5 research outputs found

    Inverse Rendering of Faces with a 3D Morphable Model

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    In this paper, we present a complete framework to inverse render faces with a 3D Morphable Model (3DMM). By decomposing the image formation process into geometric and photometric parts, we are able to state the problem as a multilinear system which can be solved accurately and efficiently. As we treat each contribution as independent, the objective function is convex in the parameters and a global solution is guaranteed. We start by recovering 3D shape using a novel algorithm which incorporates generalization error of the model obtained from empirical measurements. We then describe two methods to recover facial texture, diffuse lighting, specular reflectance, and camera properties from a single image. The methods make increasingly weak assumptions and can be solved in a linear fashion. We evaluate our findings on a publicly available database, where we are able to outperform an existing state-of-the-art algorithm. We demonstrate the usability of the recovered parameters in a recognition experiment conducted on the CMU-PIE database

    Automated Analysis of 3D Stress Echocardiography

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    __Abstract__ The human circulatory system consists of the heart, blood, arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart is the muscular organ which pumps the blood through the human body (Fig. 1.1,1.2). Deoxygenated blood flows through the right atrium into the right ventricle, which pumps the blood into the pulmonary arteries. The blood is carried to the lungs, where it passes through a capillary network that enables the release of carbon dioxide and the uptake of oxygen. Oxygenated blood then returns to the heart via the pulmonary veins and flows from the left atrium into the left ventricle. The left ventricle then pumps the blood through the aorta, the major artery which supplies blood to the rest of the body [Drake et a!., 2005; Guyton and Halt 1996]. Therefore, it is vital that the cardiovascular system remains healthy. Disease of the cardiovascular system, if untreated, ultimately leads to the failure of other organs and death

    Automatic analysis of malaria infected red blood cell digitized microscope images

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    Malaria is one of the three most serious diseases worldwide, affecting millions each year, mainly in the tropics where the most serious illnesses are caused by Plasmodium falciparum. This thesis is concerned with the automatic analysis of images of microscope slides of Giemsa stained thin-films of such malaria infected blood so as to segment red-blood cells (RBCs) from the background plasma, to accurately and reliably count the cells, identify those that were infected with a parasite, and thus to determine the degree of infection or parasitemia. Unsupervised techniques were used throughout owing to the difficulty of obtaining large quantities of training data annotated by experts, in particular for total RBC counts. The first two aims were met by optimisation of Fisher discriminants. For RBC segmentation, a well-known iterative thresholding method due originally to Otsu (1979) was used for scalar features such as the image intensity and a novel extension of the algorithm developed for multi-dimensional, colour data. Performance of the algorithms was evaluated and compared via ROC analysis and their convergence properties studied. Ways of characterising the variability of the image data and, if necessary of mitigating it, were discussed in theory. The size distribution of the objects segmented in this way indicated that optimisation of a Fisher discriminant could be further used for classifying objects as small artefacts, singlet RBCs, doublets, or triplets etc. of adjoining cells provided optimisation was via a global search. Application of constraints on the relationships between the sizes of singlet and multiplet RBCs led to a number of tests that enabled clusters of cells to be reliably identified and accurate total RBC counts to be made. Development of an application to make such counts could be very useful both in research laboratories and in improving treatment of malaria. Unfortunately, the very small number of pixels belonging to parasite infections mean that it is difficult to segment parasite objects and thus to identify infected RBCs and to determine the parasitemia. Preliminary attempts to do so by similar, unsupervised means using Fischer discriminants, even when applied in a hierarchical manner, though suggestive that it may ultimately be possible to develop such a system remain on the evidence currently available, inconclusive. Appendices give details of material from old texts no longer easily accessible

    Automatic Extraction of the Face Identity-Subspace

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    Facial variation divides into a number of functional subspaces, and ensemble-specific variation. An improved method of measuring these is presented, within the space defined by an Appearance Model. Initial estimates of the subspaces (lighting, pose, identity and expression) are obtained by Principal Components Analysis on appropriate groups of faces. An expectation-maximization algorithm is applied to image codings to maximise the probability of coding across these non-orthogonal subspaces. Ensemble specific variation is then removed by measuring the spatial predictability of the eigenvectors excluding those which are less predictable than the ensemble. These procedures significantly enhance identity recognition for a disjoint test set