1,872 research outputs found

    Isogeometric FEM-BEM coupled structural-acoustic analysis of shells using subdivision surfaces

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    We introduce a coupled finite and boundary element formulation for acoustic scattering analysis over thin shell structures. A triangular Loop subdivision surface discretisation is used for both geometry and analysis fields. The Kirchhoff-Love shell equation is discretised with the finite element method and the Helmholtz equation for the acoustic field with the boundary element method. The use of the boundary element formulation allows the elegant handling of infinite domains and precludes the need for volumetric meshing. In the present work the subdivision control meshes for the shell displacements and the acoustic pressures have the same resolution. The corresponding smooth subdivision basis functions have the C1C^1 continuity property required for the Kirchhoff-Love formulation and are highly efficient for the acoustic field computations. We validate the proposed isogeometric formulation through a closed-form solution of acoustic scattering over a thin shell sphere. Furthermore, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed approach to handle complex geometries with arbitrary topology that provides an integrated isogeometric design and analysis workflow for coupled structural-acoustic analysis of shells

    Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a general framework for constructing IGA-suitable planar B-spline parameterizations from given complex CAD boundaries consisting of a set of B-spline curves. Instead of forming the computational domain by a simple boundary, planar domains with high genus and more complex boundary curves are considered. Firstly, some pre-processing operations including B\'ezier extraction and subdivision are performed on each boundary curve in order to generate a high-quality planar parameterization; then a robust planar domain partition framework is proposed to construct high-quality patch-meshing results with few singularities from the discrete boundary formed by connecting the end points of the resulting boundary segments. After the topology information generation of quadrilateral decomposition, the optimal placement of interior B\'ezier curves corresponding to the interior edges of the quadrangulation is constructed by a global optimization method to achieve a patch-partition with high quality. Finally, after the imposition of C1=G1-continuity constraints on the interface of neighboring B\'ezier patches with respect to each quad in the quadrangulation, the high-quality B\'ezier patch parameterization is obtained by a C1-constrained local optimization method to achieve uniform and orthogonal iso-parametric structures while keeping the continuity conditions between patches. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated by several examples which are compared to results obtained by the skeleton-based parameterization approach

    Arbitrary topology meshes in geometric design and vector graphics

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    Meshes are a powerful means to represent objects and shapes both in 2D and 3D, but the techniques based on meshes can only be used in certain regular settings and restrict their usage. Meshes with an arbitrary topology have many interesting applications in geometric design and (vector) graphics, and can give designers more freedom in designing complex objects. In the first part of the thesis we look at how these meshes can be used in computer aided design to represent objects that consist of multiple regular meshes that are constructed together. Then we extend the B-spline surface technique from the regular setting to work on extraordinary regions in meshes so that multisided B-spline patches are created. In addition, we show how to render multisided objects efficiently, through using the GPU and tessellation. In the second part of the thesis we look at how the gradient mesh vector graphics primitives can be combined with procedural noise functions to create expressive but sparsely defined vector graphic images. We also look at how the gradient mesh can be extended to arbitrary topology variants. Here, we compare existing work with two new formulations of a polygonal gradient mesh. Finally we show how we can turn any image into a vector graphics image in an efficient manner. This vectorisation process automatically extracts important image features and constructs a mesh around it. This automatic pipeline is very efficient and even facilitates interactive image vectorisation

    Dynamic Multivariate Simplex Splines For Volume Representation And Modeling

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    Volume representation and modeling of heterogeneous objects acquired from real world are very challenging research tasks and playing fundamental roles in many potential applications, e.g., volume reconstruction, volume simulation and volume registration. In order to accurately and efficiently represent and model the real-world objects, this dissertation proposes an integrated computational framework based on dynamic multivariate simplex splines (DMSS) that can greatly improve the accuracy and efficacy of modeling and simulation of heterogenous objects. The framework can not only reconstruct with high accuracy geometric, material, and other quantities associated with heterogeneous real-world models, but also simulate the complicated dynamics precisely by tightly coupling these physical properties into simulation. The integration of geometric modeling and material modeling is the key to the success of representation and modeling of real-world objects. The proposed framework has been successfully applied to multiple research areas, such as volume reconstruction and visualization, nonrigid volume registration, and physically based modeling and simulation

    Curve Skeleton and Moments of Area Supported Beam Parametrization in Multi-Objective Compliance Structural Optimization

