16,757 research outputs found

    Getting to know Pepper : Effects of people’s awareness of a robot’s capabilities on their trust in the robot

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    © 2018 Association for Computing MachineryThis work investigates how human awareness about a social robot’s capabilities is related to trusting this robot to handle different tasks. We present a user study that relates knowledge on different quality levels to participant’s ratings of trust. Secondary school pupils were asked to rate their trust in the robot after three types of exposures: a video demonstration, a live interaction, and a programming task. The study revealed that the pupils’ trust is positively affected across different domains after each session, indicating that human users trust a robot more the more awareness about the robot they have

    Middleware platform for distributed applications incorporating robots, sensors and the cloud

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    Cyber-physical systems in the factory of the future will consist of cloud-hosted software governing an agile production process executed by autonomous mobile robots and controlled by analyzing the data from a vast number of sensors. CPSs thus operate on a distributed production floor infrastructure and the set-up continuously changes with each new manufacturing task. In this paper, we present our OSGibased middleware that abstracts the deployment of servicebased CPS software components on the underlying distributed platform comprising robots, actuators, sensors and the cloud. Moreover, our middleware provides specific support to develop components based on artificial neural networks, a technique that recently became very popular for sensor data analytics and robot actuation. We demonstrate a system where a robot takes actions based on the input from sensors in its vicinity

    Artificial intelligence applications in marketing: the chatbot of the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno”

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    openL'intelligenza artificiale (AI) offre numerose applicazioni nel marketing, ma allo stesso tempo ci sono diverse limitazioni da considerare nella sua adozione. Dopo la prima parte di analisi generale delle applicazioni e degli aspetti negativi dell'AI e dei chatbot, la tesi si concentra sul caso dell'implementazione di un chatbot da parte del Dipartimento di Economia e Management “Marco Fanno” dell'Università di Padova. La domanda di ricerca è volta a capire se il chatbot implementato dal Dipartimento sia stato efficace nell'alleggerire e supportare il lavoro dell'ufficio amministrativo e nel rispondere alle domande degli studenti. A tal fine, il documento analizza se il numero di email è diminuito dopo l'introduzione del chatbot. Inoltre è stato svolto un questionario per valutare l'esperienza che gli studenti del Dipartimento hanno avuto con il chatbot di ateneo. Il sondaggio ha anche chiesto agli studenti quali servizi vorrebbero che il chatbot aggiungesse a quelli attuali. Inoltre, è stata condotta un'analisi economica su benefici e costi per valutare se il chatbot genererà un risultato economico positivo. Questo studio consente di valutare l'impatto che un chatbot potrebbe avere nel campo dell'istruzione. In particolare, può fornire informazioni alle università sul fatto che un chatbot possa migliorare il coinvolgimento con gli studenti, liberare il personale da compiti ripetitivi e generare benefici economici netti nel lungo periodo. Il questionario stesso è stato condotto attraverso un sondaggio web su Google Forms e un sondaggio attraverso un chatbot. In questo modo ho anche analizzato quale dei due metodi sia il più efficace per condurre un'indagine. Alcune prove rivelano come i sondaggi condotti attraverso un chatbot possano portare a risposte più accurate da parte degli intervistati. Confrontando i risultati ottenuti della due modalità di sondaggio ho potuto verificare queste evidenze con un nuovo campione di partecipanti, gli studenti di Economia. I risultati della tesi non hanno mostrato prove chiare del fatto che il chatbot consentisse di ridurre il numero di e-mail. Ma si suggerisce un'indagine su un periodo più lungo. Successivamente i risultati hanno evidenziato un buon apprezzamento degli studenti per il chatbot e hanno suggerito l'introduzione di notifiche push che ricordano delle scadenze universitarie come le tasse. La stima dell'analisi costi-benefici prevedeva un risultato netto positivo su tre anni con un ROI del 29%. Inoltre, il sondaggio chatbot ha parzialmente confermato la tendenza ad ottenere risposte più accurate rispetto ad un classico sondaggio web.Artificial intelligence (AI) offers numerous applications in marketing, but at the same time, there are several limitations to consider in its adoption. After the first part about a general analysis of the applications and negative aspects of AI and chatbots, the thesis focuses on the case of the implementation of a chatbot by the Department of Economics and Management “Marco Fanno” of the University of Padua. The research question turns towards understanding whether the chatbot implemented by the Department was effective in easing and supporting the work of the administrative office and answering students questions. For this purpose, the paper analyses if the number of emails is decreased after the chatbot introduction. In addition, a questionnaire was carried out to evaluate the experience that the students of the Department have had with the university chatbot. The survey also asked students what services they would like the chatbot to add to their current ones. Moreover, an economic analysis on benefits and costs was conducted to estimate whether the chatbot will generate a positive outcome. This study allows evaluating the impact a chatbot could have in the education field. In particular, it can provide insight to universities on whether a chatbot could enhance the engagement with students, offload staff from repetitive tasks and generate net economic benefits in the long period. The questionnaire itself was conducted through a web survey on Google Forms and a chatbot survey. In this way, it could also be verified which of the two methods is the most effective to conduct a survey. Some evidence finds how chatbot surveys can lead to less satisfactory answers by respondents. Comparing the two survey results, I can verify these past findings with a different sample of participants, the students of Economics. The results did not show clear evidence of whether the chatbot allowed reducing the number of emails. But an investigation over a longer period is suggested. Then, findings highlighted a good appreciation of students for the chatbot and suggested the introduction of push notifications that remember university deadlines such as taxes. The estimation of the benefits-cost analysis forecasted a net positive outcome over three years with an ROI of 29%. Also, the chatbot survey partially confirmed the encouraging finding in reducing satisficing by respondents.

    The future of social is personal: the potential of the personal data store

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    This chapter argues that technical architectures that facilitate the longitudinal, decentralised and individual-centric personal collection and curation of data will be an important, but partial, response to the pressing problem of the autonomy of the data subject, and the asymmetry of power between the subject and large scale service providers/data consumers. Towards framing the scope and role of such Personal Data Stores (PDSes), the legalistic notion of personal data is examined, and it is argued that a more inclusive, intuitive notion expresses more accurately what individuals require in order to preserve their autonomy in a data-driven world of large aggregators. Six challenges towards realising the PDS vision are set out: the requirement to store data for long periods; the difficulties of managing data for individuals; the need to reconsider the regulatory basis for third-party access to data; the need to comply with international data handling standards; the need to integrate privacy-enhancing technologies; and the need to future-proof data gathering against the evolution of social norms. The open experimental PDS platform INDX is introduced and described, as a means of beginning to address at least some of these six challenges