9 research outputs found

    Automatically Verified Mechanized Proof of One-Encryption Key Exchange

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    We present a mechanized proof of the password-based protocol One-Encryption Key Exchange (OEKE) using the computationally-sound protocol prover CryptoVerif. OEKE is a non-trivial protocol, and thus mechanizing its proof provides additional confidence that it is correct. This case study was also an opportunity to implement several important extensions of CryptoVerif, useful for proving many other protocols. We have indeed extended CryptoVerif to support the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. We have also added support for proofs that rely on Shoup\u27s lemma and additional game transformations. In particular, it is now possible to insert case distinctions manually and to merge cases that no longer need to be distinguished. Eventually, some improvements have been added on the computation of the probability bounds for attacks, providing better reductions. In particular, we improve over the standard computation of probabilities when Shoup\u27s lemma is used, which allows us to improve the bound given in a previous manual proof of OEKE, and to show that the adversary can test at most one password per session of the protocol. In this paper, we present these extensions, with their application to the proof of OEKE. All steps of the proof are verified by CryptoVerif. This document is an updated version of a report from 2012. In the 10 years between 2012 and 2022, CryptoVerif has made a lot of progress. In particular, the probability bound obtained by CryptoVerif for OEKE has been improved, reaching an almost optimal probability: only statistical terms corresponding to collisions between group elements or between hashes are overestimated by a small constant factor

    Automatically Verified Mechanized Proof of One-Encryption Key Exchange

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    Abstract—We present a mechanized proof of the passwordbased protocol One-Encryption Key Exchange (OEKE) using the computationally-sound protocol prover CryptoVerif. OEKE is a non-trivial protocol, and thus mechanizing its proof provides additional confidence that it is correct. This case study was also an opportunity to implement several important extensions of CryptoVerif, useful for proving many other protocols. We have indeed extended CryptoVerif to support the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption. We have also added support for proofs that rely on Shoup’s lemma and additional game transformations. In particular, it is now possible to insert case distinctions manually and to merge cases that no longer need to be distinguished. Eventually, some improvements have been added on the computation of the probability bounds for attacks, providing better reductions. In particular, we improve over the standard computation of probabilities when Shoup’s lemma is used, which allows us to improve the bound given in a previous manual proof of OEKE, and to show that the adversary can test at most one password per session of the protocol. In this paper, we present these extensions, with their application to the proof of OEKE. All steps of the proof, both automatic and manually guided, are verified by CryptoVerif. Keywords-Automatic proofs, Formal methods, Provable security, Protocols, Password-based authenticatio

    Composition Theorems for CryptoVerif and Application to TLS 1.3

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    International audienceWe present composition theorems for security protocols , to compose a key exchange protocol and a symmetric-key protocol that uses the exchanged key. Our results rely on the computational model of cryptography and are stated in the framework of the tool CryptoVerif. They support key exchange protocols that guarantee injective or non-injective authentication. They also allow random oracles shared between the composed protocols. To our knowledge, they are the first composition theorems for key exchange stated for a computational protocol verification tool, and also the first to allow such flexibility. As a case study, we apply our composition theorems to a proof of TLS 1.3 Draft-18. This work fills a gap in a previous paper that informally claims a compositional proof of TLS 1.3, without formally justifying it

    Vérification mécanisée, symbolique et calculatoire, des protocoles avioniques ARINC823

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    We present the first formal analysis of two avionic protocols that aim to secure air-ground communications, the ARINC823 public-key and shared-key protocols. We verify these protocols both in the symbolic model of cryptography, using ProVerif, and in the computational model, using CryptoVerif. While we confirm many security properties of these protocols, we also find several weaknesses, attacks, and imprecisions in the standard. We propose fixes for these problems. This case study required the specification of new cryptographic primitives in CryptoVerif. It also illustrates the complementarity between symbolic and computational verification.Nous présentons la première analyse formelle de deux protocoles avioniques qui visent à sécuriser les communications air-sol, les protocoles ARINC823 à clé publique et à clé partagée. Nous vérifions ces protocoles, à la fois dans le modèle symbolique de la cryptographie, en utilisant ProVerif, et dans le modèle calculatoire, en utilisant CryptoVerif. Si nous confirmons beaucoup de propriétés de sécurité de ces protocoles, nous trouvons aussi plusieurs faiblesses, attaques, et imprécisions dans le standard. Nous proposons des corrections pour ces problèmes. Cette étude de cas a nécessité la spécification de nouvelles primitives cryptographiques dans CryptoVerif. Elle illustre aussi la complémentarité entre la vérification symbolique et la vérification calculatoire

