6 research outputs found

    Automatic drum transcription for polyphonic recordings using soft attention mechanisms and convolutional neural networks

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    Automatic drum transcription is the process of generating symbolic notation for percussion instruments within audio recordings. To date, recurrent neural network (RNN) systems have achieved the highest evaluation accuracies for both drum solo and polyphonic recordings, however the accuracies within a polyphonic context still remain relatively low. To improve accuracy for polyphonic recordings, we present two approaches to the ADT problem: First, to capture the dynamism of features in multiple time-step hidden layers, we propose the use of soft attention mechanisms (SA) and an alternative RNN configuration containing additional peripheral connections (PC). Second, to capture these same trends at the input level, we propose the use of a convolutional neural network (CNN), which uses a larger set of time-step features. In addition, we propose the use of a bidirectional recurrent neural network (BRNN) in the peak-picking stage. The proposed systems are evaluated along with two state-of-the-art ADT systems in five evaluation scenarios, including a newly-proposed evaluation methodology designed to assess the generalisability of ADT systems. The results indicate that all of the newly proposed systems achieve higher accuracies than the stateof- the-art RNN systems for polyphonic recordings and that the additional BRNN peak-picking stage offers slight improvement in certain contexts

    Sigmoidal NMFD : convolutional NMF with saturating activations for drum mixture decomposition

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    In many types of music, percussion plays an essential role to establish the rhythm and the groove of the music. Algorithms that can decompose the percussive signal into its constituent components would therefore be very useful, as they would enable many analytical and creative applications. This paper describes a method for the unsupervised decomposition of percussive recordings, building on the non-negative matrix factor deconvolution (NMFD) algorithm. Given a percussive music recording, NMFD discovers a dictionary of time-varying spectral templates and corresponding activation functions, representing its constituent sounds and their positions in the mix. We observe, however, that the activation functions discovered using NMFD do not show the expected impulse-like behavior for percussive instruments. We therefore enforce this behavior by specifying that the activations should take on binary values: either an instrument is hit, or it is not. To this end, we rewrite the activations as the output of a sigmoidal function, multiplied with a per-component amplitude factor. We furthermore define a regularization term that biases the decomposition to solutions with saturated activations, leading to the desired binary behavior. We evaluate several optimization strategies and techniques that are designed to avoid poor local minima. We show that incentivizing the activations to be binary indeed leads to the desired impulse-like behavior, and that the resulting components are better separated, leading to more interpretable decompositions