883 research outputs found

    Wikipedia vandalism detection: combining natural language, metadata, and reputation features

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    Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia which anyone can edit. While most edits are constructive, about 7% are acts of vandalism. Such behavior is characterized by modifications made in bad faith; introducing spam and other inappropriate content. In this work, we present the results of an effort to integrate three of the leading approaches to Wikipedia vandalism detection: a spatio-temporal analysis of metadata (STiki), a reputation-based system (WikiTrust), and natural language processing features. The performance of the resulting joint system improves the state-of-the-art from all previous methods and establishes a new baseline for Wikipedia vandalism detection. We examine in detail the contribution of the three approaches, both for the task of discovering fresh vandalism, and for the task of locating vandalism in the complete set of Wikipedia revisions.The authors from Universitat Politècnica de València thank also the MICINN research project TEXT-ENTERPRISE 2.0 TIN2009-13391-C04-03 (Plan I+D+i). UPenn contributions were supported in part by ONR MURI N00014-07-1-0907. This research was partially supported by award 1R01GM089820-01A1 from the National Institute Of General Medical Sciences, and by ISSDM, a UCSC-LANL educational collaboration.Adler, BT.; Alfaro, LD.; Mola Velasco, SM.; Rosso, P.; West, AG. (2011). Wikipedia vandalism detection: combining natural language, metadata, and reputation features. En Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing. Springer Verlag (Germany). 6609:277-288. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-19437-5_23S2772886609Wikimedia Foundation: Wikipedia (2010) [Online; accessed December 29, 2010]Wikimedia Foundation: Wikistats (2010) [Online; accessed December 29, 2010]Potthast, M.: Crowdsourcing a Wikipedia Vandalism Corpus. In: Proc. of the 33rd Intl. ACM SIGIR Conf. (SIGIR 2010). ACM Press, New York (July 2010)Gralla, P.: U.S. senator: It’s time to ban Wikipedia in schools, libraries, http://blogs.computerworld.com/4598/u_s_senator_its_time_to_ban_wikipedia_in_schools_libraries [Online; accessed November 15, 2010]Olanoff, L.: School officials unite in banning Wikipedia. Seattle Times (November 2007)Mola-Velasco, S.M.: Wikipedia Vandalism Detection Through Machine Learning: Feature Review and New Proposals. In: Braschler, M., Harman, D. (eds.) Notebook Papers of CLEF 2010 LABs and Workshops, Padua, Italy, September 22-23 (2010)Adler, B., de Alfaro, L., Pye, I.: Detecting Wikipedia Vandalism using WikiTrust. In: Braschler, M., Harman, D. (eds.) Notebook Papers of CLEF 2010 LABs and Workshops, Padua, Italy, September 22-23 (2010)West, A.G., Kannan, S., Lee, I.: Detecting Wikipedia Vandalism via Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Revision Metadata. 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    Wikipedia vandalism detection

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    Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. The fact that there are almost no restrictions to contributing content is at the core of its success. However, it also attracts pranksters, lobbysts, spammers and other people who degradatesWikipedia's contents. One of the most frequent kind of damage is vandalism, which is defined as any bad faith attempt to damage Wikipedia's integrity. For some years, the Wikipedia community has been fighting vandalism using automatic detection systems. In this work, we develop one of such systems, which won the 1st International Competition on Wikipedia Vandalism Detection. This system consists of a feature set exploiting textual content of Wikipedia articles. We performed a study of different supervised classification algorithms for this task, concluding that ensemble methods such as Random Forest and LogitBoost are clearly superior. After that, we combine this system with two other leading approaches based on different kind of features: metadata analysis and reputation. This joint system obtains one of the best results reported in the literature. We also conclude that our approach is mostly language independent, so we can adapt it to languages other than English with minor changes.Mola Velasco, SM. (2011). Wikipedia vandalism detection. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1587

    Building automated vandalism detection tools for Wikidata

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    Wikidata, like Wikipedia, is a knowledge base that anyone can edit. This open collaboration model is powerful in that it reduces barriers to participation and allows a large number of people to contribute. However, it exposes the knowledge base to the risk of vandalism and low-quality contributions. In this work, we build on past work detecting vandalism in Wikipedia to detect vandalism in Wikidata. This work is novel in that identifying damaging changes in a structured knowledge-base requires substantially different feature engineering work than in a text-based wiki like Wikipedia. We also discuss the utility of these classifiers for reducing the overall workload of vandalism patrollers in Wikidata. We describe a machine classification strategy that is able to catch 89% of vandalism while reducing patrollers' workload by 98%, by drawing lightly from contextual features of an edit and heavily from the characteristics of the user making the edit