    Modèles vérifiés et implémentations de référence pour le candidat standard TLS 1.3

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    TLS 1.3 is the next version of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. Its clean-slate design is a reaction both to the increasing demand for low-latency HTTPS connections and to a series of recent high-profile attacks on TLS. The hope is that a fresh protocol with modern cryptography will prevent legacy problems; the danger is that it will expose new kinds of attacks, or reintroduce old flaws that were fixed in previous versions of TLS. After 18 drafts, the protocol is nearing completion, and the working group has appealed to researchers to analyze the protocol before publication. This paper responds by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the TLS 1.3 Draft-18 protocol.We seek to answer three questions that have not been fully addressed in previous work on TLS 1.3: (1) Does TLS 1.3 prevent well-known attacks on TLS 1.2, such as Logjam or the Triple Handshake, even if it is run in parallel with TLS 1.2? (2) Can we mechanically verify the computational security of TLS 1.3 under standard (strong) assumptions on its cryptographic primitives? (3) How can we extend the guarantees of the TLS 1.3 protocol to the details of its implementations?To answer these questions, we propose a methodology for developing verified symbolic and computational models of TLS 1.3 hand-in-hand with a high-assurance reference implementation of the protocol. We present symbolic ProVerif models for various intermediate versions of TLS 1.3 and evaluate them against a rich class of attacks to reconstruct both known and previously unpublished vulnerabilities that influenced the current design of the protocol. We present a computational CryptoVerif model for TLS 1.3 Draft-18 and prove its security. We present RefTLS, an interoperable implementation of TLS 1.0-1.3 and automatically analyze its protocol core by extracting a ProVerif model from its typed JavaScript code.TLS 1.3 est la prochaine version du protocole TLS (Transport Layer Security). Sa conception à partir de zéro est une réaction à la fois à la demande croissante de connexions HTTPS à faible latence et à une série d'attaques récentes de haut niveau sur TLS. L'espoir est qu'un nouveau protocole avec de la cryptographie moderne éviterait d'hériter des problèmes des versions précédentes; le danger est que cela pourrait exposer à de nouveaux types d'attaques ou réintroduire d'anciens défauts corrigés dans les versions précédentes de TLS. Après 18 versions préliminaires, le protocole est presque terminé, et le groupe de travail a appelé les chercheurs à analyser le protocole avant publication. Cet article répond en présentant une analyse globale du protocole TLS 1.3 Draft-18.Nous cherchons à répondre à trois questions qui n'ont pas été entièrement traitées dans les travaux antérieurs sur TLS 1.3: (1) TLS 1.3 empêche-t-il les attaques connues sur TLS 1.2, comme Logjam ou Triple Handshake, même s'il est exécuté en parallèle avec TLS 1.2 ? (2) Peut-on vérifier mécaniquement la sécurité calculatoire de TLS 1.3 sous des hypothèses standard (fortes) sur ses primitives cryptographiques? (3) Comment pouvons-nous étendre les garanties du protocole TLS 1.3 aux détails de ses implémentations?Pour répondre à ces questions, nous proposons une méthodologie pour développer des modèles symboliques et calculatoires vérifiés de TLS 1.3 en même temps qu'une implémentation de référence du protocole. Nous présentons des modèles symboliques dans ProVerif pour différentes versions intermédiaires de TLS 1.3 et nous les évaluons contre une riche classe d'attaques, pour reconstituer à la fois des vulnérabilités connues et des vulnérabilités précédemment non publiées qui ont influencé la conception actuelle du protocole. Nous présentons un modèle calculatoire dans CryptoVerif de TLS 1.3 Draft-18 et prouvons sa sécurité. Nous présentons RefTLS, une implémentation interopérable de TLS 1.0-1.3 et analysons automatiquement le coeur de son protocole en extrayant un modèle ProVerif à partir de son code JavaScript typé

