4 research outputs found

    ICSNC 1: Mobility and Ad Hoc

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    Page 1. Page 2. ICSNC 1: Mobility and Ad Hoc Energy Aware Topology Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks T. Shiv Prakash, GS Badrinath, KR Venugopal and LM Patnaik T Hybrid Agents for Power-Aware Intrusion Detection in Highly Mobile Ad Hoc Networks T. Srinivasan, V. Mahadevan, A. Meyyappan, A. Manikandan, M. Nivedita and N. Pavithra T An Enhanced Gnutella for Ad-Hoc Networks Hyun-Duk Choi, Ho-Hyun Park and Miae Woo T A New EAAODV Routing Protocol Based on Mobile Agent Chenchen Zhao and Zhen Yang T The Case of Multi-Hop Peer-to-Peer Implementation of Mobile Social Applications Panayotis Antoniadis and Costas Courcoubetis T Mobile Agent Communication Scheme: An Evolving Canvas Mâamoun Bernich and Fabrice Mourlin T Page 3. ICSNC 2: High Speed Building High-Performance and Reconfigurable Bandwidth Controllers with Adaptive Clustering

    Autonomically Improving the Security and Robustness of Structured P2P Overlays

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    Autonomic Management in a Distributed Storage System

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    This thesis investigates the application of autonomic management to a distributed storage system. Effects on performance and resource consumption were measured in experiments, which were carried out in a local area test-bed. The experiments were conducted with components of one specific distributed storage system, but seek to be applicable to a wide range of such systems, in particular those exposed to varying conditions. The perceived characteristics of distributed storage systems depend on their configuration parameters and on various dynamic conditions. For a given set of conditions, one specific configuration may be better than another with respect to measures such as resource consumption and performance. Here, configuration parameter values were set dynamically and the results compared with a static configuration. It was hypothesised that under non-changing conditions this would allow the system to converge on a configuration that was more suitable than any that could be set a priori. Furthermore, the system could react to a change in conditions by adopting a more appropriate configuration. Autonomic management was applied to the peer-to-peer (P2P) and data retrieval components of ASA, a distributed storage system. The effects were measured experimentally for various workload and churn patterns. The management policies and mechanisms were implemented using a generic autonomic management framework developed during this work. The experimental evaluations of autonomic management show promising results, and suggest several future research topics. The findings of this thesis could be exploited in building other distributed storage systems that focus on harnessing storage on user workstations, since these are particularly likely to be exposed to varying, unpredictable conditions.Comment: PhD Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2009. Supervisor: Graham Kirb