    VEWS: A Wikipedia Vandal Early Warning System

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    We study the problem of detecting vandals on Wikipedia before any human or known vandalism detection system reports flagging potential vandals so that such users can be presented early to Wikipedia administrators. We leverage multiple classical ML approaches, but develop 3 novel sets of features. Our Wikipedia Vandal Behavior (WVB) approach uses a novel set of user editing patterns as features to classify some users as vandals. Our Wikipedia Transition Probability Matrix (WTPM) approach uses a set of features derived from a transition probability matrix and then reduces it via a neural net auto-encoder to classify some users as vandals. The VEWS approach merges the previous two approaches. Without using any information (e.g. reverts) provided by other users, these algorithms each have over 85% classification accuracy. Moreover, when temporal recency is considered, accuracy goes to almost 90%. We carry out detailed experiments on a new data set we have created consisting of about 33K Wikipedia users (including both a black list and a white list of editors) and containing 770K edits. We describe specific behaviors that distinguish between vandals and non-vandals. We show that VEWS beats ClueBot NG and STiki, the best known algorithms today for vandalism detection. Moreover, VEWS detects far more vandals than ClueBot NG and on average, detects them 2.39 edits before ClueBot NG when both detect the vandal. However, we show that the combination of VEWS and ClueBot NG can give a fully automated vandal early warning system with even higher accuracy.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGKDD Conference of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2015

    Pushing Your Point of View: Behavioral Measures of Manipulation in Wikipedia

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    As a major source for information on virtually any topic, Wikipedia serves an important role in public dissemination and consumption of knowledge. As a result, it presents tremendous potential for people to promulgate their own points of view; such efforts may be more subtle than typical vandalism. In this paper, we introduce new behavioral metrics to quantify the level of controversy associated with a particular user: a Controversy Score (C-Score) based on the amount of attention the user focuses on controversial pages, and a Clustered Controversy Score (CC-Score) that also takes into account topical clustering. We show that both these measures are useful for identifying people who try to "push" their points of view, by showing that they are good predictors of which editors get blocked. The metrics can be used to triage potential POV pushers. We apply this idea to a dataset of users who requested promotion to administrator status and easily identify some editors who significantly changed their behavior upon becoming administrators. At the same time, such behavior is not rampant. Those who are promoted to administrator status tend to have more stable behavior than comparable groups of prolific editors. This suggests that the Adminship process works well, and that the Wikipedia community is not overwhelmed by users who become administrators to promote their own points of view

    A Wikipedia Literature Review

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    This paper was originally designed as a literature review for a doctoral dissertation focusing on Wikipedia. This exposition gives the structure of Wikipedia and the latest trends in Wikipedia research

    Dynamics of conflicts in Wikipedia

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    In this work we study the dynamical features of editorial wars in Wikipedia (WP). Based on our previously established algorithm, we build up samples of controversial and peaceful articles and analyze the temporal characteristics of the activity in these samples. On short time scales, we show that there is a clear correspondence between conflict and burstiness of activity patterns, and that memory effects play an important role in controversies. On long time scales, we identify three distinct developmental patterns for the overall behavior of the articles. We are able to distinguish cases eventually leading to consensus from those cases where a compromise is far from achievable. Finally, we analyze discussion networks and conclude that edit wars are mainly fought by few editors only.Comment: Supporting information adde

    “Got You!”: Automatic Vandalism Detection in Wikipedia with Web-based Shallow Syntactic-Semantic Modeling

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    Discriminating vandalism edits from non-vandalism edits in Wikipedia is a challenging task, as ill-intentioned edits can include a variety of content and be expressed in many different forms and styles. Previous studies are limited to rule-based methods and learning based on lexical features, lacking in linguistic analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel Web-based shallow syntactic-semantic modeling method, which utilizes Web search results as resource and trains topic-specific n-tag and syntactic n-gram language models to detect vandalism. By combining basic task-specific and lexical features, we have achieved high F-measures using logistic boosting and logistic model trees classifiers, surpassing the results reported by major Wikipedia vandalism detection systems
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