22 research outputs found

    Deformable Model for 3D Intramodal Nonrigid Breast Image Registration with Fiducial Skin Markers

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    We implemented a new approach to intramodal non-rigid 3D breast image registration. Our method uses fiducial skin markers (FSM) placed on the breast surface. After determining the displacements of FSM, finite element method (FEM) is used to distribute the markers’ displacements linearly over the entire breast volume using the analogy between the orthogonal components of the displacement field and a steady state heat transfer (SSHT). It is valid because the displacement field in x, y and z direction and a SSHT problem can both be modeled using LaPlace’s equation and the displacements are analogous to temperature differences in SSHT. It can be solved via standard heat conduction FEM software with arbitrary conductivity of surface elements significantly higher than that of volume elements. After determining the displacements of the mesh nodes over the entire breast volume, moving breast volume is registered to target breast volume using an image warping algorithm. Very good quality of the registration was obtained. Following similarity measurements were estimated: Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), Normalized Correlation Coefficient (NCC) and Sum of Absolute Valued Differences (SAVD). We also compared our method with rigid registration technique

    3D shape reconstruction of the femur from planar X-ray images using statistical shape and appearance models

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    Major trauma is a condition that can result in severe bone damage. Customised orthopaedic reconstruction allows for limb salvage surgery and helps to restore joint alignment. For the best possible outcome three dimensional (3D) medical imaging is necessary, but its availability and access, especially in developing countries, can be challenging. In this study, 3D bone shapes of the femur reconstructed from planar radiographs representing bone defects were evaluated for use in orthopaedic surgery. Statistical shape and appearance models generated from 40 cadaveric X-ray computed tomography (CT) images were used to reconstruct 3D bone shapes. The reconstruction simulated bone defects of between 0% and 50% of the whole bone, and the prediction accuracy using anterior–posterior (AP) and anterior–posterior/medial–lateral (AP/ML) X-rays were compared. As error metrics for the comparison, measures evaluating the distance between contour lines of the projections as well as a measure comparing similarities in image intensities were used. The results were evaluated using the root-mean-square distance for surface error as well as differences in commonly used anatomical measures, including bow, femoral neck, diaphyseal–condylar and version angles between reconstructed surfaces from the shape model and the intact shape reconstructed from the CT image. The reconstructions had average surface errors between 1.59 and 3.59 mm with reconstructions using the contour error metric from the AP/ML directions being the most accurate. Predictions of bow and femoral neck angles were well below the clinical threshold accuracy of 3°, diaphyseal–condylar angles were around the threshold of 3° and only version angle predictions of between 5.3° and 9.3° were above the clinical threshold, but below the range reported in clinical practice using computer navigation (i.e., 17° internal to 15° external rotation). This study shows that the reconstructions from partly available planar images using statistical shape and appearance models had an accuracy which would support their potential use in orthopaedic reconstruction

    A novel model-based 3D+time left ventricular segmentation technique

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    A common approach to model-based segmentation is to assume a top-down modelling strategy. However, this is not feasible for complex 3D+time structures such as the cardiac left ventricle due to increased training requirements, aligning difficulties and local minima in resulting models. As our main contribution, we present an alternate bottom-up modelling approach. By combining the variation captured in multiple dimensionally-targeted models at segmentation-time we create a scalable segmentation framework that does not suffer from the ’curse of dimensionality’. Our second contribution involves a flexible contour coupling technique that allows our segmentation method to adapt to unseen contour configurations outside the training set. This is used to identify the endo- and epi-cardium contours of the left ventricle by coupling them at segmentationtime, instead of at model-time. We apply our approach to 33 3D+time MRI cardiac datasets and perform comprehensive evaluation against several state-of-the-art works. Quantitative evaluation illustrates that our method requires significantly less training than state-of-the-art model-based methods, while maintaining or improving segmentation accuracy

    A bone-thickness map as a guide for bone-anchored port implantation surgery in the temporal bone

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    The bone-anchored port (BAP) is an investigational implant, which is intended to be fixed on the temporal bone and provide vascular access. There are a number of implants taking advantage of the stability and available room in the temporal bone. These devices range from implantable hearing aids to percutaneous ports. During temporal bone surgery, injuring critical anatomical structures must be avoided. Several methods for computer-assisted temporal bone surgery are reported, which typically add an additional procedure for the patient. We propose a surgical guide in the form of a bone-thickness map displaying anatomical landmarks that can be used for planning of the surgery, and for the intra-operative decision of the implant’s location. The retro-auricular region of the temporal and parietal bone was marked on cone-beam computed tomography scans and tridimensional surfaces displaying the bone thickness were created from this space. We compared this method using a thickness map (n = 10) with conventional surgery without assistance (n = 5) in isolated human anatomical whole head specimens. The use of the thickness map reduced the rate of Dura Mater exposition from 100% to 20% and OPEN ACCESS Materials 2013, 6 5292 suppressed sigmoid sinus exposures. The study shows that a bone-thickness map can be used as a low-complexity method to improve patient’s safety during BAP surgery in the temporal bone

    Geometric PCA of Images

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    We describe a method for analyzing the principal modes of geometric variability of images. For this purpose, we propose a general framework based on the use of deformation operators for modeling the geometric variability of images around a reference mean pattern. In this setting, we describe a simple algorithm for estimating the geometric variability of a set of images. Some numerical experiments on real data are proposed for highlighting the benefits of this approach. The consistency of this procedure is also analyzed in statistical deformable models