8 research outputs found

    An extensible framework for automatic knowledge extraction from student blogs

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    This article introduces a framework for automatically extracting knowledge from student blogs and injecting it into a shared resource, namely a Wiki. This is motivated by the need to preserve knowledge generated by students beyond their time of study. The framework is described in the context of the Bachelor of Creative Technologies degree at the Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand where it is being deployed alongside an existing blogging and ePortfolio process. The framework uses an extensible, layered architecture that allows for incremental development of components in the system to enhance the functionality over time. The current implementation is in beta-testing and uses simple heuristics in the core components. This article presents a road map for extending the functionality to improve the quality of knowledge extraction by introducing techniques from the artificial intelligence field


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    Latar belakang: WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia memperkirakan imunisasi bisa menyelamatkan 2 hingga 3 juta jiwa pada tiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia. Pencapaian cakupan UCI di Kota Surabaya belum diikuti dengan penurunan kasus penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi (PD3I). Tujuan: Mengembangan model sistem informasi surveilans imunisasi dan PD3I di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah actions research berupa pengembangan sistem (system development). Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa masalah sistem terdapat pada komponen input, proses, dan output. Informasi baru yang dibutuhkan adalah jumlah cakupan imunisasi dasar lengkap, cakupan imunisasi booster, jumlah kasus PD3I per kelurahan, UCI kelurahan, kelurahan dengan kasus PD3I, kualitas vaksin, wilayah prioritas imunisasi, dan prevalensi kasus PD3I yang belum diimunisasi. Hasil uji coba meunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi surveilans imunisasi dan PD3I cukup mudah dan bermanfaat bagi petugas imunisasi dan surveilans PD3I di puskesmas dan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya. Simpulan dan saran: Sistem Informasi Surveilans Imunisasi dan PD3I cukup mudah digunakan dan bermanfaat. Kegiatan pencatatan dan pelaporan dalam sistem informasi surveilans imunisasi dan PD3I diharapkan dapat dilakukan pada periode bulanan


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    Latar belakang: WHO Regional Director for South-East Asia memperkirakan imunisasi bisa menyelamatkan 2 hingga 3 juta jiwa pada tiap tahunnya di seluruh dunia. Pencapaian cakupan UCI di Kota Surabaya belum diikuti dengan penurunan kasus penyakit yang dapat dicegah dengan imunisasi (PD3I). Tujuan: Mengembangan model sistem informasi surveilans imunisasi dan PD3I di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah actions research berupa pengembangan sistem (system development). Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa masalah sistem terdapat pada komponen input, proses, dan output. Informasi baru yang dibutuhkan adalah jumlah cakupan imunisasi dasar lengkap, cakupan imunisasi booster, jumlah kasus PD3I per kelurahan, UCI kelurahan, kelurahan dengan kasus PD3I, kualitas vaksin, wilayah prioritas imunisasi, dan prevalensi kasus PD3I yang belum diimunisasi. Hasil uji coba meunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi surveilans imunisasi dan PD3I cukup mudah dan bermanfaat bagi petugas imunisasi dan surveilans PD3I di puskesmas dan di Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya. Simpulan dan saran: Sistem Informasi Surveilans Imunisasi dan PD3I cukup mudah digunakan dan bermanfaat. Kegiatan pencatatan dan pelaporan dalam sistem informasi surveilans imunisasi dan PD3I diharapkan dapat dilakukan pada periode bulanan

    Computer-assisted transformation of design documents from a natural language description to structured modeling languages