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    This work addresses the end-to-end virtual automation of structural optimization up to the derivation of a parametric geometry model that can be used for application areas such as additive manufacturing or the verification of the structural optimization result with the finite element method. A holistic design in structural optimization can be achieved with the weighted sum method, which can be automatically parameterized with curve skeletonization and cross-section regression to virtually verify the result and control the local size for additive manufacturing. is investigated in general. In this paper, a holistic design is understood as a design that considers various compliances as an objective function. This parameterization uses the automated determination of beam parameters by so-called curve skeletonization with subsequent cross-section shape parameter estimation based on moments of area, especially for multi-objective optimized shapes. An essential contribution is the linking of the parameterization with the results of the structural optimization, e.g., to include properties such as boundary conditions, load conditions, sensitivities or even density variables in the curve skeleton parameterization. The parameterization focuses on guiding the skeletonization based on the information provided by the optimization and the finite element model. In addition, the cross-section detection considers circular, elliptical, and tensor product spline cross-sections that can be applied to various shape descriptors such as convolutional surfaces, subdivision surfaces, or constructive solid geometry. The shape parameters of these cross-sections are estimated using stiffness distributions, moments of area of 2D images, and convolutional neural networks with a tailored loss function to moments of area. Each final geometry is designed by extruding the cross-section along the appropriate curve segment of the beam and joining it to other beams by using only unification operations. The focus of multi-objective structural optimization considering 1D, 2D and 3D elements is on cases that can be modeled using equations by the Poisson equation and linear elasticity. This enables the development of designs in application areas such as thermal conduction, electrostatics, magnetostatics, potential flow, linear elasticity and diffusion, which can be optimized in combination or individually. Due to the simplicity of the cases defined by the Poisson equation, no experts are required, so that many conceptual designs can be generated and reconstructed by ordinary users with little effort. Specifically for 1D elements, a element stiffness matrices for tensor product spline cross-sections are derived, which can be used to optimize a variety of lattice structures and automatically convert them into free-form surfaces. For 2D elements, non-local trigonometric interpolation functions are used, which should significantly increase interpretability of the density distribution. To further improve the optimization, a parameter-free mesh deformation is embedded so that the compliances can be further reduced by locally shifting the node positions. Finally, the proposed end-to-end optimization and parameterization is applied to verify a linear elasto-static optimization result for and to satisfy local size constraint for the manufacturing with selective laser melting of a heat transfer optimization result for a heat sink of a CPU. For the elasto-static case, the parameterization is adjusted until a certain criterion (displacement) is satisfied, while for the heat transfer case, the manufacturing constraints are satisfied by automatically changing the local size with the proposed parameterization. This heat sink is then manufactured without manual adjustment and experimentally validated to limit the temperature of a CPU to a certain level.:TABLE OF CONTENT III I LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS V II LIST OF SYMBOLS V III LIST OF FIGURES XIII IV LIST OF TABLES XVIII 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND MOTIVATION 6 1.2 RESEARCH THESES AND CHAPTER OVERVIEW 9 2. PRELIMINARIES OF TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 12 2.1 MATERIAL INTERPOLATION 16 2.2 TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION 17 2.3 MULTI-OBJECTIVE TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH THE WEIGHTED SUM METHOD 18 3. SIMULTANEOUS SIZE, TOPOLOGY AND PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION OF WIREFRAMES WITH B-SPLINE CROSS-SECTIONS 21 3.1 FUNDAMENTALS IN WIREFRAME OPTIMIZATION 22 3.2 SIZE AND TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH PERIODIC B-SPLINE CROSS-SECTIONS 27 3.3 PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION EMBEDDED IN SIZE OPTIMIZATION 32 3.4 WEIGHTED SUM SIZE AND TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 36 3.5 CROSS-SECTION COMPARISON 39 4. NON-LOCAL TRIGONOMETRIC INTERPOLATION IN TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 41 4.1 FUNDAMENTALS IN MATERIAL INTERPOLATIONS 43 4.2 NON-LOCAL TRIGONOMETRIC SHAPE FUNCTIONS 45 4.3 NON-LOCAL PARAMETER-FREE SHAPE OPTIMIZATION WITH TRIGONOMETRIC SHAPE FUNCTIONS 49 4.4 NON-LOCAL AND PARAMETER-FREE MULTI-OBJECTIVE TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 54 5. FUNDAMENTALS IN SKELETON GUIDED SHAPE PARAMETRIZATION IN TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 58 5.1 SKELETONIZATION IN TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION 61 5.2 CROSS-SECTION RECOGNITION FOR IMAGES 66 5.3 SUBDIVISION SURFACES 67 5.4 CONVOLUTIONAL SURFACES WITH META BALL KERNEL 71 5.5 CONSTRUCTIVE SOLID GEOMETRY 73 6. CURVE SKELETON GUIDED BEAM PARAMETRIZATION OF TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION RESULTS 75 6.1 FUNDAMENTALS IN SKELETON SUPPORTED RECONSTRUCTION 76 6.2 SUBDIVISION SURFACE PARAMETRIZATION WITH PERIODIC B-SPLINE CROSS-SECTIONS 78 6.3 CURVE SKELETONIZATION TAILORED TO TOPOLOGY OPTIMIZATION WITH PRE-PROCESSING 82 6.4 SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION USING LOCAL STIFFNESS DISTRIBUTION 86 7. CROSS-SECTION SHAPE PARAMETRIZATION FOR PERIODIC B-SPLINES 96 7.1 PRELIMINARIES IN B-SPLINE CONTROL GRID ESTIMATION 97 7.2 CROSS-SECTION EXTRACTION OF 2D IMAGES 101 7.3 TENSOR SPLINE PARAMETRIZATION WITH MOMENTS OF AREA 105 7.4 B-SPLINE PARAMETRIZATION WITH MOMENTS OF AREA GUIDED CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK 110 8. FULLY AUTOMATED COMPLIANCE OPTIMIZATION AND CURVE-SKELETON PARAMETRIZATION FOR A CPU HEAT SINK WITH SIZE CONTROL FOR SLM 115 8.1 AUTOMATED 1D THERMAL COMPLIANCE MINIMIZATION, CONSTRAINED SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 118 8.2 AUTOMATED 2D THERMAL COMPLIANCE MINIMIZATION, CONSTRAINT SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION AND ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING 120 8.3 USING THE HEAT SINK PROTOTYPES COOLING A CPU 123 9. CONCLUSION 127 10. OUTLOOK 131 LITERATURE 133 APPENDIX 147 A PREVIOUS STUDIES 147 B CROSS-SECTION PROPERTIES 149 C CASE STUDIES FOR THE CROSS-SECTION PARAMETRIZATION 155 D EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 15

