46 research outputs found

    Automatic salient object segmentation based on context and shape prior

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    Interactive Object Segmentation using Binary Inputs

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    Every day, humans use their vision to process millions of pixels and select regions of interest. This task of highlighting and grouping pixels of interest in a scene is called image segmentation, and it is a fundamental method that humans use to communicate with each other ideas, concepts, and emotions. We introduce a method derived from feedback information theory that allows individuals with motor control disabilities to perform image segmentation using only binary inputs and a simple encoding scheme. We propose two versions of our algorithm, and evaluate their ability to specify desired regions for the user with restricted inputs and noise on large, publicly available image data sets. We also compare our method to the previous best algorithm, developed by Rupprecht et al.Undergraduat

    On the Distribution of Salient Objects in Web Images and its Influence on Salient Object Detection

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    It has become apparent that a Gaussian center bias can serve as an important prior for visual saliency detection, which has been demonstrated for predicting human eye fixations and salient object detection. Tseng et al. have shown that the photographer's tendency to place interesting objects in the center is a likely cause for the center bias of eye fixations. We investigate the influence of the photographer's center bias on salient object detection, extending our previous work. We show that the centroid locations of salient objects in photographs of Achanta and Liu's data set in fact correlate strongly with a Gaussian model. This is an important insight, because it provides an empirical motivation and justification for the integration of such a center bias in salient object detection algorithms and helps to understand why Gaussian models are so effective. To assess the influence of the center bias on salient object detection, we integrate an explicit Gaussian center bias model into two state-of-the-art salient object detection algorithms. This way, first, we quantify the influence of the Gaussian center bias on pixel- and segment-based salient object detection. Second, we improve the performance in terms of F1 score, Fb score, area under the recall-precision curve, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, and hit-rate on the well-known data set by Achanta and Liu. Third, by debiasing Cheng et al.'s region contrast model, we exemplarily demonstrate that implicit center biases are partially responsible for the outstanding performance of state-of-the-art algorithms. Last but not least, as a result of debiasing Cheng et al.'s algorithm, we introduce a non-biased salient object detection method, which is of interest for applications in which the image data is not likely to have a photographer's center bias (e.g., image data of surveillance cameras or autonomous robots)

    Ameliorating the Saliency of Objects in digital Images

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    Visual saliency is the capability of a revelation system of human or machine to choose a sub part of information for further processing. The mechanism describes here serves as a filter to pick only the interesting information related to given errands and the tasks while ignoring inappropriate information. This work uses Random Forest to know the similarity between the image patches, apply active contour model to get the approximate contour and do dynamic thresholding segmentation .The results we get consists of many small artifacts, so to remove the low level details and to obtain the more smoothness we apply gradient minimization technique