5 research outputs found

    Automatic analysis of UV-induced fluorescence imagery of historical violins

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    In recent years, UV-induced fluorescence (UVIFL) photography has proven to be very effective when studying the surface of historical musical instruments, such as violins. This technique makes it possible to highlight superficial details not clearly perceptible with visible light (e.g., retouchings, superficial distribution of varnishes, or wear). The data retrieved are also an important guide for further noninvasive spectroscopic analyses used when the chemical composition of the surface needs to be investigated. However, UVIFL imagery interpretation of a historical violin is no trivial task. In fact, constant playing and the multiple restorations over the centuries have produced very complex surfaces. This work presents an automatic tool designed to facilitate this kind of analysis. Using a quantized histogram in HSV color space, the distribution of the main fluorescence colors on an instrument's surface can be highlighted, recurrence of the same color in different areas of the same violin can be detected, or different violins can be compared. UVIFL images of seven Stradivarius violins kept in the Museo del Violino in Cremona, Italy, were used as a test set. The results achieved endorse the validity of the proposed approach

    UV-Vis Luminescence imaging techniques/ Técnicas de imagen de luminiscencia UV-Vis

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    Ever since its first introduction in the field of conservation, the role of UV-VIS luminescence/fluores-cence (UVL and UVf, respectively) imaging has been expanding.The unique and significant contribution of this technique for investigation of cultural heritage has led to the development of new methodol-ogies and applications. Each chapter in this volume can be read independently. While this means that some repetition may occur between the individual chapters, in particular regarding the explanation of terminology and methodology, such overlap provides interesting op-portunities for cross-comparison of both terminol-ogy and methodology. In addition, it highlights similarities and differences between different situations in the practical applicationFuster López, L.; Stols-Witlox, M.; Picollo, M. (2020). UV-Vis Luminescence imaging techniques/ Técnicas de imagen de luminiscencia UV-Vis. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/138517EDITORIA