2,091 research outputs found

    Cube-Cut: Vertebral Body Segmentation in MRI-Data through Cubic-Shaped Divergences

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    In this article, we present a graph-based method using a cubic template for volumetric segmentation of vertebrae in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquisitions. The user can define the degree of deviation from a regular cube via a smoothness value Delta. The Cube-Cut algorithm generates a directed graph with two terminal nodes (s-t-network), where the nodes of the graph correspond to a cubic-shaped subset of the image's voxels. The weightings of the graph's terminal edges, which connect every node with a virtual source s or a virtual sink t, represent the affinity of a voxel to the vertebra (source) and to the background (sink). Furthermore, a set of infinite weighted and non-terminal edges implements the smoothness term. After graph construction, a minimal s-t-cut is calculated within polynomial computation time, which splits the nodes into two disjoint units. Subsequently, the segmentation result is determined out of the source-set. A quantitative evaluation of a C++ implementation of the algorithm resulted in an average Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 81.33% and a running time of less than a minute.Comment: 23 figures, 2 tables, 43 references, PLoS ONE 9(4): e9338

    Dilatation of Lateral Ventricles with Brain Volumes in Infants with 3D Transfontanelle US

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    Ultrasound (US) can be used to assess brain development in newborns, as MRI is challenging due to immobilization issues, and may require sedation. Dilatation of the lateral ventricles in the brain is a risk factor for poorer neurodevelopment outcomes in infants. Hence, 3D US has the ability to assess the volume of the lateral ventricles similar to clinically standard MRI, but manual segmentation is time consuming. The objective of this study is to develop an approach quantifying the ratio of lateral ventricular dilatation with respect to total brain volume using 3D US, which can assess the severity of macrocephaly. Automatic segmentation of the lateral ventricles is achieved with a multi-atlas deformable registration approach using locally linear correlation metrics for US-MRI fusion, followed by a refinement step using deformable mesh models. Total brain volume is estimated using a 3D ellipsoid modeling approach. Validation was performed on a cohort of 12 infants, ranging from 2 to 8.5 months old, where 3D US and MRI were used to compare brain volumes and segmented lateral ventricles. Automatically extracted volumes from 3D US show a high correlation and no statistically significant difference when compared to ground truth measurements. Differences in volume ratios was 6.0 +/- 4.8% compared to MRI, while lateral ventricular segmentation yielded a mean Dice coefficient of 70.8 +/- 3.6% and a mean absolute distance (MAD) of 0.88 +/- 0.2mm, demonstrating the clinical benefit of this tool in paediatric ultrasound

    Probabilistic and geometric shape based segmentation methods.

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    Image segmentation is one of the most important problems in image processing, object recognition, computer vision, medical imaging, etc. In general, the objective of the segmentation is to partition the image into the meaningful areas using the existing (low level) information in the image and prior (high level) information which can be obtained using a number of features of an object. As stated in [1,2], the human vision system aims to extract and use as much information as possible in the image including but not limited to the intensity, possible motion of the object (in sequential images), spatial relations (interaction) as the existing information, and the shape of the object which is learnt from the experience as the prior information. The main objective of this dissertation is to couple the prior information with the existing information since the machine vision system cannot predict the prior information unless it is given. To label the image into meaningful areas, the chosen information is modelled to fit progressively in each of the regions by an optimization process. The intensity and spatial interaction (as the existing information) and shape (as the prior information) are modeled to obtain the optimum segmentation in this study. The intensity information is modelled using the Gaussian distribution. Spatial interaction that describes the relation between neighboring pixels/voxels is modelled by assuming that the pixel intensity depends on the intensities of the neighboring pixels. The shape model is obtained using occurrences of histogram of training shape pixels or voxels. The main objective is to capture the shape variation of the object of interest. Each pixel in the image will have three probabilities to be an object and a background class based on the intensity, spatial interaction, and shape models. These probabilistic values will guide the energy (cost) functionals in the optimization process. This dissertation proposes segmentation frameworks which has the following properties: i) original to solve some of the existing problems, ii) robust under various segmentation challenges, and iii) fast enough to be used in the real applications. In this dissertation, the models are integrated into different methods to obtain the optimum segmentation: 1) variational (can be considered as the spatially continuous), and 2) statistical (can be considered as the spatially discrete) methods. The proposed segmentation frameworks start with obtaining the initial segmentation using the intensity / spatial interaction models. The shape model, which is obtained using the training shapes, is registered to the image domain. Finally, the optimal segmentation is obtained using the optimization of the energy functionals. Experiments show that the use of the shape prior improves considerably the accuracy of the alternative methods which use only existing or both information in the image. The proposed methods are tested on the synthetic and clinical images/shapes and they are shown to be robust under various noise levels, occlusions, and missing object information. Vertebral bodies (VBs) in clinical computed tomography (CT) are segmented using the proposed methods to help the bone mineral density measurements and fracture analysis in bones. Experimental results show that the proposed solutions eliminate some of the existing problems in the VB segmentation. One of the most important contributions of this study is to offer a segmentation framework which can be suitable to the clinical works

