6 research outputs found

    Tumour travel tours – Why circulating cancer cells value company

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    Welcome to the New Year and a new issue of the Biomedical Journal, where we learn that travelling with company boosts the metastatic potential of circulating tumour cells, as well as that a worm could be an excellent model to study antidiabetic drugs. In addition, we discover another pair of molecular scissors for genetic engineering, how exactly Leptospira wreaks havoc on its run through the host organism, and that hyperparathyroidism brings its own risks, but does not worsen the outcome of papillary thyroid carcinoma. Furthermore, the importance of taking into account differing beauty ideals for aesthetic surgery surveys is discussed, alongside the question how bad isolated local recurrence is in the case of HR + breast cancer. Finally, we find out that virtual colonoscopy deserves more credit, that the first medical experiment in space was all about the H-reflex, and that it is possible to survive advanced necrotising fasciitis of the face and neck

    TotalSegmentator: robust segmentation of 104 anatomical structures in CT images

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    We present a deep learning segmentation model that can automatically and robustly segment all major anatomical structures in body CT images. In this retrospective study, 1204 CT examinations (from the years 2012, 2016, and 2020) were used to segment 104 anatomical structures (27 organs, 59 bones, 10 muscles, 8 vessels) relevant for use cases such as organ volumetry, disease characterization, and surgical or radiotherapy planning. The CT images were randomly sampled from routine clinical studies and thus represent a real-world dataset (different ages, pathologies, scanners, body parts, sequences, and sites). The authors trained an nnU-Net segmentation algorithm on this dataset and calculated Dice similarity coefficients (Dice) to evaluate the model's performance. The trained algorithm was applied to a second dataset of 4004 whole-body CT examinations to investigate age dependent volume and attenuation changes. The proposed model showed a high Dice score (0.943) on the test set, which included a wide range of clinical data with major pathologies. The model significantly outperformed another publicly available segmentation model on a separate dataset (Dice score, 0.932 versus 0.871, respectively). The aging study demonstrated significant correlations between age and volume and mean attenuation for a variety of organ groups (e.g., age and aortic volume; age and mean attenuation of the autochthonous dorsal musculature). The developed model enables robust and accurate segmentation of 104 anatomical structures. The annotated dataset (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6802613) and toolkit (https://www.github.com/wasserth/TotalSegmentator) are publicly available.Comment: Accepted at Radiology: Artificial Intelligenc

    Automatic Segmentation of Colon in 3D CT Images and Removal of Opacified Fluid Using Cascade Feed Forward Neural Network

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    Purpose. Colon segmentation is an essential step in the development of computer-aided diagnosis systems based on computed tomography (CT) images. The requirement for the detection of the polyps which lie on the walls of the colon is much needed in the field of medical imaging for diagnosis of colorectal cancer. Methods. The proposed work is focused on designing an efficient automatic colon segmentation algorithm from abdominal slices consisting of colons, partial volume effect, bowels, and lungs. The challenge lies in determining the exact colon enhanced with partial volume effect of the slice. In this work, adaptive thresholding technique is proposed for the segmentation of air packets, machine learning based cascade feed forward neural network enhanced with boundary detection algorithms are used which differentiate the segments of the lung and the fluids which are sediment at the side wall of colon and by rejecting bowels based on the slice difference removal method. The proposed neural network method is trained with Bayesian regulation algorithm to determine the partial volume effect. Results. Experiment was conducted on CT database images which results in 98% accuracy and minimal error rate. Conclusions. The main contribution of this work is the exploitation of neural network algorithm for removal of opacified fluid to attain desired colon segmentation result

    Nonlinear effects in finite elements analysis of colorectal surgical clamping

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    Minimal Invasive Surgery (MIS) is a procedure that has increased its applications in past few years in different types of surgeries. As number of application fields are increasing day by day, new issues have been arising. In particular, instruments must be inserted through a trocar to access the abdominal cavity without capability of direct manipulation of tissues, so a loss of sensitivity occurs. Generally speaking, the student of medicine or junior surgeons need a lot of practice hours before starting any surgical procedure, since they have to difficulty in acquiring specific skills (hand–eye coordination among others) for this type of surgery. Here is what the surgical simulator present a promising training method using an approach based on Finite Element Method (FEM). The use of continuum mechanics, especially Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has gained an extensive application in medical field in order to simulate soft tissues. In particular, colorectal simulations can be used to understand the interaction between colon and the surrounding tissues and also between colon and instruments. Although several works have been introduced considering small displacements, FEA applied to colorectal surgical procedures with large displacements is a topic that asks for more investigations. This work aims to investigate how FEA can describe non-linear effects induced by material properties and different approximating geometries, focusing as test-case application colorectal surgery. More in detail, it shows a comparison between simulations that are performed using both linear and hyperelastic models. These different mechanical behaviours are applied on different geometrical models (planar, cylindrical, 3D-SS and a real model from digital acquisitions 3D-S) with the aim of evaluating the effects of geometric non-linearity. Final aim of the research is to provide a preliminary contribution to the simulation of the interaction between surgical instrument and colon tissues with multi-purpose FEA in order to help the preliminary set-up of different bioengineering tasks like force-contact evaluation or approximated modelling for virtual reality (surgical simulations). In particular, the contribution of this work is focused on the sensitivity analysis of the nonlinearities by FEA in the tissue-tool interaction through an explicit FEA solver. By doing in this way, we aim to demonstrate that the set-up of FEA computational surgical tools may be simplified in order to provide assistance to non-expert FEA engineers or medicians in more precise way of using FEA tools

