6 research outputs found


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    In recent years the emergence of Software as a Service (SaaS) provision and cloud computing in general had a tremendous impact on corporate information technology. While the implementation and successful operation of powerful information systems continues to be a cornerstone of success in modern enterprises, the ability to acquire IT infrastructure, software, or platforms on a pay-as-you-go basis has opened a new avenue for optimizing operational costs and processes. In this context we target elastic SaaS systems with on-demand cloud resource provisioning and implement an autonomic management artifact. Our framework forecasts future user behavior based on historic data, analyzes the impact of different workload levels on system performance based on a non-linear performance model, analyzes the economic impact of different provisioning strategies, derives an optimal operation strategy, and automatically assigns requests from users belonging to different Quality of Service (QoS) classes to the appropriate server instances. More generally, our artifact optimizes IT system operation based on a holistic evaluation of key aspects of service operation (e.g., system usage patterns, system performance, Service Level Agreements). The evaluation of our prototype, based on a real production system workload trace, indicates a cost-of-operation reduction by up to 60 percent without compromising QoS requirements


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    As information technology has advanced, there has been a shift toward relying more and more on online cloud storage and computing services. There is no getting around the fact that recent times have seen a meteoric rise in interest in cloud computing. This technology is used by many different organisations as the central component of their information technology infrastructure. The use of cloud computing results in increased data processing efficiency across a variety of computer and storage systems that are available over the internet. The approaches have advanced as a direct result of the cutting-edge and forward-thinking computer procedures that are the foundation of the internet's core database and network architecture. In the 1990s, a new sort of cutting-edge computing known as grid computing came into being. 2005 saw the birth of two new computing paradigms: cloud computing and utility computing. Consolidating several virtual computing components into a single physical platform is one of the most distinguishing features of cloud computing services and infrastructure. These components include the central processing unit (CPU), the network, storage, and memory. A piece of software known as a hypervisor is responsible for isolating each virtual machine (VM) (used by Virtual box and VMware, for example). Using this strategy, one virtual disc or machine may be prevented from directly accessing the memory and programmes of another inside the same environment. This can be accomplished by using a firewall. Through the use of hardware abstraction, it is feasible to conceal the complexity of operating physical computer systems, while at the same time efficiently boosting the systems' processing capacity. Utilizing virtualization technology in the cloud comes with a number of benefits, including scalability and the capacity to support many tenants (one software programme serving many users at once). These properties are essential to cloud computing because they make sharing and pooling resources possible. Sharing and pooling resources provides a number of benefits, some of which include increased business value, more flexibility, and cost savings. When it comes to the process of moving assets from cloud providers to cloud virtualization users, provisioning is an extremely important step. In order to fulfil the requirements of its clientele, the cloud service provider must create an acceptable number of virtual machines and make available sufficient amounts of resources. This may be accomplished by any one of the following three methods: advanced provisioning, dynamic provisioning, or user self-provisioning. The mechanism by which cloud services and resources are made available, known as dynamic provisioning, faces a number of challenges. These challenges include the correct configuration of virtual machines (VMs) and technological constraints such as disc space, processing power, memory, and network throughput. It's possible that the scalability of virtual machines, the setup of cloud systems, and other aspects of virtualization's deployment might provide some difficulties

    La adopci贸n de la tecnolog铆a cloud computing (SaaS): Efectos de la complejidad tecnol贸gica vs formaci贸n y soporte

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    El prop贸sito de este trabajo es analizar emp铆ricamente, la influencia de las variables Complejidad Tecnol贸gica, Formaci贸n y Soporte y Apoyo T茅cnico en el seno de una organizaci贸n y como pueden afectar a la intenci贸n de uso final de la tecnolog铆a cloud. Se evaluaron, a trav茅s de una encuesta, 150 empresas de Andaluc铆a. Los aspectos claves que se han identificado con dicha intenci贸n han sido la disponibilidad en el soporte t茅cnico, dudas o problemas de uso relacionados con la complejidad y la adecuaci贸n de la formaci贸n recibida por parte de la organizaci贸n. Los resultados indican que la complejidad ejerce un efecto negativo, mientras que la formaci贸n y el soporte son claves, con un peso muy similar, en la intenci贸n de uso, descubri茅ndose que el conocimiento compartido o cooperativo es clave en la adopci贸n de la tecnolog铆a cloud computing.The purpose of this paper is to analyze empirically the influence of the variables Technological Complexity, Training and Support and Technical Support within an organization and how they can affect the end use intention of cloud technology. 150 companies from Andalusia were evaluated through a survey. The key aspects that have been identified with this intention have been the availability in the technical support, doubts or problems of use related to the complexity and the adequacy of the training received by the organization. The results indicate that complexity has a negative effect, while training and support are key, with a very similar weight, in the intention to use, finding that shared or cooperative knowledge is key in the adoption of cloud computing technology

    Los ecosistemas de turismo inteligente basados en Cloud Computing

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    La adopci贸n y uso del cloud computing est谩 planteando importantes cambios organizacionales en el sector tur铆stico y abre nuevas posibilidades a nuevos establecimientos o establecimientos independientes que pueden competir mejor con una infraestructura TIC a costes competitivos. El estudio del caso que planteamos basado en establecimientos hoteleros independientes permite conocer cu谩les pueden ser las variables de influencia en el proceso de adopci贸n y uso de la nube en el sector tur铆stico. Este estudio detalla a su vez la importancia y dependencia que estas aplicaciones bajo modalidad SaaS tienen para los establecimientos y como estos pueden aumentar o disminuir sus costes en infraestructura TIC en funci贸n de la estacionalidad y ocupaci贸n. Por 煤ltimo, el estudio pone de relieve la importancia que la confianza y la seguridad de los datos tienen para las organizaciones tur铆sticas.The adoption and use of cloud computing is raising important organizational changes in the tourism sector and opens new possibilities for new establishments or independent establishments can compete better with IT infrastructure at competitive costs. The case study we propose based on independent hotel establishments can know what might be the variables influencing the process of adoption and use of cloud in the tourism sector. This study details turn the importance and dependence that these applications are under SaaS for establishments and how they can increase or decrease their costs in IT infrastructure in terms of seasonality and occupation. Finally, the study highlights the importance of trust and data security are for tourist organizations