    Segmentation and Fracture Detection in CT Images for Traumatic Pelvic Injuries

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    In recent decades, more types and quantities of medical data have been collected due to advanced technology. A large number of significant and critical information is contained in these medical data. High efficient and automated computational methods are urgently needed to process and analyze all available medical data in order to provide the physicians with recommendations and predictions on diagnostic decisions and treatment planning. Traumatic pelvic injury is a severe yet common injury in the United States, often caused by motor vehicle accidents or fall. Information contained in the pelvic Computed Tomography (CT) images is very important for assessing the severity and prognosis of traumatic pelvic injuries. Each pelvic CT scan includes a large number of slices. Meanwhile, each slice contains a large quantity of data that may not be thoroughly and accurately analyzed via simple visual inspection with the desired accuracy and speed. Hence, a computer-assisted pelvic trauma decision-making system is needed to assist physicians in making accurate diagnostic decisions and determining treatment planning in a short period of time. Pelvic bone segmentation is a vital step in analyzing pelvic CT images and assisting physicians with diagnostic decisions in traumatic pelvic injuries. In this study, a new hierarchical segmentation algorithm is proposed to automatically extract multiplelevel bone structures using a combination of anatomical knowledge and computational techniques. First, morphological operations, image enhancement, and edge detection are performed for preliminary bone segmentation. The proposed algorithm then uses a template-based best shape matching method that provides an entirely automated segmentation process. This is followed by the proposed Registered Active Shape Model (RASM) algorithm that extracts pelvic bone tissues using more robust training models than the Standard ASM algorithm. In addition, a novel hierarchical initialization process for RASM is proposed in order to address the shortcoming of the Standard ASM, i.e. high sensitivity to initialization. Two suitable measures are defined to evaluate the segmentation results: Mean Distance and Mis-segmented Area to quantify the segmentation accuracy. Successful segmentation results indicate effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithm. Comparison of segmentation performance is also conducted using both the proposed method and the Snake method. A cross-validation process is designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the training models. 3D pelvic bone models are built after pelvic bone structures are segmented from consecutive 2D CT slices. Automatic and accurate detection of the fractures from segmented bones in traumatic pelvic injuries can help physicians detect the severity of injuries in patients. The extraction of fracture features (such as presence and location of fractures) as well as fracture displacement measurement, are vital for assisting physicians in making faster and more accurate decisions. In this project, after bone segmentation, fracture detection is performed using a hierarchical algorithm based on wavelet transformation, adaptive windowing, boundary tracing and masking. Also, a quantitative measure of fracture severity based on pelvic CT scans is defined and explored. The results are promising, demonstrating that the proposed method not only capable of automatically detecting both major and minor fractures, but also has potentials to be used for clinical applications
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