20,047 research outputs found

    Timing is everything: A spatio-temporal approach to the analysis of facial actions

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    This thesis presents a fully automatic facial expression analysis system based on the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). FACS is the best known and the most commonly used system to describe facial activity in terms of facial muscle actions (i.e., action units, AUs). We will present our research on the analysis of the morphological, spatio-temporal and behavioural aspects of facial expressions. In contrast with most other researchers in the field who use appearance based techniques, we use a geometric feature based approach. We will argue that that approach is more suitable for analysing facial expression temporal dynamics. Our system is capable of explicitly exploring the temporal aspects of facial expressions from an input colour video in terms of their onset (start), apex (peak) and offset (end). The fully automatic system presented here detects 20 facial points in the first frame and tracks them throughout the video. From the tracked points we compute geometry-based features which serve as the input to the remainder of our systems. The AU activation detection system uses GentleBoost feature selection and a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to find which AUs were present in an expression. Temporal dynamics of active AUs are recognised by a hybrid GentleBoost-SVM-Hidden Markov model classifier. The system is capable of analysing 23 out of 27 existing AUs with high accuracy. The main contributions of the work presented in this thesis are the following: we have created a method for fully automatic AU analysis with state-of-the-art recognition results. We have proposed for the first time a method for recognition of the four temporal phases of an AU. We have build the largest comprehensive database of facial expressions to date. We also present for the first time in the literature two studies for automatic distinction between posed and spontaneous expressions

    Machine Analysis of Facial Expressions

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    Relative Facial Action Unit Detection

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    This paper presents a subject-independent facial action unit (AU) detection method by introducing the concept of relative AU detection, for scenarios where the neutral face is not provided. We propose a new classification objective function which analyzes the temporal neighborhood of the current frame to decide if the expression recently increased, decreased or showed no change. This approach is a significant change from the conventional absolute method which decides about AU classification using the current frame, without an explicit comparison with its neighboring frames. Our proposed method improves robustness to individual differences such as face scale and shape, age-related wrinkles, and transitions among expressions (e.g., lower intensity of expressions). Our experiments on three publicly available datasets (Extended Cohn-Kanade (CK+), Bosphorus, and DISFA databases) show significant improvement of our approach over conventional absolute techniques. Keywords: facial action coding system (FACS); relative facial action unit detection; temporal information;Comment: Accepted at IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, Steamboat Springs Colorado, USA, 201

    Automated drowsiness detection for improved driving safety

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    Several approaches were proposed for the detection and prediction of drowsiness. The approaches can be categorized as estimating the fitness of duty, modeling the sleep-wake rhythms, measuring the vehicle based performance and online operator monitoring. Computer vision based online operator monitoring approach has become prominent due to its predictive ability of detecting drowsiness. Previous studies with this approach detect driver drowsiness primarily by making preassumptions about the relevant behavior, focusing on blink rate, eye closure, and yawning. Here we employ machine learning to datamine actual human behavior during drowsiness episodes. Automatic classifiers for 30 facial actions from the Facial Action Coding system were developed using machine learning on a separate database of spontaneous expressions. These facial actions include blinking and yawn motions, as well as a number of other facial movements. In addition, head motion was collected through automatic eye tracking and an accelerometer. These measures were passed to learning-based classifiers such as Adaboost and multinomial ridge regression. The system was able to predict sleep and crash episodes during a driving computer game with 96% accuracy within subjects and above 90% accuracy across subjects. This is the highest prediction rate reported to date for detecting real drowsiness. Moreover, the analysis revealed new information about human behavior during drowsy drivin

    Facial Expression Recognition

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    Discrimination of moderate and acute drowsiness based on spontaneous facial expressions

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    It is important for drowsiness detection systems to identify different levels of drowsiness and respond appropriately at each level. This study explores how to discriminate moderate from acute drowsiness by applying computer vision techniques to the human face. In our previous study, spontaneous facial expressions measured through computer vision techniques were used as an indicator to discriminate alert from acutely drowsy episodes. In this study we are exploring which facial muscle movements are predictive of moderate and acute drowsiness. The effect of temporal dynamics of action units on prediction performances is explored by capturing temporal dynamics using an overcomplete representation of temporal Gabor Filters. In the final system we perform feature selection to build a classifier that can discriminate moderate drowsy from acute drowsy episodes. The system achieves a classification rate of .96 A’ in discriminating moderately drowsy versus acutely drowsy episodes. Moreover the study reveals new information in facial behavior occurring during different stages of drowsiness