    Cloud computing (SaaS) adoption as a strategic technology: results of an empirical study

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    El presente estudio analiza emp铆ricamente los factores que determinan la adopci贸n de cloud computing (modelo SaaS) en empresas donde esta estrategia se considera estrat茅gica para ejecutar su actividad. Se ha desarrollado un modelo de investigaci贸n para evaluar los factores que influyen en la intenci贸n de usar la computaci贸n en la nube que combina las variables encontradas en el modelo de aceptaci贸n de tecnolog铆a (TAM) con otras variables externas, como el apoyo de la alta gerencia, la capacitaci贸n, la comunicaci贸n, el tama帽o de la organizaci贸n y la complejidad tecnol贸gica. Los datos compilados de 150 empresas en Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) se utilizan para probar las hip贸tesis formuladas. Los resultados de este estudio reflejan qu茅 factores cr铆ticos deben considerarse y c贸mo est谩n interrelacionados. Tambi茅n muestran las demandas organizacionales que deben ser consideradas por aquellas compa帽铆as que desean implementar un modelo de gesti贸n real adoptado para la econom铆a digital, especialmente aquellos relacionados con la computaci贸n en la nube.The present study empirically analyzes the factors that determine the adoption of cloud computing (SaaS model) in firms where this strategy is considered strategic for executing their activity. A research model has been developed to evaluate the factors that influence the intention of using cloud computing that combines the variables found in the technology acceptance model (TAM) with other external variables such as top management support, training, communication, organization size, and technological complexity. Data compiled from 150 companies in Andalusia (Spain) are used to test the formulated hypotheses. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. They also show the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing.peerReviewe

    Modelo de aceptaci贸n y uso del cloud computing: un an谩lisis realizado en el 谩mbito empresarial

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    La econom铆a digital est谩 contribuyendo de forma decisiva al impulso de la competitividad del sector productivo de una organizaci贸n, pero este hecho implica migrar de una econom铆a con un escaso grado de adopci贸n de las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n, a otra donde es com煤n y normal aprovecharlas en todas las actividades econ贸micas, culturales y sociales. Esa adopci贸n tecnol贸gica genera incrementos en la productividad y en la competitividad de las empresas, organizaciones y administraciones, contribuyendo as铆 a la generaci贸n de bienestar y de mayores oportunidades de progreso. Contribuir y profundizar en estudios relacionados con estos modelos de adopci贸n y su contribuci贸n a la mejora de competitividad de una organizaci贸n es el objetivo de este trabajo de investigaci贸n. Actualmente, los sistemas cloud computing o la computaci贸n en la nube son una de las alternativas m谩s reales para conseguir mejorar esa competitividad, pero no s贸lo como tecnolog铆a de la informaci贸n, sino como un nuevo modelo econ贸mico de aprovechamiento de los recursos, de explotaci贸n de las aplicaciones y de los datos o de prestar servicios empresariales. Esta investigaci贸n trata de estudiar y ahondar en la evoluci贸n de esta todav铆a reciente tecnolog铆a, su aplicabilidad a medio y largo plazo, as铆 como en encontrar la f贸rmula que permita encontrar su mejor modelo de adopci贸n tecnol贸gico en una organizaci贸n. Normalmente estos trabajos est谩n centrados en aspectos puramente tecnol贸gicos, sin intentar estudiar su repercusi贸n en las organizaciones. Este trabajo de investigaci贸n trata otro enfoque que permita optimizar y adaptar estas tecnolog铆as a la realidad de nuestro tejido productivo. Los resultados de esta investigaci贸n reflejan cuales son los factores cr铆ticos a tener en cuenta y como se relacionan entre ellos. As铆 mismo, ponen de manifiesto las necesidades organizacionales que deben afrontar aquellas empresas que deseen implantar un verdadero modelo de gesti贸n adoptado a la econom铆a digital, especialmente a los relacionados con la computaci贸n en la nube.The digital economy is contributing decisively to boosting the competitiveness of the productive sector of organizations, but this involves migrating from an economy with only a small amount of Information Technology use, to one where it is common, and normal, to use these technologies in all economic, cultural and social activities. This adoption of technology generates increases in productivity and competitivity of enterprises, organizations and administrations, thus contributing to the creation of wealth, and greater opportunities for progress. Contributing to and furthering studies related to these models of adoption and their contribution to improving competitiveness of an organization is the goal of this research project. Today, cloud computing systems or cloud computing are one of the most realistic ways to improve the competitivity, but not only for Information Technology, also as a new economic model of resource use, exploitation of applications and data, or for providing business services. This study seeks to explore and research the evolution of this still new technology, its application in the medium and long term as well as trying to find the formula for the optimal model of technology adoption in an organization. Normally these studies are focused on purely technological aspects without trying to study the impact on the organizations. This research project presents another approach, to optimize and adapt these technologies to the reality of our production sector. The results of this study reflect what critical factors should be considered and how they are interrelated. It also shows the organizational demands that must be considered by those companies wishing to implement a real management model adopted to the digital economy, especially those related to cloud computing.Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado U