4 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach to remove Ink Bleed through Degraded Document Images

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    There are numerous recorded reports which manages the corruption of paper because of paper maturing, foundation variety because of clamor, uneven brightening or dim spots and characterization of loss of literary data in debased archives like light introduction which causes blurring of content or ink chipping, Degradation of the written work medium i.e. clouded or missing content brought about because of the vicinity of mould,parasites,dampness or weakness in the medium,When ink has leaked through posterior or a page to front reasons seep through interference,whenever we digitize our record it may present some clamor curios which may make debasement the printed information.There are numerous corrupted yet truly vital old original copies and reports dispersed crosswise over libraries and chronicles the world over. Because of entry of time ink of rear begins to meddle with the ink of front side which hampers the intelligibility of archives. Be that as it may, because of the significance of such archives it is essential to restore such records. In this paper, different calculations are used in pre handling steps like Bernsen calculation, Improved Bernsen calculation, Canny edge discovery method are used for initialising the outcomes. Subsequently post preparing steps are proposed toward the end so that the calculation finishes up with improved and productive results

    Geographic features recognition for heritage landscape mapping – Case study: The Banda Islands, Maluku, Indonesia

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    This study examines methods of geographic features recognition from historic maps using CNN and OBIA. These two methods are compared to reveal which one is most suitable to be applied to the historic maps dataset of the Banda Islands, Indonesia. The characteristics of cartographic images become the main challenge in this study. The geographic features are divided into buildings, coastline, and fortress. The results show that CNN is superior to OBIA in terms of statistical performance. Buildings and coastline give excellent results for CNN analysis, while fortress is harder to be interpreted by the model. On the other hand, OBIA reveals a very satisfying result is very depending on the maps’ scales. In the aspect of technical procedure, OBIA offers easier steps in pre-processing, in-process and post-processing/finalisation which can be an advantage for a wide range of users over CNN

    Automatic image segmentation of old topographic maps and floor plans

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