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    In the present thesis, a novel approach is proposed to transform design documents described by a natural language into a structured modeling languages, particularly UML diagrams and FBS models. The transformation consists of two steps: (i) From natural language to an intermediate graphic language called Recursive Object Model (ROM). (ii) From a ROM diagram to a modeling language. The ROM diagram corresponding to a text includes the main semantic information implied in the text by modeling the relations between the words in a text. Based on the semantics implied in the ROM diagram, a set of criteria is proposed to mine the semantic meaning of the original text corresponding to the ROM diagram. Once the semantic meaning of the design documents through their corresponding ROM diagram is captured, a set of mapping rules from the ROM diagram criteria to the modeling language elements is proposed. After that, a set of generation rules to explore the relationship between these elements is proposed to generate UML diagrams and FBS models based on a ROM diagram. A software prototype R2U is presented as a proof of concept for transforming ROM diagrams to UML diagrams. Another software prototype R2FBS is also presented as a proof of concept for transforming ROM diagrams to FBS models. Several case studies show that the proposed approach is feasible. The proposed approach can be applied to requirements modeling in various engineering fields such as software engineering, automotive engineering, and aerospace engineering. Future work is indicated at the end of the present thesi

    UmobiTalk: Ubiquitous Mobile Speech Based Learning Language Translator for Sesotho Language

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    Published ThesisThe need to conserve the under-resourced languages is becoming more urgent as some of them are becoming extinct; natural language processing can be used to redress this. Currently, most initiatives around language processing technologies are focusing on western languages such as English and French, yet resources for such languages are already available. The Sesotho language is one of the under-resourced Bantu languages; it is mostly spoken in Free State province of South Africa and in Lesotho. Like other parts of South Africa, Free State has experienced high number of migrants and non-Sesotho speakers from neighboring provinces and countries; such people are faced with serious language barrier problems especially in the informal settlements where everyone tends to speak only Sesotho. Non-Sesotho speakers refers to the racial groups such as Xhosas, Zulus, Coloureds, Whites and more, in which Sesotho language is not their native language. As a solution to this, we developed a parallel corpus that has English as source and Sesotho as a target language and packaged it in UmobiTalk - Ubiquitous mobile speech based learning translator. UmobiTalk is a mobile-based tool for learning Sesotho for English speakers. The development of this tool was based on the combination of automatic speech recognition, machine translation and speech synthesis

    Autonomous requirements specification processing using natural language processing

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    We describe our ongoing research that centres on the application of natural language processing (NLP) to software engineering and systems development activities. In particular, this paper addresses the use of NLP in the requirements analysis and systems design processes. We have developed a prototype toolset that can assist the systems analyst or software engineer to select and verify terms relevant to a project. In this paper we describe the processes employed by the system to extract and classify objects of interest from requirements documents. These processes are illustrated using a small example

    The use of systems engineering principles for the integration of existing models and simulations

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    With the rise in computational power, the prospect of simulating a complex engineering system with a high degree of accuracy and in a meaningful way is becoming a real possibility. Modelling and simulation have become ubiquitous throughout the engineering life cycle, as a consequence there are many thousands of existing models and simulations that are potential candidates for integration. This work is concerned with ascertaining if systems engineering principles are of use in the support of virtual testing, from desire to test, designing experiments, specifying simulations, selecting models and simulations, integrating component parts, verifying that the work is as specified, and validating that any outcomes are meaningful. A novel representation of systems engineering framework is proposed and forms the bases for the methods that were developed. It takes the core systems engineering principles and expresses them in a way that can be implemented in a variety of ways. An end to end process for virtual testing with the potential to use existing models and simulations is proposed, it provides structure and order to the testing task. A key part of the proposed process is the recognition that models and simulations requirements are different from those of the system being designed, and hence a modelling and simulation specific writing guide is produced. The automation of any engineering task has the potential to reduce the time to market of the final product, for this reason the potential of natural language processing technology to hasten the proposed processes was investigated. Two case studies were selected to test and demonstrate the potential of the novel approach, the first being an investigation into material selection for a squash ball, and the second being automotive in nature concerned with combining steering and braking systems. The processes and methods indicated their potential value, especially in the automotive case study where inconsistences were identified that could have otherwise affected the successful integration. This capability, combined with the verification stages, improves the confidence of any model and simulation integration. The NLP proof of concept software also demonstrated that such technology has value in the automation of integration. With further testing and development there is the possibility to create a software package to guide engineers through the difficult task of virtual testing. Such a tool would have the potential to drastically reduce the time to market of complex products