    Théorèmes de composition pour CryptoVerif et application à TLS 1.3

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    We present composition theorems for security protocols, to compose a key exchange protocol and a symmetric-key protocol that uses the exchanged key. Our results rely on the computational model of cryptography and are stated in the framework of the tool CryptoVerif. They support key exchange protocols that guarantee injective or non-injective authentication. They also allow random oracles shared between the composed protocols. To our knowledge, they are the first composition theorems for key exchange stated for a computational protocol verification tool, and also the first to allow such flexibility.As a case study, we apply our composition theorems to a proof of TLS 1.3 Draft-18. This work fills a gap in a previous paper that informally claimsa compositional proof of TLS 1.3, without formally justifying it.Nous présentons des théorèmes de composition pour les protocoles cryptographiques, pour composer un protocole d'échange de clés et un protocole à clé symétrique qui utilise la clé échangée. Nous résultats reposent sur le modèle calculatoire de la cryptographie et sont formulés dans le cadre de l'outil CryptoVerif. Ils autorisent des protocoles d'échange de clés qui garantissent l'authentification injective ou non-injective. Ils autorisent aussi le partage d'oracles aléatoires entre les protocole composés. À notre connaissance, ils sont les premiers théorèmes de composition pour l'échange de clés formulés pour un outil de vérification de protocole dans le modèle calculatoire, et aussi les premiers à autoriser une telle flexibililté.Comme étude de cas, nous appliquons nos théorèmes de composition à une preuve de TLS 1.3 brouillon 18. Ce travail fournit un élément manquant dans un article précédent qui donne informellement une preuve compositionnelle de TLS 1.3, sans la justifier formellement


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    学位の種別:課程博士University of Tokyo(東京大学

    CryptoVerif: a Computationally-Sound Security Protocol Verifier (Initial Version with Communications on Channels)

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    This document presents the security protocol verifier CryptoVerif.CryptoVerif does not rely on the symbolic, Dolev-Yao model, but on the computational model. It can verify secrecy, correspondence (which include authentication), and indistinguishability properties. It produces proofs presented as sequences of games, like those manually written by cryptographers; these games are formalized in aprobabilistic process calculus. CryptoVerif provides a generic method for specifying security properties of the cryptographic primitives.It produces proofs valid for any number of sessions of the protocol, and provides an upper bound on the probability of success of an attack against the protocol as a function of the probability of breaking each primitive and of the number of sessions. It can work automatically, or the user can guide it with manual proof indications

    Formal verification of cryptographic security proofs

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    Verifying cryptographic security proofs manually is inherently tedious and error-prone. The game-playing technique for cryptographic proofs advocates a modular proof design where cryptographic programs called games are transformed stepwise such that each step can be analyzed individually. This code-based approach has rendered the formal verification of such proofs using mechanized tools feasible. In the first part of this dissertation we present Verypto: a framework to formally verify game-based cryptographic security proofs in a machine-assisted manner. Verypto has been implemented in the Isabelle proof assistant and provides a formal language to specify the constructs occurring in typical cryptographic games, including probabilistic behavior, the usage of oracles, and polynomial-time programs. We have verified the correctness of several game transformations and demonstrate their applicability by verifying that the composition of 1-1 one-way functions is one-way and by verifying the IND-CPA security of the ElGamal encryption scheme. In a related project Barthe et al. developed the EasyCrypt toolset, which employs techniques from automated program verification to validate game transformations. In the second part of this dissertation we use EasyCrypt to verify the security of the Merkle-Damgård construction - a general design principle underlying many hash functions. In particular we verify its collision resistance and prove that it is indifferentiable from a random oracle.Kryptographische Sicherheitsbeweise manuell zu überprüfen ist mühsam und fehleranfällig. Spielbasierte Beweistechniken ermöglichen einen modularen Beweisaufbau, wobei kryptographische Programme - sog. Spiele - schrittweise so modifiziert werden, dass jeder Schritt einzeln überprüfbar ist. Dieser code-basierte Ansatz erlaubt die computergestützte Verifikation solcher Beweise. Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation präsentieren wir Verypto: ein System zur computergestützten formalen Verifikation spielbasierter kryptographischer Sicherheitsbeweise. Auf Grundlage des Theorembeweisers Isabelle entwickelt, bietet Verypto eine formale Sprache, mit der sich kryptographische Eigenheiten wie probabilistisches Verhalten, Orakelzugriffe und polynomielle Laufzeit ausdrücken lassen. Wir beweisen die Korrektheit verschiedener Spieltransformationen und belegen deren Anwendbarkeit durch die Verifikation von Beispielen: Wir zeigen, dass Kompositionen von 1-1 Einwegfunktionen auch einweg sind und dass die ElGamal Verschlüsselung IND-CPA sicher ist. In einem ähnlichen Projekt entwickelten Barthe et al. das EasyCrypt System, welches Spieltransformationen mit Methoden der Programmanalyse validiert. Im zweiten Teil dieser Dissertation verwenden wir EasyCrypt und verifizieren die Sicherheit der Merkle-Damgård Konstruktion - ein Designprinzip, das vielen Hashfunktionen zugrunde liegt. Wir zeigen die Kollisionsresistenz der Konstruktion und verifizieren, dass sie sich wie ein Zufallsorakel verhält