8,648 research outputs found

    Scatteract: Automated extraction of data from scatter plots

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    Charts are an excellent way to convey patterns and trends in data, but they do not facilitate further modeling of the data or close inspection of individual data points. We present a fully automated system for extracting the numerical values of data points from images of scatter plots. We use deep learning techniques to identify the key components of the chart, and optical character recognition together with robust regression to map from pixels to the coordinate system of the chart. We focus on scatter plots with linear scales, which already have several interesting challenges. Previous work has done fully automatic extraction for other types of charts, but to our knowledge this is the first approach that is fully automatic for scatter plots. Our method performs well, achieving successful data extraction on 89% of the plots in our test set.Comment: Submitted to ECML PKDD 2017 proceedings, 16 page

    Semi-automatic geometric digital twinning for existing buildings based on images and CAD drawings

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    Despite the emerging new data capturing technologies and advanced modelling systems, the process of geometric digital twin modelling for existing buildings still lacks a systematic and completed framework to streamline. As-is Building Information Model (BIM) is one of the commonly used geometric digital twin modelling approaches. However, the process of as-is BIM construction is time-consuming and needed to improve. To address this challenge, in this paper, a semi-automatic approach is developed to establish a systematic, accurate and convenient digital twinning system based on images and CAD drawings. With this ultimate goal, this paper summarises the state-of-the-art geometric digital twinning methods and elaborates on the methodological framework of this semi-automatic geometric digital twinning approach. The framework consists of three modules. The Building Framework Construction and Geometry Information Extraction (Module 1) defines the locations of each structural component through recognising special symbols in a floor plan and then extracting data from CAD drawings using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Meaningful text information is further filtered based on predefined rules. In order to integrate with completed building information, the Building Information Complementary (Module 2) is developed based on neuro-fuzzy system (NFS) and the image processing procedure to supplement additional building components. Finally, the Information Integration and IFC Creation (Module 3) integrates information from Module 1 and 2 and creates as-is Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) BIM based on IFC schema. A case study using part of an office building and the results of its analysis are provided and discussed from the perspectives of applicability and accuracy. Future works and limitations are also addressed

    Management of Scientific Images: An approach to the extraction, annotation and retrieval of figures in the field of High Energy Physics

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    El entorno de la información en la primera década del siglo XXI no tiene precedentes. Las barreras físicas que han limitado el acceso al conocimiento están desapareciendo a medida que los métodos tradicionales de acceso a información se reemplazan o se mejoran gracias al uso de sistemas basados en computador. Los sistemas digitales son capaces de gestionar colecciones mucho más grandes de documentos, confrontando a los usuarios de información con la avalancha de documentos asociados a su tópico de interés. Esta nueva situación ha creado un incentivo para el desarrollo de técnicas de minería de datos y la creación de motores de búsqueda más eficientes y capaces de limitar los resultados de búsqueda a un subconjunto reducido de los más relevantes. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los motores de búsqueda en la actualidad trabajan con descripciones textuales. Estas descripciones se pueden extraer o bien del contenido o a través de fuentes externas. La recuperación basada en el contenido no textual de documentos es un tema de investigación continua. En particular, la recuperación de imágenes y el desentrañar la información contenida en ellas están suscitando un gran interés en la comunidad científica. Las bibliotecas digitales se sitúan en una posición especial dentro de los sistemas que facilitan el acceso al conocimiento. Actúan como repositorios de documentos que comparten algunas características comunes (por ejemplo, pertenecer a la misma área de conocimiento o ser publicados por la misma institución) y como tales contienen documentos considerados de interés para un grupo particular de usuarios. Además, facilitan funcionalidades de recuperación sobre las colecciones gestionadas. Normalmente, las publicaciones científicas son las unidades más pequeñas gestionadas por las bibliotecas digitales científicas. Sin embargo, en el proceso de creación científica hay diferentes tipos de artefactos, entre otros: figuras y conjuntos de datos. Las figuras juegan un papel particularmente importante en el proceso de publicación científica. Representan los datos en una forma gráfica que nos permite mostrar patrones sobre grandes conjuntos de datos y transmitir ideas complejas de un modo fácilmente entendible. Los sistemas existentes para bibliotecas digitales facilitan el acceso a figuras, pero solo como parte de los ficheros sobre los que se serializa la publicación entera. El objetivo de esta tesis es proponer un conjunto de métodos ytécnicas que permitan transformar las figuras en productos de primera clase dentro del proceso de publicación científica, permitiendo que los investigadores puedan obtener el máximo beneficio a la hora de realizar búsquedas y revisiones de bibliografía existente. Los métodos y técnicas propuestos están orientados a facilitar la adquisición, anotación semántica y búsqueda de figuras contenidas en publicaciones científicas. Para demostrar la completitud de la investigación se han ilustrado las teorías propuestas mediante ejemplos en el campo de la Física de Partículas (también conocido como Física de Altas Energías). Para aquellos casos en los que se han necesitadoo en las figuras que aparecen con más frecuencia en las publicaciones de Física de Partículas: los gráficos científicos denominados en inglés con el término plots. Los prototipos que propuestas más detalladas han desarrollado para esta tesis se han integrado parcialmente dentro del software Invenio (1) para bibliotecas digitales, así como dentro de INSPIRE, una de las mayores bibliotecas digitales en Física de Partículas mantenida gracias a la colaboración de grandes laboratorios y centros de investigación como son el CERN, SLAC, DESY y Fermilab. 1). http://invenio-software.org