    Towards automated three-dimensional tracking of nephrons through stacked histological image sets

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Witwatersrand for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. August, 2015The three-dimensional microarchitecture of the mammalian kidney is of keen interest in the fields of cell biology and biomedical engineering as it plays a crucial role in renal function. This study presents a novel approach to the automatic tracking of individual nephrons through three-dimensional histological image sets of mouse and rat kidneys. The image database forms part of a previous study carried out at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. The previous study involved manually tracking a few hundred nephrons through the image sets in order to explore the renal microarchitecture, the results of which forms the gold standard for this study. The purpose of the current research is to develop methods which contribute towards creating an automated, intelligent system as a standard tool for such image sets. This would reduce the excessive time and human effort previously required for the tracking task, enabling a larger sample of nephrons to be tracked. It would also be desirable, in future, to explore the renal microstructure of various species and diseased specimens. The developed algorithm is robust, able to isolate closely packed nephrons and track their convoluted paths despite a number of non-ideal conditions such as local image distortions, artefacts and connective tissue interference. The system consists of initial image pre-processing steps such as background removal, adaptive histogram equalisation and image segmentation. A feature extraction stage achieves data abstraction and information concentration by extracting shape iii descriptors, radial shape profiles and key coordinates for each nephron crosssection. A custom graph-based tracking algorithm is implemented to track the nephrons using the extracted coordinates. A rule-base and machine learning algorithms including an Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine are used to evaluate the shape features and other information to validate the algorithm’s results through each of its iterations. The validation steps prove to be highly effective in rejecting incorrect tracking moves, with the rule-base having greater than 90% accuracy and the Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine both producing 93% classification accuracies. Comparison of a selection of automatically and manually tracked nephrons yielded results of 95% accuracy and 98% tracking extent for the proximal convoluted tubule, proximal straight tubule and ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle. The ascending and descending thin limbs of the loop of Henle pose a challenge, having low accuracy and low tracking extent due to the low resolution, narrow diameter and high density of cross-sections in the inner medulla. Limited manual intervention is proposed as a solution to these limitations, enabling full nephron paths to be obtained with an average of 17 manual corrections per mouse nephron and 58 manual corrections per rat nephron. The developed semi-automatic system saves a considerable amount of time and effort in comparison with the manual task. Furthermore, the developed methodology forms a foundation for future development towards a fully automated tracking system for nephrons

    Detección Asistida por Ordenador basada en redes neuronales de convolución en tomografía computarizada y mamografía: diseño de sistemas, desarrollo de la aplicación JORCAD y validación en un contexto educativo

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    [ES]El Radiodiagnóstico es una especialidad médica que ha vivido un rápido desarrollo tecnológico en las últimas décadas, convirtiéndose en una herramienta diagnóstica de primer nivel en Medicina. La IA ha supuesto una revolución en muchas áreas del conocimiento, incluyendo el radiodiagnóstico, donde su irrupción como sistemas de soporte en la toma de decisiones de los especialistas ha supuesto un cambio de paradigma en la práctica clínica. Estos sistemas han demostrado su utilidad en tareas como la detección de lesiones y su clasificación o diagnóstico. Sin embargo, su gran potencial como herramientas que asistan en diferentes etapas del proceso de aprendizaje de estudiantes de medicina y residentes, parece haber quedado en segundo plano con respecto a las aplicaciones clínicas. El interés en la imagen radiológica y en ambas vertientes de la IA dota a esta Tesis Doctoral de un carácter interdisciplinar, al estar relacionada con la informática mediante el desarrollo de un sistema de IA, la radiología y la física médica a través del uso de imágenes de dos modalidades radiológicas para la detección de lesiones, siendo necesario su tratamiento y procesado, y también con la educación mediante el desarrollo de una aplicación educativa para la formación de especialistas en radiodiagnóstico (JORCAD) y la realización de una actividad formativa interactiva para su validación