    A survey of partial differential equations in geometric design

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    YesComputer aided geometric design is an area where the improvement of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. Traditional methods for generating surfaces were initially mainly based upon interpolation algorithms. Recently, partial differential equations (PDE) were introduced as a valuable tool for geometric modelling since they offer a number of features from which these areas can benefit. This work summarises the uses given to PDE surfaces as a surface generation technique togethe

    Approximation and geometric modeling with simplex B-splines associated with irregular triangles

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    Bivariate quadratic simplical B-splines defined by their corresponding set of knots derived from a (suboptimal) constrained Delaunay triangulation of the domain are employed to obtain a C1-smooth surface. The generation of triangle vertices is adjusted to the areal distribution of the data in the domain. We emphasize here that the vertices of the triangles initially define the knots of the B-splines and do generally not coincide with the abscissae of the data. Thus, this approach is well suited to process scattered data.\ud \ud With each vertex of a given triangle we associate two additional points which give rise to six configurations of five knots defining six linearly independent bivariate quadratic B-splines supported on the convex hull of the corresponding five knots.\ud \ud If we consider the vertices of the triangulation as threefold knots, the bivariate quadratic B-splines turn into the well known bivariate quadratic Bernstein-Bézier-form polynomials on triangles. Thus we might be led to think of B-splines as of smoothed versions of Bernstein-Bézier polynomials with respect to the entire domain. From the degenerate Bernstein-Bézier situation we deduce rules how to locate the additional points associated with each vertex to establish knot configurations that allow the modeling of discontinuities of the function itself or any of its directional derivatives. We find that four collinear knots out of the set of five defining an individual quadratic B-spline generate a discontinuity in the surface along the line they constitute, and that analogously three collinear knots generate a discontinuity in a first derivative.\ud Finally, the coefficients of the linear combinations of normalized simplicial B-splines are visualized as geometric control points satisfying the convex hull property.\ud Thus, bivariate quadratic B-splines associated with irregular triangles provide a great flexibility to approximate and model fast changing or even functions with any given discontinuities from scattered data.\ud An example for least squares approximation with simplex splines is presented

    Kirchhoff-Love shell representation and analysis using triangle configuration B-splines

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    This paper presents the application of triangle configuration B-splines (TCB-splines) for representing and analyzing the Kirchhoff-Love shell in the context of isogeometric analysis (IGA). The Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation requires global C1C^1-continuous basis functions. The nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS)-based IGA has been extensively used for developing Kirchhoff-Love shell elements. However, shells with complex geometries inevitably need multiple patches and trimming techniques, where stitching patches with high continuity is a challenge. On the other hand, due to their unstructured nature, TCB-splines can accommodate general polygonal domains, have local refinement, and are flexible to model complex geometries with C1C^1 continuity, which naturally fit into the Kirchhoff-Love shell formulation with complex geometries. Therefore, we propose to use TCB-splines as basis functions for geometric representation and solution approximation. We apply our method to both linear and nonlinear benchmark shell problems, where the accuracy and robustness are validated. The applicability of the proposed approach to shell analysis is further exemplified by performing geometrically nonlinear Kirchhoff-Love shell simulations of a pipe junction and a front bumper represented by a single patch of TCB-splines

    A geometrically exact isogeometric Kirchhoff plate: Feature‐preserving automatic meshing and C1 rational triangular Bézier spline discretizations

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144603/1/nme5809.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144603/2/nme5809_am.pd