123 research outputs found

    â„“_1-Based Construction of Polycube Maps from Complex Shapes

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    Polycube maps of triangle meshes have proved useful in a wide range of applications, including texture mapping and hexahedral mesh generation. However, constructing either fully automatically or with limited user control a low-distortion polycube from a detailed surface remains challenging in practice. We propose a variational method for deforming an input triangle mesh into a polycube shape through minimization of the â„“_1-norm of the mesh normals, regularized via an as-rigid-as-possible volumetric distortion energy. Unlike previous work, our approach makes no assumption on the orientation, or on the presence of features in the input model. User-guided control over the resulting polycube map is also offered to increase design flexibility. We demonstrate the robustness, efficiency, and controllability of our method on a variety of examples, and explore applications in hexahedral remeshing and quadrangulation


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    Standard texture mapping of real-world meshes suffers from the presence of seams that need to be introduced in order to avoid excessive distortions and to make the topology of the mesh compatible to the one of the texture domain. In contrast, cube maps provide a mechanism that could be used for seamless texture mapping with low distortion, but only if the object roughly resembles a cube. We extend this concept to arbitrary meshes by using as texture domain the surface of a polycube whose shape is similar to that of the given mesh. Our approach leads to a seamless texture mapping method that is simple enough to be implemented in currently available graphics hardware

    Surface parameterization over regular domains

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    Surface parameterization has been widely studied and it has been playing a critical role in many geometric processing tasks in graphics, computer-aided design, visualization, vision, physical simulation and etc. Regular domains, such as polycubes, are favored due to their structural regularity and geometric simplicity. This thesis focuses on studying the surface parameterization over regular domains, i.e. polycubes, and develops effective computation algorithms. Firstly, the motivation for surface parameterization and polycube mapping is introduced. Secondly, we briefly review existing surface parameterization techniques, especially for extensively studied parameterization algorithms for topological disk surfaces and parameterizations over regular domains for closed surfaces. Then we propose a polycube parameterization algorithm for closed surfaces with general topology. We develop an efficient optimization framework to minimize the angle and area distortion of the mapping. Its applications on surface meshing, inter-shape morphing and volumetric polycube mapping are also discussed

    Large-scale Geometric Data Decomposition, Processing and Structured Mesh Generation

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    Mesh generation is a fundamental and critical problem in geometric data modeling and processing. In most scientific and engineering tasks that involve numerical computations and simulations on 2D/3D regions or on curved geometric objects, discretizing or approximating the geometric data using a polygonal or polyhedral meshes is always the first step of the procedure. The quality of this tessellation often dictates the subsequent computation accuracy, efficiency, and numerical stability. When compared with unstructured meshes, the structured meshes are favored in many scientific/engineering tasks due to their good properties. However, generating high-quality structured mesh remains challenging, especially for complex or large-scale geometric data. In industrial Computer-aided Design/Engineering (CAD/CAE) pipelines, the geometry processing to create a desirable structural mesh of the complex model is the most costly step. This step is semi-manual, and often takes up to several weeks to finish. Several technical challenges remains unsolved in existing structured mesh generation techniques. This dissertation studies the effective generation of structural mesh on large and complex geometric data. We study a general geometric computation paradigm to solve this problem via model partitioning and divide-and-conquer. To apply effective divide-and-conquer, we study two key technical components: the shape decomposition in the divide stage, and the structured meshing in the conquer stage. We test our algorithm on vairous data set, the results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our framework. The comparisons also show our algorithm outperforms existing partitioning methods in final meshing quality. We also show our pipeline scales up efficiently on HPC environment
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