12 research outputs found

    Predicting code refactoring via analyzing the history of quality metrics and code anti-patterns

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    Code refactoring is the process of improving the internal structure of existing code without altering its functionality. Refactoring can help to reduce technical debt, enhance the quality of the code and make the code easy to evolve. However, the manual identification of the proper code refactoring operations to apply can be time-consuming and not scalable. In this thesis, we propose an approach based on data mining and machine learning techniques to analyze historical data and predict refactoring operations that may occur in a future release of a project. The approach uses a combination of techniques to identify patterns in the data and make predictions about which refactoring operations should be applied. In this study, we validated the proposed machine learning based approaches with 13 open-source projects with different releases. We identified the refactoring operations and code smells and extracted the quality metrics for each project release. We used the collected data (e.g. quality metrics and code smells) to predict refactoring operations, and we reported the prediction results based on cross- validation procedures. The proposed research contributes to the field of software quality by providing an efficient and effective approach to refactor the code. The findings of this research will also help developers by suggesting appropriate refactoring operations based on the history of the evolution of software projects. This will ultimately result in improved software quality, reduced technical debt, and enhanced software performance

    Big Data: Learning, Analytics, and Applications

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    With the rise of autonomous systems, the automation of faults detection and localization becomes critical to their reliability. An automated strategy that can provide a ranked list of faulty modules or files with respect to how likely they contain the root cause of the problem would help in the automation bug localization. Learning from the history if previously located bugs in general, and extracting the dependencies between these bugs in particular, helps in building models to accurately localize any potentially detected bugs. In this study, we propose a novel fault localization solution based on a learning-to-rank strategy, using the history of previously localized bugs and their dependencies as features, to rank files in terms of their likelihood of being a root cause of a bug. The evaluation of our approach has shown its efficiency in localizing dependent bugs

    Physical fitness and motor ability parameters as predictors for skateboarding performance: A logistic regression modelling analysis

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    The identification and prediction of athletic talent are pivotal in the development of successful sporting careers. Traditional subjective assessment methods have proven unreliable due to their inherent subjectivity, prompting the rise of data-driven techniques favoured for their objectivity. This evolution in statistical analysis facilitates the extraction of pertinent athlete information, enabling the recognition of their potential for excellence in their respective sporting careers. In the current study, we applied a logistic regression-based machine learning pipeline (LR) to identify potential skateboarding athletes from a combination of fitness and motor skills performance variables. Forty-five skateboarders recruited from a variety of skateboarding parks were evaluated on various skateboarding tricks while their fitness and motor skills abilities that consist of stork stance test, dynamic balance, sit ups, plank test, standing broad jump, as well as vertical jump, were evaluated. The performances of the skateboarders were clustered and the LR model was developed to classify the classes of the skateboarders. The cluster analysis identified two groups of skateboarders: high and low potential skateboarders. The LR model achieved 90% of mean accuracy specifying excellent prediction of the skateboarder classes. Further sensitivity analysis revealed that static and dynamic balance, lower body strength, and endurance were the most important factors that contributed to the model’s performance. These factors are therefore essential for successful performance in skateboarding. The application of machine learning in talent prediction can greatly assist coaches and other relevant stakeholders in making informed decisions regarding athlete performance

    Behind the Scenes: On the Relationship Between Developer Experience and Refactoring

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    Refactoring is widely recognized as one of the efficient techniques to manage technical debt and maintain a healthy software project through enforcing best design practices, or coping with design defects. Previous refactoring surveys have shown that code refactoring activities are mainly executed by developers who have sufficient knowledge of the system’s design, and disposing of leadership roles in their development teams. However, these surveys were mainly limited to specific projects and companies. In this paper, we explore the generalizability of the previous results by analyzing 800 open-source projects. We mine their refactoring activities, and we identify their corresponding contributors. Then, we associate an experience score to each contributor in order to test various hypotheses related to whether developers with higher scores tend to 1) perform a higher number of refactoring operations 2) exhibit different motivations behind their refactoring, and 3) better document their refactoring activity. We found that (1) although refactoring is not restricted to a subset of developers, those with higher contribution score tend to perform more refactorings than others; (2) while there is no correlation between experience and motivation behind refactoring, top contributed developers are found to perform a wider variety of refactoring operations, regardless of their complexity; and (3) top contributed developer tend to document less their refactoring activity. Our qualitative analysis of three randomly sampled projects show that the developers who are responsible for the majority of refactoring activities are typically in advanced positions in their development teams, demonstrating their extensive knowledge of the design of the systems they contribute to

    30 Years of Software Refactoring Research:A Systematic Literature Review

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    Due to the growing complexity of software systems, there has been a dramatic increase and industry demand for tools and techniques on software refactoring in the last ten years, defined traditionally as a set of program transformations intended to improve the system design while preserving the behavior. Refactoring studies are expanded beyond code-level restructuring to be applied at different levels (architecture, model, requirements, etc.), adopted in many domains beyond the object-oriented paradigm (cloud computing, mobile, web, etc.), used in industrial settings and considered objectives beyond improving the design to include other non-functional requirements (e.g., improve performance, security, etc.). Thus, challenges to be addressed by refactoring work are, nowadays, beyond code transformation to include, but not limited to, scheduling the opportune time to carry refactoring, recommendations of specific refactoring activities, detection of refactoring opportunities, and testing the correctness of applied refactorings. Therefore, the refactoring research efforts are fragmented over several research communities, various domains, and objectives. To structure the field and existing research results, this paper provides a systematic literature review and analyzes the results of 3183 research papers on refactoring covering the last three decades to offer the most scalable and comprehensive literature review of existing refactoring research studies. Based on this survey, we created a taxonomy to classify the existing research, identified research trends, and highlighted gaps in the literature and avenues for further research.Comment: 23 page

    How we refactor and how we document it? On the use of supervised machine learning algorithms to classify refactoring documentation

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    Refactoring is the art of improving the structural design of a software system without altering its external behavior. Today, refactoring has become a well-established and disciplined software engineering practice that has attracted a significant amount of research presuming that refactoring is primarily motivated by the need to improve system structures. However, recent studies have shown that developers may incorporate refactoring strategies in other development-related activities that go beyond improving the design especially with the emerging challenges in contemporary software engineering. Unfortunately, these studies are limited to developer interviews and a reduced set of projects. To cope with the above-mentioned limitations, we aim to better understand what motivates developers to apply a refactoring by mining and automatically classifying a large set of 111,884 commits containing refactoring activities, extracted from 800 open source Java projects. We trained a multi-class classifier to categorize these commits into three categories, namely, Internal Quality Attribute, External Quality Attribute, and Code Smell Resolution, along with the traditional Bug Fix and Functional categories. This classification challenges the original definition of refactoring, being exclusive to improving software design and fixing code smells. Furthermore, to better understand our classification results, we qualitatively analyzed commit messages to extract textual patterns that developers regularly use to describe their refactoring activities. The results of our empirical investigation show that (1) fixing code smells is not the main driver for developers to refactoring their code bases. Refactoring is solicited for a wide variety of reasons, going beyond its traditional definition; (2) the distribution of refactoring operations differs between production and test files; (3) developers use a variety of patterns to purposefully target refactoring-related activities; (4) the textual patterns, extracted from commit messages, provide better coverage for how developers document their refactorings