12,327 research outputs found

    Image Based Hair Segmentation Algorithm for the Application of Automatic Facial Caricature Synthesis

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    Hair is a salient feature in human face region and are one of the important cues for face analysis. Accurate detection and presentation of hair region is one of the key components for automatic synthesis of human facial caricature. In this paper, an automatic hair detection algorithm for the application of automatic synthesis of facial caricature based on a single image is proposed. Firstly, hair regions in training images are labeled manually and then the hair position prior distributions and hair color likelihood distribution function are estimated from these labels efficiently. Secondly, the energy function of the test image is constructed according to the estimated prior distributions of hair location and hair color likelihood. This energy function is further optimized according to graph cuts technique and initial hair region is obtained. Finally, K-means algorithm and image postprocessing techniques are applied to the initial hair region so that the final hair region can be segmented precisely. Experimental results show that the average processing time for each image is about 280 ms and the average hair region detection accuracy is above 90%. The proposed algorithm is applied to a facial caricature synthesis system. Experiments proved that with our proposed hair segmentation algorithm the facial caricatures are vivid and satisfying

    A Novel Sep-Unet Architecture of Convolutional Neural Networks to Improve Dermoscopic Image Segmentation by Training Parameters Reduction

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    Nowadays, we use dermoscopic images as one of the imaging methods in diagnosis of skin lesions such as skin cancer. But due to the noise and other problems, including hair artifacts around the lesion, this issue requires automatic and reliable segmentation methods. The diversity in the color and structure of the skin lesions is a challenging reason for automatic skin lesion segmentation. In this study, we used convolutional neural networks (CNN) as an efficient method for dermoscopic image segmentation. The main goal of this research is to recommend a novel architecture of deep neural networks for the injured lesion in dermoscopic images which has been improved by the convolutional layers based on the separable layers. By convolutional layers and the specific operations on the kernel of them, the velocity of the algorithm increases and the training parameters decrease. Additionally, we used a suitable preprocessing method to enter the images into the neural network. Suitable structure of the convolutional layers, separable convolutional layers and transposed convolution in the down sampling and up sampling parts, have made the structure of the mentioned neural network. This algorithm is named Sep-unet and could segment the images with 98% dice coefficient

    Real-time deep hair matting on mobile devices

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    Augmented reality is an emerging technology in many application domains. Among them is the beauty industry, where live virtual try-on of beauty products is of great importance. In this paper, we address the problem of live hair color augmentation. To achieve this goal, hair needs to be segmented quickly and accurately. We show how a modified MobileNet CNN architecture can be used to segment the hair in real-time. Instead of training this network using large amounts of accurate segmentation data, which is difficult to obtain, we use crowd sourced hair segmentation data. While such data is much simpler to obtain, the segmentations there are noisy and coarse. Despite this, we show how our system can produce accurate and fine-detailed hair mattes, while running at over 30 fps on an iPad Pro tablet.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to CRV 201

    Supervised saliency map driven segmentation of lesions in dermoscopic images

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    Lesion segmentation is the first step in most automatic melanoma recognition systems. Deficiencies and difficulties in dermoscopic images such as color inconstancy, hair occlusion, dark corners, and color charts make lesion segmentation an intricate task. In order to detect the lesion in the presence of these problems, we propose a supervised saliency detection method tailored for dermoscopic images based on the discriminative regional feature integration (DRFI). A DRFI method incorporates multilevel segmentation, regional contrast, property, background descriptors, and a random forest regressor to create saliency scores for each region in the image. In our improved saliency detection method, mDRFI, we have added some new features to regional property descriptors. Also, in order to achieve more robust regional background descriptors, a thresholding algorithm is proposed to obtain a new pseudo-background region. Findings reveal that mDRFI is superior to DRFI in detecting the lesion as the salient object in dermoscopic images. The proposed overall lesion segmentation framework uses detected saliency map to construct an initial mask of the lesion through thresholding and postprocessing operations. The initial mask is then evolving in a level set framework to fit better on the lesion's boundaries. The results of evaluation tests on three public datasets show that our proposed segmentation method outperforms the other conventional state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms and its performance is comparable with most recent approaches that are based on deep convolutional neural networks
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