    A Deep Understanding of Structural and Functional Behavior of Tabular and Graphical Modules in Technical Documents

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    The rapid increase of published research papers in recent years has escalated the need for automated ways to process and understand them. The successful recognition of the information that is contained in technical documents, depends on the understanding of the document’s individual modalities. These modalities include tables, graphics, diagrams and etc. as defined in Bourbakis’ pioneering work. However, the depth of understanding is correlated to the efficiency of detection and recognition. In this work, a novel methodology is proposed for automatic processing of and understanding of tables and graphics images in technical document. Previous attempts on tables and graphics understanding retrieve only superficial knowledge such as table contents and axis values. However, the focus on capturing the internal associations and relations between the extracted data from each figure is studied here. The proposed methodology is divided into the following steps: 1) figure detection, 2) figure recognition, 3) figure understanding, by figures we mean tables, graphics and diagrams. More specifically, we evaluate different heuristic and learning methods for classifying table and graphics images as part of the detection module. Table recognition and deep understanding includes the extraction of the knowledge that is illustrated in a table image along with the deeper associations between the table variables. The graphics recognition module follows a clustering based approach in order to recognize middle points. Middle points are 2D points where the direction of the curves changes. They delimit the straight line segments that construct the graphics curves. We use these detected middle points in order to understand various features of each line segment and the associations between them. Additionally, we convert the extracted internal tabular associations and the captured curves’ structural and functional behavior into a common and at the same time unique form of representation, which is the Stochastic Petri-net (SPN) graphs. The use of SPN graphs allow for the merging of different document modalities through the functions that describe them, without any prior knowledge about what these functions are. Finally, we achieve a higher level of document understanding through the synergistic merging of the aforementioned SPN graphs that we extract from the table and graphics modalities. We provide results from every step of the document modalities understanding methodologies and the synergistic merging as proof of concept for this research

    Page layout analysis and classification in complex scanned documents

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    Page layout analysis has been extensively studied since the 1980`s, particularly after computers began to be used for document storage or database units. For efficient document storage and retrieval from a database, a paper document would be transformed into its electronic version. Algorithms and methodologies are used for document image analysis in order to segment a scanned document into different regions such as text, image or line regions. To contribute a novel approach in the field of page layout analysis and classification, this algorithm is developed for both RGB space and grey-scale scanned documents without requiring any specific document types, and scanning techniques. In this thesis, a page classification algorithm is proposed which mainly applies wavelet transform, Markov random field (MRF) and Hough transform to segment text, photo and strong edge/ line regions in both color and gray-scale scanned documents. The algorithm is developed to handle both simple and complex page layout structures and contents (text only vs. book cover that includes text, lines and/or photos). The methodology consists of five modules. In the first module, called pre-processing, image enhancements techniques such as image scaling, filtering, color space conversion or gamma correction are applied in order to reduce computation time and enhance the scanned document. The techniques, used to perform the classification, are employed on the one-fourth resolution input image in the CIEL*a*b* color space. In the second module, the text detection module uses wavelet analysis to generate a text-region candidate map which is enhanced by applying a Run Length Encoding (RLE) technique for verification purposes. The third module, photo detection, initially uses block-wise segmentation which is based on basis vector projection technique. Then, MRF with maximum a-posteriori (MAP) optimization framework is utilized to generate photo map. Next, Hough transform is applied to locate lines in the fourth module. Techniques for edge detection, edge linkages, and line-segment fitting are used to detect strong-edges in the module as well. After those three classification maps are obtained, in the last module a final page layout map is generated by using K-Means. Features are extracted to classify the intersection regions and merge into one classification map with K-Means clustering. The proposed technique is tested on several hundred images and its performance is validated by utilizing Confusion Matrix (CM). It shows that the technique achieves an average of 85% classification accuracy rate in text, photo, and background regions on a variety of scanned documents like articles, magazines, business-cards, dictionaries or newsletters etc. More importantly, it performs independently from a scanning process and an input scanned document (RGB or gray-scale) with comparable classification quality

    Video genre categorization and representation using audio-visual information

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    International audienceWe propose an audio-visual approach to video genre classification using content descriptors that exploit audio, color, temporal, and contour information. Audio information is extracted at block-level, which has the advantage of capturing local temporal information. At the temporal structure level, we consider action content in relation to human perception. Color perception is quantified using statistics of color distribution, elementary hues, color properties, and relationships between colors. Further, we compute statistics of contour geometry and relationships. The main contribution of our work lies in harnessingn the descriptive power of the combination of these descriptors in genre classification. Validation was carried out on over 91 h of video footage encompassing 7 common video genres, yielding average precision and recall ratios of 87% to 100% and 77% to 100%, respectively, and an overall average correct classification of up to 97%. Also, experimental comparison as part of the MediaEval 2011 benchmarkingn campaign demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed audiovisual descriptors over other existing approaches. Finally, we discuss a 3-D video browsing platform that displays movies using efaturebased coordinates and thus regroups them according to genre
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