7 research outputs found

    Modelling Functional Behavior of Event-based Systems: A Practical Knowledge-based Approach

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    AbstractFunctional behavior is considered to be the most basic, yet a critical notion in order to determine the characteristics of a system. However, how to reason about the functional behavior of a system in a systematic manner, is mostly limited by our cognitive processing abilities. While the UML-based behavior models can support a visual conceptualization of the functional behavior, they lack the rigorous, machine-processable reasoning capabilities. In this paper, we present a practical, knowledge-based approach to model the functional behavior that incorporates the notions of Commonsense Reasoning and Functional Reasoning over its core defining aspects. We demonstrate our approach with a detailed example, along with a set of use case scenarios. The main motivation behind this work was to develop a rigorous, logic-based approach to verify the levels of functional consistencies between cross-platform event-based systems. The focus of this paper, however, is to present the representational facility that can be utilized for the consistency validation system. While we provide a brief overview of the consistency validation system in this paper, a separate article will be dedicated for the comprehensive overview of the validation system itself

    Managing Security Control Assumptions Using Causal Traceability

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    A formal methodology to design and deploy dependable wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are being increasingly adopted in critical applications, where verifying the correct operation of sensor nodes is a major concern. Undesired events may undermine the mission of the WSNs. Hence their effects need to be properly assessed before deployment to obtain a good level of expected performance and during the operation in order to avoid dangerous unexpected results. In this paper we propose amethodology that aims at assessing and improving the dependability level of WSNs by means of an event-based formal verification technique. The methodology includes a process to guide designers towards the realization of dependable WSN and a tool ("ADVISES") to simplify its adoption. The tool is applicable to homogeneous WSNs with static routing topologies. It allows to generate automatically formal specifications used to check correctness properties and evaluate dependability metrics at design time and at runtime for WSNs where an acceptable percentage of faults can be defined. During the runtime we can check the behavior of the WSN accordingly to the results obtained at design time and we can detect sudden and unexpected failures, in order to trigger recovery procedures. The effectiveness of the methodology is shown in the context of two case studies, as proof-of-concept, aiming to illustrate how the tool is helpful to drive design choices and to check the correctness properties of the WSN at runtime. Although the method scales up to very large WSNs, the applicability of the methodology maybe compromised by the state space explosion of the reasoning model, which must be faced partitioning large topologies into sub-topologies

    A formal methodology to design and deploy dependable wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are being increasingly adopted in critical applications, where verifying the correct operation of sensor nodes is a major concern. Undesired events may undermine the mission of the WSNs. Hence their effects need to be properly assessed before deployment to obtain a good level of expected performance and during the operation in order to avoid dangerous unexpected results. In this paper we propose amethodology that aims at assessing and improving the dependability level of WSNs by means of an event-based formal verification technique. The methodology includes a process to guide designers towards the realization of dependable WSN and a tool ("ADVISES") to simplify its adoption. The tool is applicable to homogeneous WSNs with static routing topologies. It allows to generate automatically formal specifications used to check correctness properties and evaluate dependability metrics at design time and at runtime for WSNs where an acceptable percentage of faults can be defined. During the runtime we can check the behavior of the WSN accordingly to the results obtained at design time and we can detect sudden and unexpected failures, in order to trigger recovery procedures. The effectiveness of the methodology is shown in the context of two case studies, as proof-of-concept, aiming to illustrate how the tool is helpful to drive design choices and to check the correctness properties of the WSN at runtime. Although the method scales up to very large WSNs, the applicability of the methodology maybe compromised by the state space explosion of the reasoning model, which must be faced partitioning large topologies into sub-topologies

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationExchanging patient specific information across heterogeneous information systems is a critical but increasingly complex and expensive challenge. Lacking a universal unique identifier for healthcare, patient records must be linked using combinations of identity attributes such as name, date of birth, and sex. A state's birth certificate registry contains demographic information that is potentially very valuable for identity resolution, but its use for that purpose presents numerous problems. The objectives of this research were to: (1) assess the frequency, extent, reasons, and types of changes on birth certificates; (2) develop and evaluate an ontology describing information used in identity resolution; and (3) use a logical framework to model identity transactions and assess the impact of policy decisions in a cross jurisdictional master person index. To understand birth certificate changes, we obtained de identifified datasets from the Utah birth certifificate registry, including history and reasons for changes from 2000 to 2012. We conducted cohort analyses, examining the number, reason, and extent of changes over time, and cross sectional analyses to assess patterns of changes. We evaluated an ontological approach to overcome heterogeneity between systems exchanging identity information and demonstrated the use of two existing ontologies, the Simple Event Model (SEM) and the Clinical Element Model (CEM), to capture an individual's identity history. We used Discrete Event Calculus to model identity events iv across domains and over time. Models were used to develop contextual rules for releasing minimal information from birth certificate registries for sensitive cases such as adoptions. Our findings demonstrate that the mutability of birth certificates makes them a valuable resource for identity resolution, provided that changes can be captured and modeled in a usable form. An ontology can effectively model identity attributes and the events that cause them to change over time, as well as to overcome syntactic and semantic heterogeneity. Finally, we show that dynamic, contextual rules can be used to govern the flow of identity information between systems, allowing entities to link records in the most difficult cases, avoid costly human review, and avoid the threats to privacy that come from such review


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    Citation: Mueller, Erik T. (in press). Automating commonsense reasoning using the event calculus

    Automating commonsense reasoning using the event calculus

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