15 research outputs found

    Locally arc-transitive graphs of valence {3,4}\{3,4\} with trivial edge kernel

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    In this paper we consider connected locally GG-arc-transitive graphs with vertices of valence 3 and 4, such that the kernel Guv[1]G_{uv}^{[1]} of the action of an edge-stabiliser on the neighourhood Γ(u)Γ(v)\Gamma(u) \cup \Gamma(v) is trivial. We find nineteen finitely presented groups with the property that any such group GG is a quotient of one of these groups. As an application, we enumerate all connected locally arc-transitive graphs of valence 3,4{3,4} on at most 350 vertices whose automorphism group contains a locally arc-transitive subgroup GG with Guv[1]=1G_{uv}^{[1]} = 1

    Edge-transitive regular Zn-covers of the Heawood graph

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    AbstractA regular cover of a graph is said to be an edge-transitive cover if the fibre-preserving automorphism subgroup acts edge-transitively on the covering graph. In this paper we classify edge-transitive regular Zn-covers of the Heawood graph, and obtain a new infinite family of one-regular cubic graphs. Also, as an application of the classification of edge-transitive regular Zn-covers of the Heawood graph, we prove that any bipartite edge-transitive cubic graph of order 14p is isomorphic to a normal Cayley graph of dihedral group if the prime p>13

    Recent trends and future directions in vertex-transitive graphs

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    A graph is said to be vertex-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the vertex set. Some recent developments and possible future directions regarding two famous open problems, asking about existence of Hamilton paths and existence of semiregular automorphisms in vertex-transitive graphs, are discussed, together with some recent results on arc-transitive graphs and half-arc-transitive graphs, two special classes of vertex-transitive graphs that have received particular attention over the last decade