283 research outputs found

    Monitoring and Information Alignment in Pursuit of an IoT-Enabled Self-Sustainable Interoperability

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    To remain competitive with big corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often need to be more dynamic, adapt to new business situations, react faster, and thereby survive in today‘s global economy. To do so, SMEs normally seek to create consortiums, thus gaining access to new and more opportunities. However, this strategy may also lead to complications. Due to the different sources of enterprise models and semantics, organizations are experiencing difficulties in seamlessly exchanging vital information via electronic means. In their attempt to address this issue, most seek to achieve interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or by using neutral data standards to regulate communications in optimized networks. Moreover, systems are more and more dynamic, frequently changing to answer new customer‘s requirements, causing new interoperability problems and a reduction of efficiency. Another situation that is constantly changing is the devices used in the enterprises, as the Enterprise Information Systems, devices are used to register internal data, and to be used to monitor several aspects. These devices are constantly changing, following the evolution and growth of the market. So, it is important to monitor these devices and doing a model representation of them. This dissertation proposes a self-sustainable interoperable framework to monitor existing enterprise information systems and their devices, monitor the device/enterprise network for changes and automatically detecting model changes. With this, network harmonization disruptions are detected in a timely way, and possible solutions are suggested to regain the interoperable status, thus enhancing robustness for reaching sustainability of business networks along time

    Sustainability of systems interoperability in dynamic business networks

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresCollaborative networked environments emerged with the spread of the internet, contributing to overcome past communication barriers, and identifying interoperability as an essential property to support businesses development. When achieved seamlessly, efficiency is increased in the entire product life cycle support. However, due to the different sources of knowledge, models and semantics, enterprise organisations are experiencing difficulties exchanging critical information, even when they operate in the same business environments. To solve this issue, most of them try to attain interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or use neutral data and product standards as the core for information sharing, in optimized networks. In current industrial practice, the model mappings that regulate enterprise communications are only defined once, and most of them are hardcoded in the information systems. This solution has been effective and sufficient for static environments, where enterprise and product models are valid for decades. However, more and more enterprise systems are becoming dynamic, adapting and looking forward to meet further requirements; a trend that is causing new interoperability disturbances and efficiency reduction on existing partnerships. Enterprise Interoperability (EI) is a well established area of applied research, studying these problems, and proposing novel approaches and solutions. This PhD work contributes to that research considering enterprises as complex and adaptive systems, swayed to factors that are making interoperability difficult to sustain over time. The analysis of complexity as a neighbouring scientific domain, in which features of interoperability can be identified and evaluated as a benchmark for developing a new foundation of EI, is here proposed. This approach envisages at drawing concepts from complexity science to analyse dynamic enterprise networks and proposes a framework for sustaining systems interoperability, enabling different organisations to evolve at their own pace, answering the upcoming requirements but minimizing the negative impact these changes can have on their business environment

    Monitoring morphisms to support sustainable interoperability of enterprise systems

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    Dissertation to obtain the Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceNowadays, organizations are required to be part of a global collaborative world. Sometimes this is the only way they can access new and wider markets, reaching new opportunities, skills and sharing assets, e.g. tools, lessons learnt. However, due to the different sources of enterprise models and semantics, organizations are experiencing difficulties in exchanging vital information via electronic and in a seamlessly way. To solve this issue, most of them try to attain interoperability by establishing peer-to-peer mappings with different business partners, or in optimized networks using neutral data standards to regulate communications. Moreover, the systems are more and more dynamic, changing frequently to answer new customer’s requirements, causing new interoperability problems and a reduction of efficiency. This dissertation proposes a multi-agent system to monitor existing enterprise systems, by being capable of detecting morphism changes. With this, network harmonization breakings are timely detected, and possible solutions are suggested to regain the interoperable status, thus enhancing robustness for reaching sustainability of business networks

    Methodology for collaborative enterprise reference ontology building

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    Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the Master degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceIn the actual competitive world, doing business globally has become critical to the survival of most enterprises. It is becoming each day more and more difficult for small enterprises to grow by operating alone in the market. Hence, most companies started feeling the need for joining collaborative environments becoming easier to manage their products and services, and where they can offer better products with low production costs. To achieve this, enterprises require the establishment of cooperation agreements among each other with the idea of expanding their business networks. Consequently there is a demand for intelligent solutions capable of reinforcing partnerships and collaborations between enterprises, organised groups or singular people. However, due to the worldwide diversity of communities, a high number of knowledge representation elements, such as ontologies, which are not semantically coincident, have appeared representing the same segment of reality. Even operating in the same domain, enterprises do not understand each other, making the communication among various systems parties more difficult and sometimes impracticable. This dissertation responds to the needs identified above, proposing a collaborative methodology for ontology building, enriched with qualitative information collection methods, to effectively improve the approach to elicit knowledge from business domain experts, towards interoperable intelligent systems. This methodology allows different individuals from enterprises or organisations working on the same field or area, to join a collaborative environment for building a common ontology specific to their ―Domain of Discourse‖. To accomplish this, several steps are taken including terms and definitions gathering, glossary and thesaurus building, and ontology mapping

