2,607 research outputs found

    Tortoise: Interactive System Configuration Repair

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    System configuration languages provide powerful abstractions that simplify managing large-scale, networked systems. Thousands of organizations now use configuration languages, such as Puppet. However, specifications written in configuration languages can have bugs and the shell remains the simplest way to debug a misconfigured system. Unfortunately, it is unsafe to use the shell to fix problems when a system configuration language is in use: a fix applied from the shell may cause the system to drift from the state specified by the configuration language. Thus, despite their advantages, configuration languages force system administrators to give up the simplicity and familiarity of the shell. This paper presents a synthesis-based technique that allows administrators to use configuration languages and the shell in harmony. Administrators can fix errors using the shell and the technique automatically repairs the higher-level specification written in the configuration language. The approach (1) produces repairs that are consistent with the fix made using the shell; (2) produces repairs that are maintainable by minimizing edits made to the original specification; (3) ranks and presents multiple repairs when relevant; and (4) supports all shells the administrator may wish to use. We implement our technique for Puppet, a widely used system configuration language, and evaluate it on a suite of benchmarks under 42 repair scenarios. The top-ranked repair is selected by humans 76% of the time and the human-equivalent repair is ranked 1.31 on average.Comment: Published version in proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 201

    Using multi-locators to increase the robustness of web test cases

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    The main reason for the fragility of web test cases is the inability of web element locators to work correctly when the web page DOM evolves. Web elements locators are used in web test cases to identify all the GUI objects to operate upon and eventually to retrieve web page content that is compared against some oracle in order to decide whether the test case has passed or not. Hence, web element locators play an extremely important role in web testing and when a web element locator gets broken developers have to spend substantial time and effort to repair it. While algorithms exist to produce robust web element locators to be used in web test scripts, no algorithm is perfect and different algorithms are exposed to different fragilities when the software evolves. Based on such observation, we propose a new type of locator, named multi-locator, which selects the best locator among a candidate set of locators produced by different algorithms. Such selection is based on a voting procedure that assigns different voting weights to different locator generation algorithms. Experimental results obtained on six web applications, for which a subsequent release was available, show that the multi-locator is more robust than the single locators (about -30% of broken locators w.r.t. the most robust kind of single locator) and that the execution overhead required by the multiple queries done with different locators is negligible (2-3% at most)

    Domain-independent genotype to phenotype mapping through XML rules

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    This paper discusses an innovative approach to mapping Genotypes to Phenotypes through XML rules. Specifically, it concentrates on the mapping process using two very different domains – Regular Expressions (REs) and Software Program Statements. The paper shows that our Genotype-Phenotype system can be applied to any domain that requires the use of REs and it can be adapted to work for any other domain with minimum effort

    Automated Repair of Layout Cross Browser Issues Using Search-Based Techniques

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    A consistent cross-browser user experience is crucial for the success of a website. Layout Cross Browser Issues (XBIs) can severely undermine a website’s success by causing web pages to render incorrectly in certain browsers, thereby negatively impacting users’ impression of the quality and services that the web page delivers. Existing Cross Browser Testing (XBT) techniques can only detect XBIs in websites. Repairing them is, hitherto, a manual task that is labor intensive and requires significant expertise. Addressing this concern, our paper proposes a technique for automatically repairing layout XBIs in websites using guided search-based techniques. Our empirical evaluation showed that our approach was able to successfully fix 86% of layout XBIs reported for 15 different web pages studied, thereby improving their cross-browser consistency

    Genetic Programming + Proof Search = Automatic Improvement

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    Search Based Software Engineering techniques are emerging as important tools for software maintenance. Foremost among these is Genetic Improvement, which has historically applied the stochastic techniques of Genetic Programming to optimize pre-existing program code. Previous work in this area has not generally preserved program semantics and this article describes an alternative to the traditional mutation operators used, employing deterministic proof search in the sequent calculus to yield semantics-preserving transformations on algebraic data types. Two case studies are described, both of which are applicable to the recently-introduced `grow and graft' technique of Genetic Improvement: the first extends the expressiveness of the `grafting' phase and the second transforms the representation of a list data type to yield an asymptotic efficiency improvement

    Genetic Improvement of Software: a Comprehensive Survey

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    Genetic improvement (GI) uses automated search to find improved versions of existing software. We present a comprehensive survey of this nascent field of research with a focus on the core papers in the area published between 1995 and 2015. We identified core publications including empirical studies, 96% of which use evolutionary algorithms (genetic programming in particular). Although we can trace the foundations of GI back to the origins of computer science itself, our analysis reveals a significant upsurge in activity since 2012. GI has resulted in dramatic performance improvements for a diverse set of properties such as execution time, energy and memory consumption, as well as results for fixing and extending existing system functionality. Moreover, we present examples of research work that lies on the boundary between GI and other areas, such as program transformation, approximate computing, and software repair, with the intention of encouraging further exchange of ideas between researchers in these fields
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