2 research outputs found

    Electroencephalogram-Based Single-Trial Detection of Language Expectation Violations in Listening to Speech

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    We propose an approach for the detection of language expectation violations that occur in communication. We examined semantic and syntactic violations from electroencephalogram (EEG) when participants listened to spoken sentences. Previous studies have shown that such event-related potential (ERP) components as N400 and the late positivity (P600) are evoked in the auditory where semantic and syntactic anomalies occur. We used this knowledge to detect language expectation violation from single-trial EEGs by machine learning techniques. We recorded the brain activity of 18 participants while they listened to sentences that contained semantic and syntactic anomalies and identified the significant main effects of these anomalies in the ERP components. We also found that a multilayer perceptron achieved 59.5% (semantic) and 57.7% (syntactic) accuracies

    Desarrollo de un modelo de calidad para la evaluaci贸n de calidad en uso y de producto de sistemas que utilizan interfaces cerebrocomputador (Brain Computer-Interface)

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    En la actualidad, la tecnolog铆a se ha convertido en una parte fundamental en la vida cotidiana de todas las personas, con ella, se han descubierto diferentes maneras de interacci贸n con el usuario. Entre las formas m谩s innovadoras de interacci贸n humanocomputador est谩n aquellas en las que interviene la vista, la voz, interacci贸n mediante pantallas t谩ctiles y en los 煤ltimos a帽os ha ganado importancia la interacci贸n cerebrocomputador gracias a los dispositivos que promueven las interfaces cerebro computador (BCI-Brain Computer Interfaces); ya que, con esta interacci贸n, la ciencia busca brindar ayuda a aquellas personas que sufren de ciertas discapacidades que dificultan su interacci贸n con el entorno. Sin embargo, al implementar aplicaciones con dichas interfaces, se mejora la calidad de vida de estas personas, al permitirlas interactuar con su entorno mediante el cerebro. Por tal motivo Brain Computer Interface ha ganado inter茅s en diversos lugares del mundo, en varios pa铆ses se desarrollan nuevos sistemas centrados en este tipo de tecnolog铆a; ya que el objetivo principal de un sistema BCI, consiste en crear una conexi贸n especializada, que permita al usuario tener un control sobre diferentes dispositivos, por ejemplo: computadoras, pr贸tesis neurol贸gicas, tecnolog铆as productoras de voz, etc. El presente trabajo de titulaci贸n, propone un nuevo m茅todo para evaluar la calidad en uso y de producto, existente en los sistemas BCI, el cual tiene el nombre de BCISQUAM. Dicho m茅todo de evaluaci贸n emplea un modelo de calidad, elaborado a partir de una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura, en donde se analizan algunos aspectos que permiten comprender el avance cient铆fico en esta 谩rea de la ciencia y de esta manera, alcanzar una correcta evaluaci贸n del sistema BCI. Finalmente, para mostrar la factibilidad del m茅todo propuesto, se desarroll贸 un sistema basado que hace uso de interfaces cerebro-computador, el cual fue empleado en 2 Juan Manuel Cobos Quinde Christian Alexander Moreira Jara un cuasiexperimento para probar la viabilidad de la soluci贸n propuesta. El m茅todo de evaluaci贸n, tiene como p煤blico objetivo los ingenieros de software, cuya poblaci贸n se ha buscado representar con 20 ingenieros de software, como una forma de evaluaci贸n inicial al m茅todo, sin embargo, en trabajos futuros se busca alcanzar un mayor n煤mero de sujetos. Los participantes fueron preparados con los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar el cuasiexperimento; dando como resultado que el m茅todo de evaluaci贸n es f谩cil de utilizar, 煤til y genera una intenci贸n de uso en el futuro. Adem谩s, se obtuvo informaci贸n para trabajos futuros.Currently, technology has become a fundamental part of everyone's daily life, with it, different ways of interacting with the user have been discovered. Among the most innovative forms of human-computer interaction are those in which brain-computer interaction is involved, and in recent years brain-computer interaction has gained importance thanks to devices that promote brain-computer interfaces (BCI-Brain Computer Interfaces); since, with this interaction, science seeks to provide help to those people who suffer from certain disabilities that make it difficult for them to interact with the environment. However, by implementing applications with these interfaces, the quality of life of these people is improved, by allowing them to interact with their environment through the brain. For this reason, Brain Computer Interface has gained interest in various parts of the world, in several countries new systems focused on this type of interaction technology are being developed; since the main objective of a BCI system is to create a specialized connection that allows the user to have control over different devices, for example: computers, neurological prostheses, voice-producing technologies, etc. The present titling work proposes a new method to evaluate the quality in use and of the product, existing in the BCI systems, which has the name of BCIS-QUAM. Said evaluation method uses a quality model, elaborated from a systematic review, where some aspects are analyzed that allow understanding the scientific advance in this area of science and in this way, achieve a correct evaluation of the BCI system. Finally, to show the feasibility of the proposed method, a system based on braincomputer interaction interfaces was developed, which was used in a quasi-experiment to test the feasibility of the proposed solution. The evaluation method has software engineers as its target audience, whose population has been sought to represent with 20 software engineers, as a form of initial evaluation of the method, however, in future works it is sought to reach a greater number of subjects. The participants were prepared with the necessary knowledge to develop the quasi-experiment; resulting in the evaluation method being easy to use, useful and generating an intention to use in the future. In addition, information was obtained for future work.Ingeniero de SistemasCuenc