409 research outputs found

    Human-Centric Program Synthesis

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    Program synthesis techniques offer significant new capabilities in searching for programs that satisfy high-level specifications. While synthesis has been thoroughly explored for input/output pair specifications (programming-by-example), this paper asks: what does program synthesis look like beyond examples? What actual issues in day-to-day development would stand to benefit the most from synthesis? How can a human-centric perspective inform the exploration of alternative specification languages for synthesis? I sketch a human-centric vision for program synthesis where programmers explore and learn languages and APIs aided by a synthesis tool

    Code Transpilation for Hardware Accelerators

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    DSLs and hardware accelerators have proven to be very effective in optimizing computationally expensive workloads. In this paper, we propose a solution to the challenge of manually rewriting legacy or unoptimized code in domain-specific languages and hardware accelerators. We introduce an approach that integrates two open-source tools: Metalift, a code translation framework, and Gemmini, a DNN accelerator generator. The integration of these two tools offers significant benefits, including simplified workflows for developers to run legacy code on Gemmini generated accelerators and a streamlined programming stack for Gemmini that reduces the effort required to add new instructions. This paper provides details on this integration and its potential to simplify and optimize computationally expensive workloads

    Automatic matching of legacy code to heterogeneous APIs: An idiomatic approach

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    Heterogeneous accelerators often disappoint. They provide the prospect of great performance, but only deliver it when using vendor specific optimized libraries or domain specific languages. This requires considerable legacy code modifications, hindering the adoption of heterogeneous computing. This paper develops a novel approach to automatically detect opportunities for accelerator exploitation. We focus on calculations that are well supported by established APIs: sparse and dense linear algebra, stencil codes and generalized reductions and histograms. We call them idioms and use a custom constraint-based Idiom Description Language (IDL) to discover them within user code. Detected idioms are then mapped to BLAS libraries, cuSPARSE and clSPARSE and two DSLs: Halide and Lift. We implemented the approach in LLVM and evaluated it on the NAS and Parboil sequential C/C++ benchmarks, where we detect 60 idiom instances. In those cases where idioms are a significant part of the sequential execution time, we generate code that achieves 1.26× to over 20× speedup on integrated and external GPUs

    Verified lifting of stencil computations

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    This paper demonstrates a novel combination of program synthesis and verification to lift stencil computations from low-level Fortran code to a high-level summary expressed using a predicate language. The technique is sound and mostly automated, and leverages counter-example guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) to find provably correct translations. Lifting existing code to a high-performance description language has a number of benefits, including maintainability and performance portability. For example, our experiments show that the lifted summaries can enable domain specific compilers to do a better job of parallelization as compared to an off-the-shelf compiler working on the original code, and can even support fully automatic migration to hardware accelerators such as GPUs. We have implemented verified lifting in a system called STNG and have evaluated it using microbenchmarks, mini-apps, and real-world applications. We demonstrate the benefits of verified lifting by first automatically summarizing Fortran source code into a high-level predicate language, and subsequently translating the lifted summaries into Halide, with the translated code achieving median performance speedups of 4.1X and up to 24X for non-trivial stencils as compared to the original implementation.United States. Department of Energy. Office of Science (Award DE-SC0008923)United States. Department of Energy. Office of Science (Award DE-SC0005288

    Bridging the Gap Between General-Purpose and Domain-Specific Compilers with Synthesis

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    This paper describes a new approach to program optimization that allows general purpose code to benefit from the optimization power of domain-specific compilers. The key to this approach is a synthesis-based technique to raise the level of abstraction of general-purpose code to enable aggressive domain-specific optimizations. We have been implementing this approach in an extensible system called Herd. The system is designed around a collection of parameterized kernel translators. Each kernel translator is associated with a domain-specific compiler, and the role of each kernel translator is to scan the input code in search of code fragments that can be optimized by the domain-specific compiler embedded within each kernel translator. By leveraging general synthesis technology, it is possible to have a generic kernel translator that can be specialized by compiler developers for each domain-specific compiler, making it easy to build new domain knowledge into the overall system. We illustrate this new approach to build optimizing compilers in two different domains, and highlight research challenges that need to be addressed in order to achieve the ultimate vision
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