range of applications.Various demonstrators were implemented, shown at different events and published on the web.The project results are available as open source software. The consortium member organizationsplan to exploit some of the results in follow-up research projects and in future products.1

    Autonomous Resource Selection for Decentralized Utility Computing.

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    Cost-effective resource management for distributed computing

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    Current distributed computing and resource management infrastructures (e.g., Cluster and Grid) suffer from a wide variety of problems related to resource management, which include scalability bottleneck, resource allocation delay, limited quality-of-service (QoS) support, and lack of cost-aware and service level agreement (SLA) mechanisms. This thesis addresses these issues by presenting a cost-effective resource management solution which introduces the possibility of managing geographically distributed resources in resource units that are under the control of a Virtual Authority (VA). A VA is a collection of resources controlled, but not necessarily owned, by a group of users or an authority representing a group of users. It leverages the fact that different resources in disparate locations will have varying usage levels. By creating smaller divisions of resources called VAs, users would be given the opportunity to choose between a variety of cost models, and each VA could rent resources from resource providers when necessary, or could potentially rent out its own resources when underloaded. The resource management is simplified since the user and owner of a resource recognize only the VA because all permissions and charges are associated directly with the VA. The VA is controlled by a ’rental’ policy which is supported by a pool of resources that the system may rent from external resource providers. As far as scheduling is concerned, the VA is independent from competitors and can instead concentrate on managing its own resources. As a result, the VA offers scalable resource management with minimal infrastructure and operating costs. We demonstrate the feasibility of the VA through both a practical implementation of the prototype system and an illustration of its quantitative advantages through the use of extensive simulations. First, the VA concept is demonstrated through a practical implementation of the prototype system. Further, we perform a cost-benefit analysis of current distributed resource infrastructures to demonstrate the potential cost benefit of such a VA system. We then propose a costing model for evaluating the cost effectiveness of the VA approach by using an economic approach that captures revenues generated from applications and expenses incurred from renting resources. Based on our costing methodology, we present rental policies that can potentially offer effective mechanisms for running distributed and parallel applications without a heavy upfront investment and without the cost of maintaining idle resources. By using real workload trace data, we test the effectiveness of our proposed rental approaches. Finally, we propose an extension to the VA framework that promotes long-term negotiations and rentals based on service level agreements or long-term contracts. Based on the extended framework, we present new SLA-aware policies and evaluate them using real workload traces to demonstrate their effectiveness in improving rental decisions