2 research outputs found

    Feature engineering for clustering student solutions

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    Open-ended homework problems such as coding assignments give students a broad range of freedom for the design of solutions. We aim to use the diversity in correct solutions to enhance student learning by automatically suggesting alternate solutions. Our approach is to perform a two-level hierarchical clustering of student solutions to first partition them based on the choice of algorithm and then partition solutions implementing the same algorithm based on low-level implementation details. Our initial investigations in domains of introductory programming and computer architecture demonstrate that we need two different classes of features to perform effective clustering at the two levels, namely abstract features and concrete features

    OverCode: Visualizing Variation in Student Solutions to Programming Problems at Scale 7:35

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    In MOOCs, a single programming exercise may produce thousands of solutions from learners. Understanding solution variation is important for providing appropriate feedback to students at scale. The wide variation among these solutions can be a source of pedagogically valuable examples and can be used to refine the autograder for the exercise by exposing corner cases. We present OverCode, a system for visualizing and exploring thousands of programming solutions. OverCode uses both static and dynamic analysis to cluster similar solutions, and lets teachers further filter and cluster solutions based on different criteria. We evaluated OverCode against a nonclustering baseline in a within-subjects study with 24 teaching assistants and found that the OverCode interface allows teachers to more quickly develop a high-level view of students' understanding and misconceptions, and to provide feedback that is relevant to more students' solutions