5 research outputs found

    Sistemática pedagógica para desenvolvimento de ambiente de simulação computacional na perspectiva da teoria da atividade

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    Este artigo apresenta a articulação teórica conceitual fundamentada na teoria da atividade utilizada para o desenvolvimento de uma sistemática pedagógica que norteie a elaboração do projeto de simulação computacional. Foi elaborada e testada uma sistemática pedagógica que oriente a elaboração das etapas de projeto e desenvolvimento de uma simulação computacional para o ensino de graduação. São expostos conceitos relacionados a: simulação computacional; teoria da atividade; e aplicação da simulação computacional para fins de ensino e de aprendizagem dinâmica. É apresentado um ensaio teórico relacionado a uma proposta de organização pedagógica que norteia o planejamento e a execução de atividade de aprendizagem em ambiente de simulação computacional na perspectiva da teoria da atividade. Ao final são comentadas as considerações finais, destacando as contribuições da proposta de estruturação didática para a elaboração das diversas etapas do projeto de simulação e algumas indicações de oportunidades de futuras pesquias e estudos empíricos

    Uma Ferramenta Paralela para Simulação de Eventos Discretos com Monitoramento Dinâmico de Processos

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    Esta dissertação apresenta o projeto de uma ferramenta para simulação de eventos discretos que tem como objetivo oferecer aos usuários de simulação um ambiente integrado para: modelagem, simulação distribuída e monitoramento de processos. A modelagem conta com um ambiente gráfico que possibilita ao usuário construir um sistema utilizando as linguagens simbólicas (Redes de Petri, Redes de Fila ou Statecharts) presentes na ferramenta. A simulação distribuída ocorre de maneira transparente para o usuário, pois a ferramenta prove mecanismos para o tratamento de erros de causa e efeito, podendo o usuário escolher um dentre dois protocolos otimistas para sincronização, são eles: Time Warp e Rollback Solidário. Para que a simulação ocorra no ambiente distribuído, são utilizadas duas bibliotecas, que permitem a troca de mensagens entre os processos: PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) e MPI (Massage Passing Interface), podendo o usuário escolher uma para a utilização. A fim de se obter um melhor desempenho da simulação distribuída, são utilizados recursos de escalonamento de processos e balanceamento de carga, que, juntamente com o mecanismo de monitoramento, conseguem equilibrar o uso de carga entre os processadores. Para o desenvolvimento desta ferramenta, foi utilizado um framework voltado para o desenvolvimento de programas de simulação distribuída, desenvolvido no Grupo de Pesquisa em Engenharia de Sistemas e de Computação (GPESC) da UNIFEI. Para atender as necessidades não inclusas no framework, foi necessário estendê-lo, possibilitando, assim, a conclusão deste trabalho

    A framework for the provision of online discrete event simulation for operational decision support in complex manufacturing environments

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    The engineering body of knowledge contains an array of methodologies and techniques to address the effectiveness and efficiency of operational activities within a manufacturing environment. One such example is simulation modelling, a powerful analytical tool that can potentially be valuable in assisting decision makers, managers and engineers to gauge improvement opportunities and achieve process advancements. However, the cost of ownership for simulation models is not insignificant even for large multinationals, this stems from the requirements for specialist skills in simulation software, model development, data mining and statistical analysis. Simulation projects typically require a large investment to develop and usually are used-once-and-thrown-away. To reuse the model, it would require repeating a large portion of the development cycle. In order for simulation modelling to achieve wider recognition as a decision support tool there is a necessity to reduce the cost of model maintainability, promote reusability, increase flexibility and improve user friendliness. The research proposed framework intends to achieve four goals. i.) Improve and advance the deployment and maintenance requirements of simulation projects in comparison to traditional methods. ii.) Integrate automation into model deployment phase of a simulation projects. Thus, allowing unique user-specified simulation models to be generated by automatically extracting and manipulating data from factory databases. iii.) Enforce a strong documentation technique to achieve interoperability and re-traceability of project progress, therefore permitting programme code or even entire models to be reused and utilised in future projects. iv.) Advance user friendliness and acceptance towards simulation modelling. Reducing the expertise required to conduct simulation studies will improve the programming exercise image associated with typical simulation studies. This framework assists in developing customised simulation modules. These modules facilitate automated online rapid development of reconfigurable, flexible, self-maintaining simulation models, aiming to deliver tailored analysis to support real-time operational decision making

    A grid computing framework for commercial simulation packages

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    An increased need for collaborative research among different organizations, together with continuing advances in communication technology and computer hardware, has facilitated the development of distributed systems that can provide users non-trivial access to geographically dispersed computing resources (processors, storage, applications, data, instruments, etc.) that are administered in multiple computer domains. The term grid computing or grids is popularly used to refer to such distributed systems. A broader definition of grid computing includes the use of computing resources within an organization for running organization-specific applications. This research is in the context of using grid computing within an enterprise to maximize the use of available hardware and software resources for processing enterprise applications. Large scale scientific simulations have traditionally been the primary benefactor of grid computing. The application of this technology to simulation in industry has, however, been negligible. This research investigates how grid technology can be effectively exploited by simulation practitioners using Windows-based commercially available simulation packages to model simulations in industry. These packages are commonly referred to as Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Simulation Packages (CSPs). The study identifies several higher level grid services that could be potentially used to support the practise of simulation in industry. It proposes a grid computing framework to investigate these services in the context of CSP-based simulations. This framework is called the CSP-Grid Computing (CSP-GC) Framework. Each identified higher level grid service in this framework is referred to as a CSP-specific service. A total of six case studies are presented to experimentally evaluate how grid computing technologies can be used together with unmodified simulation packages to support some of the CSP-specific services. The contribution of this thesis is the CSP-GC framework that identifies how simulation practise in industry may benefit from the use of grid technology. A further contribution is the recognition of specific grid computing software (grid middleware) that can possibly be used together with existing CSPs to provide grid support. With its focus on end-users and end-user tools, it is intended that this research will encourage wider adoption of grid computing in the workplace and that simulation users will derive benefit from using this technology.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo