20,693 research outputs found

    Automatically learning patterns for self-admitted technical debt removal

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    Technical Debt (TD) expresses the need for improvements in a software system, e.g., to its source code or architecture. In certain circumstances, developers “self-admit” technical debt (SATD) in their source code comments. Previous studies investigate when SATD is admitted, and what changes developers perform to remove it. Building on these studies, we present a first step towards the automated recommendation of SATD removal strategies. By leveraging a curated dataset of SATD removal patterns, we build a multi-level classifier capable of recommending six SATD removal strategies, e.g., changing API calls, conditionals, method signatures, exception handling, return statements, or telling that a more complex change is needed. SARDELE (SAtd Removal using DEep LEarning) combines a convolutional neural network trained on embeddings extracted from the SATD comments with a recurrent neural network trained on embeddings extracted from the SATD-affected source code. Our evaluation reveals that SARDELE is able to predict the type of change to be applied with an average precision of ~55%, recall of ~57%, and AUC of 0.73, reaching up to 73% precision, 63% recall, and 0.74 AUC for certain categories such as changes to method calls. Overall, results suggest that SATD removal follows recurrent patterns and indicate the feasibility of supporting developers in this task with automated recommenders

    SATDBailiff- Mining and Tracking Self-Admitted Technical Debt

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    Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) is a metaphorical concept to describe the self-documented addition of technical debt to a software project in the form of source code comments. SATD can linger in projects and degrade source-code quality, but it can also be more visible than unintentionally added or undocumented technical debt. Understanding the implications of adding SATD to a software project is important because developers can benefit from a better understanding of the quality trade-offs they are making. However, empirical studies, analyzing the survivability and removal of SATD comments, are challenged by potential code changes or SATD comment updates that may interfere with properly tracking their appearance, existence, and removal. In this paper, we propose SATDBailiff, a tool that uses an existing state-of-the-art SATD detection tool, to identify SATD in method comments, then properly track their lifespan. SATDBailiff is given as input links to open source projects, and its output is a list of all identified SATDs, and for each detected SATD, SATDBailiff reports all its associated changes, including any updates to its text, all the way to reporting its removal. The goal of SATDBailiff is to aid researchers and practitioners in better tracking SATDs instances, and providing them with a reliable tool that can be easily extended. SATDBailiff was validated using a dataset of previously detected and manually validated SATD instances. SATDBailiff is publicly available as an open source, along with the manual analysis of SATD instances associated with its validation, on the project website

    Investigation on Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Open-Source Blockchain Projects

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    Technical debt refers to decisions made during the design and development of software that postpone the resolution of technical problems or the enhancement of the software's features to a later date. If not properly managed, technical debt can put long-term software quality and maintainability at risk. Self-admitted technical debt is defined as the addition of specific comments to source code as a result of conscious and deliberate decisions to accumulate technical debt. In this paper, we will look at the presence of self-admitted technical debt in open-source blockchain projects, which are characterized by the use of a relatively novel technology and the need to generate trust. The self-admitted technical debt was analyzed using NLP techniques for the classification of comments extracted from the source code of ten projects chosen based on capitalization and popularity. The analysis of self-admitted technical debt in blockchain projects was compared with the results of previous non-blockchain open-source project analyses. The findings show that self-admitted design technical debt outnumbers requirement technical debt in blockchain projects. The analysis discovered that some projects had a low percentage of self-admitted technical debt in the comments but a high percentage of source code files with debt. In addition, self-admitted technical debt is on average more prevalent in blockchain projects and more equally distributed than in reference Java projects.If not managed, the relatively high presence of detected technical debt in blockchain projects could represent a threat to the needed trust between the blockchain system and the users. Blockchain projects development teams could benefit from self-admitted technical debt detection for targeted technical debt management

    An empirical study on discovering a new self-admitted technical debt type - API-debt

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    Self-Admitted Technical Debt (SATD) is when developers intentionally choose to take short-cuts, non-optimal solutions (e.g. temporary fix or rush code development) that negatively contribute to long-term source-code quality in order to achieve short-term goals such as product deadline. Several studies have successfully identified SATD through the source-comments, classified them into five types (design debt, defect debt, documentation debt, requirement debt, and test debt) based on how they negatively affect different parts of the source-code and proposed a tool that automatically detects SATD using the source comments as input. However, few papers deeply investigate the types of SATD and their effects on the software projects. In this paper, we introduce a new type of SATD - we call it API debt - that is related to core API or third-party libraries. In addition, we quantify the amount of API-debt that are found in our selected data-sets, why it is introduced and finally measuring the amount of API-debt removal

    WeakSATD: Detecting Weak Self-admitted Technical Debt

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    Speeding up development may produce technical debt, i.e., not-quite-right code for which the effort to make it right increases with time as a sort of interest. Developers may be aware of the debt as they admit it in their code comments. Literature reports that such a self-admitted technical debt survives for a long time in a program, but it is not yet clear its impact on the quality of the code in the long term. We argue that self-admitted technical debt contains a number of different weaknesses that may affect the security of a program. Therefore, the longer a debt is not paid back the higher is the risk that the weaknesses can be exploited. To discuss our claim and rise the developers' awareness of the vulnerability of the self-admitted technical debt that is not paid back, we explore the self-admitted technical debt in the Chromium C-code to detect any known weaknesses. In this preliminary study, we first mine the Common Weakness Enumeration repository to define heuristics for the automatic detection and fix of weak code. Then, we parse the C-code to find self-admitted technical debt and the code block it refers to. Finally, we use the heuristics to find weak code snippets associated to self-admitted technical debt and recommend their potential mitigation to developers. Such knowledge can be used to prioritize self-admitted technical debt for repair. A prototype has been developed and applied to the Chromium code. Initial findings report that 55% of self-admitted technical debt code contains weak code of 14 different types

    An Empirical Study of Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Machine Learning Software

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    The emergence of open-source ML libraries such as TensorFlow and Google Auto ML has enabled developers to harness state-of-the-art ML algorithms with minimal overhead. However, during this accelerated ML development process, said developers may often make sub-optimal design and implementation decisions, leading to the introduction of technical debt that, if not addressed promptly, can have a significant impact on the quality of the ML-based software. Developers frequently acknowledge these sub-optimal design and development choices through code comments during software development. These comments, which often highlight areas requiring additional work or refinement in the future, are known as self-admitted technical debt (SATD). This paper aims to investigate SATD in ML code by analyzing 318 open-source ML projects across five domains, along with 318 non-ML projects. We detected SATD in source code comments throughout the different project snapshots, conducted a manual analysis of the identified SATD sample to comprehend the nature of technical debt in the ML code, and performed a survival analysis of the SATD to understand the evolution of such debts. We observed: i) Machine learning projects have a median percentage of SATD that is twice the median percentage of SATD in non-machine learning projects. ii) ML pipeline components for data preprocessing and model generation logic are more susceptible to debt than model validation and deployment components. iii) SATDs appear in ML projects earlier in the development process compared to non-ML projects. iv) Long-lasting SATDs are typically introduced during extensive code changes that span multiple files exhibiting low complexity

    Artificial Intelligence for Technical Debt Management in Software Development

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    Technical debt is a well-known challenge in software development, and its negative impact on software quality, maintainability, and performance is widely recognized. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be a promising approach to assist in managing technical debt. This paper presents a comprehensive literature review of existing research on the use of AI powered tools for technical debt avoidance in software development. In this literature review we analyzed 15 related research papers which covers various AI-powered techniques, such as code analysis and review, automated testing, code refactoring, predictive maintenance, code generation, and code documentation, and explores their effectiveness in addressing technical debt. The review also discusses the benefits and challenges of using AI for technical debt management, provides insights into the current state of research, and highlights gaps and opportunities for future research. The findings of this review suggest that AI has the potential to significantly improve technical debt management in software development, and that existing research provides valuable insights into how AI can be leveraged to address technical debt effectively and efficiently. However, the review also highlights several challenges and limitations of current approaches, such as the need for high-quality data and ethical considerations and underscores the importance of further research to address these issues. The paper provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of research on AI for technical debt avoidance and offers practical guidance for software development teams seeking to leverage AI in their development processes to mitigate technical debt effectivel

    Toward the Automatic Classification of Self-Affirmed Refactoring

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    The concept of Self-Affirmed Refactoring (SAR) was introduced to explore how developers document their refactoring activities in commit messages, i.e., developers explicit documentation of refactoring operations intentionally introduced during a code change. In our previous study, we have manually identified refactoring patterns and defined three main common quality improvement categories including internal quality attributes, external quality attributes, and code smells, by only considering refactoring-related commits. However, this approach heavily depends on the manual inspection of commit messages. In this paper, we propose a two-step approach to first identify whether a commit describes developer-related refactoring events, then to classify it according to the refactoring common quality improvement categories. Specifically, we combine the N-Gram TF-IDF feature selection with binary and multiclass classifiers to build a new model to automate the classification of refactorings based on their quality improvement categories. We challenge our model using a total of 2,867 commit messages extracted from well engineered open-source Java projects. Our findings show that (1) our model is able to accurately classify SAR commits, outperforming the pattern-based and random classifier approaches, and allowing the discovery of 40 more relevent SAR patterns, and (2) our model reaches an F-measure of up to 90% even with a relatively small training datase