    Federated approach for enterprise interoperability (a reversible model driven and HLA based methodology)

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    L'interopérabilité est une des caractéristiques requises pour les entreprises évoluant dans un marché globalisé à la concurrence croissante et complexe. Dans la dernière décennie, l'interopérabilité des entreprises a été développée et prescrite par différents types de cadres, de méthodes et de techniques. Cependant, le développement de l'interopérabilité n'est pas encore assez mature pour être considéré en tant que science à part entière. Par ailleurs, il ne cesse d'évoluer en fonction des besoins des entreprises,de leurs environnements et des différents secteurs d activité. Aujourd'hui, l'environnement s organise en réseaux multipleet provoque d imprévisibles situations liées à leurs dynamiques (création, modification, résilience). Ainsi l interopérabilité durable devient une dimension nouvelle de recherche pour l'interopérabilité des systèmes d'entreprise et de leurs domaines d'applications. Dans l'interopérabilité durable, l'interopérabilité d'entreprise dynamique est l'un des thèmes focaux. Cette approche dynamique, également appelée fédérée , est originaire du cadre d'interopérabilité de l'Entreprise proposée dans le Réseau d Excellence (NoE)INTEROP. Il vise à donner la capacité aux entreprises d établir une interopérabilité à la volée sans connaissance préalable des informations à échanger. Cette thèse présente l'état actuel des travaux qui se rapprochent du développement de l'interopérabilité des entreprises fédérés en dynamique. Ces travaux de thèse mettent tout d abord en évidence l intérêt de la redécouverte de modèles à partir d un système existant avant de concevoir un futur système. Une méthodologie de réverse engineering dirigée par les modèles et basée sur la norme de simulation distribuée HLA est proposée pour concevoir et développerpar l'approche fédérée d'interopérabilité le futur système d information de l entreprise. La phase de mise en œuvre réutilise les concepts d interopérabilité issusde la simulation distribuée pour faciliter et coordonner la communication entre les systèmes d'information distribués hétérogènes des entreprises en combinant avec les dernières orientation service actuelle du web. La plate-forme tend ainsi à satisfaire les attentes de la dernière version du standard de l'architecture de haut niveau HLA 1516 Evolved. Ce cadre propose donc un cycle complet de développement pour qui a l'intention de réutiliser un système d'information existant sans recoder ex-nilo, mais en l adaptant aux nouvelles exigences de la dynamique d'interopérabilité.Interoperability is one of the requisite features for existing enterprises in the increasing competitive and complex global market. In the last decade, enterprise interoperability has been developed and prescribed by various kinds of frameworks, methods, and techniques. However interoperability development is still not mature enough to become a science. Meanwhile, it keeps evolving according to different business requirement and market environment. Nowadays, networked environment causes unpredictable dynamical situations, thus sustainable interoperability becomes a new research dimension in the interoperability of enterprise systems and applications domain. In the sustainable interoperability, enterprise interoperability dynamics is one of the focal topics. This dynamic approach also called federated is originated from Enterprise Interoperability Framework of INTEROP NoE, which aims to establish interoperability on the fly. This thesis presents current state on federated approaches to develop enterprise interoperability dynamics. Based on this study, a reversible model driven and HLA based methodology is proposed for achieving federated approach for Enterprise Interoperability. It reuses distributed simulation interoperability concepts to facilitate and coordinate the communication between heterogeneous distributed information systems of the enterprises. The platform is complaint with the latest version of the High Level Architecture (HLA) that is a distributed communication standard. This framework is also proposing a development lifecycle that intends to reuse existing information systems without recoding them but by adapting them to the new requirements of interoperability dynamics.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 2013

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    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Semantic adaptability for the systems interoperability

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    In the current global and competitive business context, it is essential that enterprises adapt their knowledge resources in order to smoothly interact and collaborate with others. However, due to the existent multiculturalism of people and enterprises, there are different representation views of business processes or products, even inside a same domain. Consequently, one of the main problems found in the interoperability between enterprise systems and applications is related to semantics. The integration and sharing of enterprises knowledge to build a common lexicon, plays an important role to the semantic adaptability of the information systems. The author proposes a framework to support the development of systems to manage dynamic semantic adaptability resolution. It allows different organisations to participate in a common knowledge base building, letting at the same time maintain their own views of the domain, without compromising the integration between them. Thus, systems are able to be aware of new knowledge, and have the capacity to learn from it and to manage its semantic interoperability in a dynamic and adaptable way. The author endorses the vision that in the near future, the semantic adaptability skills of the enterprise systems will be the booster to enterprises collaboration and the appearance of new business opportunities

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen